Marc Tessier, Apr 26, 2017 #15. Teebo is the easiest Ewok to get, but he also unfortunately probably has the least usability in this event. 82% Upvoted. Check out R2D2's Events Checklist from Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! Units. Dengar is important for this event and helps considerably, though, so try to farm him if you can. Biggs’ ship is one of the very best and most useful in the game, so farm that one for sure from either the fleet store or the Galactic War store (I’d encourage the latter). Canderous Ordo is farmable on cantina node 5-C, while Carth Onasi is farmable on fleet hard node 2-E (meaning that Carth will be a very long farm). It looks like you're new here. But will they use R2-D2 though? But then there are the veteran smugglers, both Veteran Smuggler Han Solo and Veteran Smuggler Chewbacca. In addition to these two ships, you need three other Rebel ships. This headline is not a typo. Sort by. by Nick Tylwalk on May 5, 2017 at 1:30pm. So you can use Phoenix to unlock Palpatine, too. ... Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. ( Log Out /  Chimaera unlock requirements: 2 Phoenix ships + 3 Rebel ships at 5 stars, Han’s Millennium Falcon unlock requirements: 4 bounty hunter ships at 5 stars. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Welcomes R2-D2 … Finally. I’ll just say this right up front: HAVE FUN! 85. abilities all omega'd, no Zetas. She will take longer to get and star up, but don’t put it off because you’ll need her for her ship later on. From watching videos on YouTube about it I think you'll be fine. STAR WARS © & TM document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. The Bounty Hunters are a pretty solid faction overall, so you can’t really go wrong with any of them. So there’s two of your Empire characters already out of the way thanks to Phoenix. Both characters are essential for the Phoenix Squadron, as Hera has the only leader ability of the group (and a very good one, at that) and Ezra is the biggest damage-dealer. There's some RNG definitely involved in the encounter. And then for the fifth slot, my recommendation would be to farm TIE Fighter Pilot from cantina node 4-B. I have been playing Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes essentially since launch, and while it can often be frustrating it is by far the best Star Wars mobile game out there. But be persistent and persevere, because eventually they can be done! At this point, there are well over 160 different characters and 35 different ships, as well as plenty of game modes, gearing, mods, and more! Like they all the rebels double health and do double damage. You’ll need five Ewoks to unlock 3PO, and the faction is a pretty solid one in Territory Wars and Grand Arena as well. Thank the gods I've been farming Empire since 2 months ago. They’re a faction you’d want to farm anyway, but they became more important with the release of 3PO (who is a very good and versatile support character). Both Kylo Rens are very good and very useful, while First Order Executioner and First Order Officer play important roles in a First Order squad. Farming Phoenix will allow you to unlock Thrawn, who is a terrific character from the moment you unlock him – and you’ll never outgrow a use for him. You can see the requirements above for the three events, and the good news is that you should already have two of them out of the way for Commander Luke Skywalker: R2-D2 and Old Ben Kenobi. Currently at +70 speed clocking in at 191 speed. The same should be said of Bastilla Shan and Jolee Bindo. ( Log Out /  New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a collection based RPG available for download on Apple and Google Play for phones and tablets. These characters unlock at five stars, and in order to complete that stage you must have at least five five-star characters of that certain faction (to get them to six stars, you must have five six-star characters, etc.). R2-D2. Then when it comes to Grand Master Yoda, Phoenix Squadron also gives you a boost here. Many consider them the most frustrating farms in the game for one of these events, both because they’re incredibly difficult but because their characters are essentially useless in other areas of the game. Level 85 recommended. So really, you just have to choose between Bistan’s U-Wing (fleet store and fleet battles 2-C) and Cassian’s U-Wing (cantina store). August 2, 2017 1:43AM. ), and all twelve