You, like, disappear for a month, and then you call me?! So when Tom and I got separated in the gallery, I went back into the dining room and got the knife. What part of that statement is supposed to lure me into a conversation? I assumed it was for all those arrests I made last month. [In the initial broadcast & DVD, the theme song is replaced by a credit sequence and montage of the Griffins driving to the manor. I'd like to introduce you to my lovely companion, Pricilla. Back to page | < Talk:And Then There Were Fewer. Hey, you hear that, fellas? I should go. But he wronged one of us enough to want revenge. No. Now, we're gonna search the house, and we're gonna move as one. Y... You don't know this? Television and movie themes won't be counted in most cases. ♪ And we're all at least in our late 50s. With Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mila Kunis. And Then There Were Fewer. Lois, Redbook. Comedy. If you will all please follow me to third floor, I show you to your rooms. Have you guys ever seen Jim Henson's Labyrinth? And I am not saying another word until I talk to my lawyer, because... Well, as long as there's a murderer on the loose, none of us are safe. All right, nobody leaves this room until he gets back. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. There's just two big clusters on each side of the country. I knew I couldn't risk her revealing that I had engineered this whole gathering... so I killed her. You know, you... we... You and I see each other from time to time. All right, it looks like we're stuck here. James Woods never bought anything in my pharmacy. Well, actually, Lois and I were just about to go for a quick walk, weren't we, Lois? Well! All right, does anyone have a cell phone? Lois: I mean, how could she have known you'd be anchoring alone? Yeah. In the meantime, if you're … A member of Mensa, a huge hit with the ladies, someone who, you know, would have broken out bigger if he weren't so impossible to work with. With Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mila Kunis. (Squeaky sobbing) Oh, Jillian, I'm so sorry. Consuela: Mr. Mort. If I can get up to the roof or something, maybe I can get a stronger signal and call the police. He took the Twitter name MayorWest, so now I have to use Mayor_West. ♪ Linda Evans and John Forsythe. Why am I trying to figure this out when I could be listening to my tapes in the car? When the remaining group sees Tom Tucker as the murderer, Peter says "Tell that to Mike Judge! Shut up. Oh, yeah, like she's going to answer you, Tom. English. 5 years ago | 108 views. Comparison: TV Version; DVD Version; Release: Oct 14, 2011 - Author: Muck47 - Translator: Mr Miau - external link: IMDB - more from this series. Well, we got an invitation to a dinner in my honor. It was a whole thing. Family Guy - Season 9: And Then There Were Fewer - Pt 2 - The finger of blame for the murders continues to point at different people, as even more of the group turns up dead. You shouldn't have stopped to say hi to me. Please recognize when I'm acting out of the ordinary because I'm in danger. No. It was a very special extended episode on TV already (around 47 minutes), but the DVD version is another 8 minutes longer. I'm not great with that stuff sometimes. Is anyone there? Family Guy. Mr. Joe. This is JamesimusPrime2798's Movie Spoof Parody on Family Guy And Then There Were Fewer. And that leaves one three-person team of Mort, Consuela, and Mayor West. Directed by John Holmquist and written by Steve Callaghan, the episode originally aired on Fox in the United States on February 14, 2010. ♪ I'm not, I'm just asking for the key. He replaced my Cialis with methamphetamines! The fact that no one has said anything makes it even more obvious that everyone has noticed. He only fourteen, and he cry, and then, he shoot himself in the face. ), Oh, well. The residents of Quahog are invited to James Woods' house, where a murder mystery takes place. And now this Robert Englund is the talk of the town. I followed Derek outside and did what I had to do. Have you ever seen the Channel Five News? ♪ Think Joan Collins. Yeah, you've been terrorizing our family for years. Lois, Redbook. It had been nine months that they were happily married and life couldn't get any better. I don't believe you. So all we have to do is find that Golden Globe and we'll have our murder weapon... And if we're lucky, it may just mean we'll have our killer. I barely had enough time to plant the Golden Globe in Tom's room and run back downstairs, where I took advantage of the commotion and joined the crowd as they were all running outside. James Woods promised to introduce me to Dan Rather. I guess that means you don't want anyone to see it. Easily one of the funniest episodes of the show, "PTV" was also a slight jab at Family Guy's often difficult relationship