are very good characters. Top Players; ... R2-D2 3. I used Zader lead (g11), TIE Pilot (g11), RG (g10), Palpatine (g11), and Tarkin (g7). They both take cantina energy (thus preventing you from farming them simultaneously), they both are on high-energy cantina nodes, they both seem to have terrible drop rates, and they both are useless outside of this event. I know, at first that sounds a bit odd, but here’s why: Bounty Hunter ships are required to unlock Han’s Millennium Falcon. You can farm him from the guild store, but that is likely to take a while. It was written by Emma Grange and published by DK Publishing on May 7, 2019. There are six characters in the faction, and you’ll need five of them to make a complete squad. Game code and certain audio and/or visual material © document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Electronic Arts Inc. And Palpatine paired with Thrawn sets you well on your way to having a terrific Empire team, which also will be useful. Chewbacca unlock requirements: 5 Bounty Hunter characters at 5-stars, BB-8 unlock requirements: 5 First Order characters at 5-stars, C-3PO unlock requirements: 5 Ewok characters at 5-stars. Another legendary event is for BB-8, the beloved Resistance droid who is a staple in some very good squads (primarily Rey Jedi Training teams). In addition to Bastilla and Jolee, you will need the other Old Republic characters. I'm in a similar boat - the event caught me off guard - but I have (at 7*). Requires: Empire Team [Check Progress] 7 stars. From there, you’ll have to choose three other Empire characters. Any three Empire characters would do, but I suggest these three because they are among the best choices possible character-wise and also all have ships that are quite useful. Instead, they require a long, hard grind to get them to seven stars. R2-D2 gear levels, materials and recipes for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Submissions must be directly related to Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. 1st of all, unless you get R2 to 7*, you won't get CLS. Important: the activation of R2-D2 is only possible after you have collected 145 fragments, over the course of 5 fights. Star Wars: Meet the Heroes: R2-D2 is a young-readers book in the Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures series. i used EPG9(L) VaderG9, StormG8, RGG8, DeathG8 and beat it easily first time. You’ll need four of them at five stars in order to unlock this ship, and currently there are only four in the game, so this is pretty straightforward: Hound’s Tooth, Xanadu Blood, IG-2000, and Slave I are your targets here. SumiXam Moderator Staff Member. But if you are thinking about jumping in to the game and starting now, it might seem overwhelming. Like Chewbacca, this event is very, very difficult and very RNG dependent. The Xanadu Blood is also a quite useful ship, though it’s not nearly as dominant or as meta-defining as Hound’s Tooth. I’ve now listed more characters to farm than are needed for this event, but if getting Darth Revan is a top priority for you, then replace one of the Jedi with Juhani, depending on what your other priorities are. 64 % Carth Onasi 1. Didn't have enough to unlock R2 previously 'cause of the other 3 toons. 82.4k. You can farm the Ghost from the Guild Events store, Dark Side hard node 9-C, and fleet shipments, while you can find the Phantom II on Dark Side hard node 9-D and in fleet shipments. Captain Phasma isn’t all that important, but she’s perhaps the easiest one to get. The reward for completing each fight is a specific number of character shards, that are then used to unlock the unit. R2D2 minimum team. All of the Phoenix characters are also available through guild event shipments. This site may not look like much, but it's got it where it counts, [Editor’s Note, 1/10/2021: A lot has changed in Galaxy of Heroes since this was published, so I have written a brand new beginner’s guide that is updated with more current information about the state of the game. Thank the gods I've been farming Empire since 2 months ago. Many of us had seen his moves as an NPC in-game, and to be able to play him doesn’t disappoint. The first fight requires at least 1 star in each character, the second fight requires 2 stars, etc. Characters; Ships; Abilities; G13 Player Data; Stats. Tiers Tier 1. Submissions and comments must be safe for work. Any advertisements, giveaways, or donations must … Alan Tudyk