with the FCC. Muriel, if you're not gonna eat your half of the cheeseburger, I'll see if they have a freezer, so I can keep it nice. I know someone has done this I have tried really hard to avoid what hes done - this is my favourite family guy episode and i decided to create this and i uploaded it to see what you think of it . Give me the key. Hassle in the Castle (Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! Good. Well, actually, this dinner honors all of you. You hear that tone you're using? The question is, who here wanted James Woods dead? Tune in to learn the answers when Family Guy's "And Then There Were Fewer" airs on Sunday September 26th, at 9:00pm ET on Fox. It originally aired on Fox in the United States on March 20, 2011. Follow. She came into my life as if out of nowhere, enchanted me beyond my wildest dreams, and opened my eyes to the cleansing truth of Jesus Christ's love. And I booked the lead role in Nightmare on Elm Street. Will you just anchor the news by yourself? Wilsonmadin60. The power outage provided a perfect cover. ♪ Do you hear yourself? I knew a hot, young woman like Priscilla could manipulate him into doing anything I wanted. Mr. Muriel.Mayor West Mister. It says here it's for the whole weekend. Lois, are any of my Hot Wheels in the bathroom? "Peter Griffin, you and your family are cordially invited to a gala dinner in your honor at Rocky Point Manor.". ♪, ♪ It was a pretty big deal for Diahann Carroll ♪ Shut up. ♪ Come on, guys, can't we all just be glad she's dead? Of course, Priscilla knew nothing of my real intentions, but she played the part beautifully, nonetheless. The episode follows the citizens of Quahog after they are invited by actor James Woods to his stately mansion on a remote island. ", a reference to the Alfred Hitchcock movie, When dressed in armor, Peter says "Go-go Gadget Skis! There's no clock there! /// Is it a shot-for-shot, or is it possibly a coincidence? I think we've learned a little something about our friendly neighborhood policeman today. She never called me Pete. The FCC starts to censor everyone in Quahog. Let's look around and see if we can find any more clues. So the murderer had to improvise and finish the job by stabbing him. He threatened to blackmail her by turning her in to the Feds. The Making of 'And Then There Were Fewer'", "Brian & Stewie: The Lost Phone Call", "The History of the World According to Family Guy" and the Family Guy panel at the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con International, along with audio commentaries, animatics and deleted scenes. Oh, no. He's been hit on the head by a blunt object. But I'm not the killer! And welcome to my new chapter in the Family Guy series! Brian smiled as he petted her fur back. I think you are a God. Meg, Teen People. Three weeks from now, I'll be off the air. Look! Edit. Family Guy Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. I suppose it crawled under your bed all by itself. Sorry, Carl. Shut up. Directed by Dominic Polcino, James Purdum, Peter Shin. I slipped in with the rest of the group, when they all converged on the scene. Oh, my God, it was you. But that's when Derek went out to the balcony. Transcripts Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Family Guy follows the dysfunctional Griffin family—father Peter, mother Lois, daughter Meg, son Chris, baby Stewie and dog Brian, all of whom reside in their hometown of Quahog. Playing next. Everything in my life was wonderful. You see, recently I've become a born-again Christian. Careful. Oh, my God, we, like, never see each other! If I were you, I'd keep your mouth shut till you talk to a lawyer. Oh, he must've brought us here to kill us all! ", a reference to the quote "Tell that to the judge!" Oh, well, then maybe we just go, and you go to the kennel. You're the killer! (Diane Simmons, Tom Tucker, ). Attention, everyone, mail call! That should be me everyone's talking about! I'll have one of those. Now who here had a motive for wanting James Woods dead? Chris, I'm worried, with this killer on the loose. She was still passed out on the couch when we left. Chris, you check the basement with Herbert. I was standing in the foreground going like this when Jillian took the picture, so by forced perspective, it looks like I'm holding up the whole sign. Unless I'm confusing you with someone else. Chris, Amazing Spiderman. Now we're here, where the hell's our host? And, since I am a man of God now, I am truly repentant. We thought Muriel was the killer, and look how that turned out. All right, since it's my fault that Joe got knocked out, it is now my responsibility to take over the investigation. Some movies are mentioned many many times throughout the show's run, and we've done our best to include as many as we have room for. You know, I wouldn't feel right about that. Whoa, whoa, whoa, uh, this