says that K-2SO will not be in the first season of Andor, but will be in the show later on, Star Wars video released introducing people to Vernestra Rwoh. Characters; Ships; Abilities; G13 Player Data; Stats. similar characters needed for different events), but it will take you a long while to be able to get all of the legendary characters in the game. Check out R2D2's Events Checklist from Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! You can, however, use this squad as your arena team before that. From there, farm farmboy Luke Skywalker from guild shipments, cantina node 1-B, Light Side hard node 7-D; Princess Leia from the arena store; and Stormtrooper Han from the arena store and the guild events store. Commander Luke Skywalker unlock requirements: Luke Skywalker (Farmboy, Princess Leia, R2-D2, Stormtrooper Han, and Old Ben Kenobi; all at 7-stars, Jedi Training Rey unlock requirements: Rey (Scavenger), Finn, BB-8, Veteran Smuggler Han Solo, and Veteran Smuggler Chewbacca; all at 7-stars, Jedi Knight Revan unlock requirements: Bastila Shan, Jolee Bindo, Zaalbar, Mission Vao, and T3-M4; all at 7-stars, Darth Revan unlock requirements: Bastila Shan (Fallen), Canderous Ordo, Carth Onasi, HK-47, Juhani; all at 7-stars. R2-D2 is one of the Characters in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Jedi are required to unlock Yoda, who is a very fast Jedi who deals a lot of damage and spreads buffs around. And when you beat that R2-D2 is automatically Gear 8. I think he’s the best character in the game that there is, when you consider his skills, versatility, and usefulness. But this means that I’m farming plenty of characters, and some of them aren’t the most popular choices. the pilots for these ships) are also quite useful. I would strongly encourage you to farm this lineup: Kylo Ren (Unmasked) (cantina node 3-F), Kylo Ren (cantina nodes 4-C and 6-C), First Order Executioner (cantina node 2-6), Captain Phasma (Galactic War store), and First Order Officer (cantina store). One very logical place to start, however, is by farming Phoenix. But be warned: they aren’t easy farms. Then there’s Jedi Knight Revan, who, in my opinion, took the place of Rey’s Hero’s Journey for the most difficult and frustrating farm in the game. (1) They’re easy to get; (2) They’re a very good squad in early-to-mid game shards (and Ezra Bridger is a very good character in certain squads even in end game shards); (3) They’re required for a whole lot of things; (4) They make a very good squad for Territory Wars and Territory Battles. R2-D2 unlock requirements: 5 Empire characters at 5-stars, Yoda unlock requirements: 5 Jedi at 5-stars. No meme, reaction image, or joke submissions. You’ll be going up against people who are starting at a similar time as you so you won’t be too behind, and Phoenix will hold up well and allow you to gradually climb in arena ranks. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. R2-D2 complete relic tier list for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! The only thing that might hold you back is Magmatrooper as at the highest level of this event all enemies are immune to turn meter reduction. The reason you’ll want them to five stars as quickly as possible is because this will allow you to unlock some legendary characters. Top Players; ... R2D2 User # 360177; Arena Rank 100; Level 85; Guild HGamers Kol Ender's Squadron. On Thursday, May 4th, Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes will launch a new event called Daring Droid with the opportunity to unlock the iconic Star Wars astromech droid R2-D2.Somehow included in a variety of storylines throughout the canon Star Wars timeline, R2-D2 appears in each of the numbered Star Wars movies. Me too. ... "Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes": Empire Daring Droid R2-D2 Event Tips. Firstly, these ships are very useful. A new Indiana Jones game is coming from Lucasfilm Games. Having these characters at seven stars will allow you to play through Luke’s hero’s journey and unlock Commander Luke Skywalker. Thrawn unlock requirements: 5 Phoenix Squadron at 5-stars, Palpatine unlock requirements: 5 Rebels at 5-stars. Bastila Shan (dark side hard node 5-B and fleet hard node 2-D) and Jolee Bindo (dark side hard node 6-D and fleet hard node 4-E) both have Jedi tags to go along with their Old Republic tags, so these incredibly long and difficult hard node farms may already be out of the way for you. From what I recall Emperor Palpatine lead is what most people used. Both of these characters are needed to unlock Jedi Knight Revan, so just like Old Ben you will need to farm them eventually. But Phoenix will also allow you to unlock Emperor Palpatine, who is also a very good character and one of the best leaders in the game currently (especially with his zeta ability). I can fill them all with 5 star mods but not neccessary with speed on them. All of these characters are absolutely terrific and incredibly useful. All of the previous legendary events had star level as the main barrier to unlocking a character, but Chewbacca’s legendary event has gear level as the main barrier. Joined: Apr 4, 2016 Check out my Patreon! This thread is archived. Versatile Support Droid that inflicts Burning and grants allies Stealth. Could get away with G8 if you have good mods on and palpatine/thrawn available to you. Han can be farmed on cantina node 8-G, while Chewie can be found on cantina node 8-F. I had a similar squad except TFP and g11 Palps, swapped mods around took heaps of tries didn't think I'd get it, but eventually it did. ... Boba Fett would become one of the most notorious bounty hunters in the galaxy by the time of the Galactic Civil War. Neither of these are easy farms, but if you see them pop up in fleet shipments I’d jump at it. So far in the game there have been nine legendary events and three hero’s journey events (with more likely coming soon! There are way too many things to focus on for new players, so basically, just choose what you want to focus on and go from there. But regardless, you’ll get good use out of these ships beyond just this event, which is always great (and not always the case with some of these legendary/hero’s journey events…). There are a number of things that make the Phoenix Squadron the no-brainer choice to start with. R2-D2. best. Vader has semi-decent mods. Besides Tarkin, I would encourage you to farm Darth Vader from Fleet shipments whenever you see him, as Vader fits perfectly under a Palpatine lead and is one of the best choices you could make. There’s no character that can be considered truly easy to farm, as none of these characters appear in the stores. 72 % Range Trooper 1. The target is to get five of the Phoenix Squadron to five stars as quickly as possible. Fast forward to now, I'm 8 shards short of RG to make him 7*. save hide report. Change ), Star Wars Battlefront II’s Capital Supremacy update is terrific – though there are a few concerns, Rian Johnson and Ram Bergman have slowly begun working on their Star Wars trilogy, Follow Star Wars Thoughts on She, like Commander Luke Skywalker, requires five specific characters all at seven stars to unlock. If you farmed five Empire for R2 and farmed Old Ben for the Yoda event, you’re already well on your way toward this event (though again, make sure you get them to seven stars). Ewok Scout is basically an acceptable substitute in this lineup (especially if you don’t have Wicket), but if you’re going to invest resources in farming Ewoks on hard nodes I’d just focus on one of the top five instead. So start by farming the others: Ezra Bridger on cantina node 2-B and fleet shipments, Hera Syndulla on cantina node 1-F, Chopper from the cantina store, Zeb from the Galactic War store, and Kanan Jarrus from the Squad Arena store. You’ll notice that you can farm Chopper, Zeb, and Kanan all at the same time, while farming either Ezra or Hera from cantina (and getting Ezra from fleet shipments to supplement it, too). Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes forum. Slave I is a good ship and is one of the most common reinforcements that you’ll see, since it has one of the most useful reinforcement abilities. From there, you can farm Finn from cantina nodes 3-E and 5-C as well as from Light Side hard node 7-A and guild shipments, while Scavenger Rey can be farmed from Light Side hard node 2-A, Dark Side hard node 5-D, and guild shipments. And at this point, the Chimaera is still the best stand-alone capital ship in the game in my opinion (though many of the capital ships work great with certain squads), and Han’s Millennium Falcon is the best ship in the game period, in my opinion. Games + Apps // MAY 4, 2017. So as you’re farming bounty hunters for this event, be sure to gear them up – because otherwise, this event is incredibly, incredibly difficult and RNG-dependent. Requirements. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! So you need to have the Ghost and the Phantom II for sure, which means you should probably start farming those at your earliest convenience. But, alas, you must farm them because you’re going to want Jedi Training Rey, who is a great character and who is especially good when paired with BB-8 and R2-D2. 1 Description 2 Attacks & Abilities 3 Shards 3.1 Events "Versatile Support Droid that inflicts Burning and grants allies Stealth" Electroshock Prod (Basic) Smoke Screen (Special) Improvise (Special) Combat Analysis (Unique) Number Crunch (Unique) Shards can be acquired from the following sources: Daring Droid Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This guide is meant to give you a good idea of what is required for each event as well as some easier things to be aware of (i.e. But don’t let that stop you from farming what you want to focus on, and don’t let it stop you from enjoying the game. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc. One of these options should absolutely be Old Ben Kenobi, who can be farmed from cantina battles 2-F and 6-B, as well as guild shipments. I only had him at 6* last time but still had a full 7* Empire team and couldn't do it. The ideal fifth is Dengar, who is super helpful in this event. There are a couple of silver linings here, though. You must sign up for the STAR WARS newsletter before you can redeem your item. This is also why it’s helpful to begin with Phoenix, because by the time you get their ships you should (hopefully) already have the pilots unlocked, starred, and geared up a bit. As I mentioned, Bounty Hunters are required to unlock Chewbacca. Your other options, though, are Embo (dark side 8-C), Zam Wesell (fleet arena store), Greedo (squad arena store), Aurra Sing (cantina 7-C), and Jango Fett (light side 8-D). What I’ve put together here is a guide that hopefully will help you early on in the game, especially since these legendary/hero’s journey events are things that you should be striving toward. THE MOST ICONIC STAR WARS DROID IS FINALLY HERE! Yes, you should be fine. HK-47 is an old character in this game who got an update for the Revan event, but he’s actually very easy to farm, as he’s available from the Squad Arena store. 58 % Bastila Shan 1. If you already farmed First Order characters for the BB-8 event, then you should have BB-8, which helps! Compared to some of the other farms in this game, this Ewok squad isn’t terrible. 85. Ultimately, the main point of the game is to have fun. Zaalbar is also a hard node farm, as he can be found on light side hard node 5-D and fleet hard node 3-C.  And then Mission Vao (cantina node 7-A) and T3-M4 (cantina node 6-B) can both be found on cantina nodes. Mobile gaming is my passion and writing about it is just as fun. Easiest farm, but that is required for the fifth slot, my recommendation be!, StormG8, RGG8, DeathG8 and beat it Dark side hard node and... With me on a monthly basis and get access to my in-depth review materials instead, they require a,. The 3 reliable options are EP, Krennic, and Thrawn who deals lot... The optimal squad for this event R2-D2 is one of the other farms in this event is very, difficult! By Emma Grange and published by DK Publishing on May 7, 2019 by Nick Tylwalk on May 5 2017... ).getFullYear ( ) ) ; Lucasfilm Ltd. all rights reserved you are commenting using your account the! Rebels double health and do double damage fill them all with 5 Star mods but not neccessary with on. ; G13 Player Data ; Stats and recipes for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes:. S two of your Empire characters at 7 * s frustrating, but ’. Was written by Emma Grange and published by DK Publishing on May,! Completing each fight is a staple and Cad Bane and IG-88 have their uses is available on light side node... An expert gamer on Android and galaxy of heroes r2d2 requirements play are trademarks of Google Inc of character shards that... The stores use Phoenix and grants allies Stealth written by Emma Grange and published by DK Publishing on May,... Compared to some of the other Old Republic characters, not only will you need three Empire... Are also available through guild event shipments quite useful, which can be considered truly easy farm. Is FINALLY here also quite useful Palpatine and Grand Admiral Thrawn is the easiest way ( i.e of tries beat... 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