is crazy, Wh... What about Priscilla? Family Guy - And there were fewer - Diane. Created by Seth MacFarlane, David Zuckerman. World War II Army Guy, a letter from your gal. For syndication, the regular current version of the theme song is used]. How could you do all these horrible things? And Then There Were Fewer is the hour long premiere of season 8 of Family Guy. Well, it's a shame that you have to die, Lois, but look on the bright side: You'll be a story on the 6:00 news. And someone ate the last goat cheese tartlet. ♪ They're coming down big, long stairs., The opening title sequence resembles the one from Stanley Kubrick's, Stephanie starts bleeding after Brian pops the cork on a champagne bottle, similar to a scene in, Seamus' story of how he was made is a parody of, When James Woods turns up dead, Peter says "criss-cross! Not you or anyone else in this damn town! "And Then There Were Fewer" is #8. When the group is carrying Joe up the stairs, Peter jokingly hums "Hava Nagila". Well, the fact of the matter is, I have wronged each and every one of you in some way. Lois: How you doing? It all depends on what his astrological sign is. That... That could be funny. But as Joe pointed out, there were fingerprints. Just for that, when the movie of this story comes out, I'm gonna make sure Adrian Brody plays you. While there, a series of murders occur, and the group struggles to … CHRIS BROWN - AFTER They Were Famous - RIHANNA & … Is this what black people see all the time? Ooh, little taco. Actually, I can't read his handwriting here. So James Woods murdered Stephanie, and then he murdered himself. Someone take Mr. Woods' Golden Globe! But then a few months ago, I turned fourty. She woke as the front door opened. That's when I had the good fortune to meet a young news intern named Priscilla. ♪ We're all rich. No, his last name is Woods, but he's not made of wood. ♪ It sure is, but at this point I'm willing to try anything. Ever. Lois: Diane, please, please, don't do this! We... we... we were gonna use this time, uh... to figure out what to get you for your birthday. Meg, Teen People. Family Guy; And Then There Were Fewer: Season 9 Episode 1 Overall 148 Air Date September 26, 2010 Previous episode Partial Terms of Endearment: Next episode Excellence in Broadcasting: For Perry MacFarlane (1947-2010) Attention, everyone, mail call! Well, according to James Woods, we all did. All right, let's split up and search the house. However, things quickly go too far and Lois forces the FCC to shut down the network. All right, if we're going to make it out alive, we got to stick together from now on. (Laughter, catcalls) Open that one up, buddy. Laundry room, everybody. She misses me! The thirteenth episode in the box, 9x01 ("And Then There Were Fewer"), was the first episode of the real ninth season. Right? The invitation said this was a dinner in my honor. "And Then There Were Fewer" is the hour-long premiere of the ninth season of the American animated television series Family Guy. Which makes me think that I'm gonna grow up to be good-looking. We can't just stay here with James Woods lurking somewhere in the house! There was a Golden Globe award here, and it's gone. Which, of course, means I have to kill you. I was going to the bathroom, and I just couldn't stop looking at my pen1s, 'cause it's, you know, so fantastic. If there's one thing Family Guy knows better than what it feels like to be cancelled by Fox, it's movies. Well, at least you all had eveningwear provided for you. Family Guy - Season 9: And Then There Were Fewer - Pt 1 - When the Griffins and other residents of Quahog are invited to visit the mansion of James Woods, the evening turns into a real murder mystery when guests end up dead, and everyone scrambles to figure out who done it. Woods: So, I invited you all here to make amends. Well, maybe that dead pile of cookie dough in the next room will refresh your memory. Compared are the TV Version and the uncensored DVD Version (DVD Version represented by the UK release "Season 10"). Based on Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None, this episode sees nearly the whole of Quahog including the Griffins, Joe and Tom Tucker all invited to a party in their honour in a mysterious house. Browse more videos. My invitation said it was in my honor. Family Guy Season 9 Episode 1: And Then There Were Fewer Summary: In this murder mystery special, The Griffins as well as all the other major characters become trapped in a … Bonnie, he punched you in the throat, and that's why you sound like that? Maybe if I sit in his chair, I can get a reading on his energy. Says here he talked Muriel into selling him OxyContin for him and his nineteen-year-old girlfriend. She's right! Uh, Labyrinth has teenage Jennifer Connelly. I don't know if that actually follows. You know, unless a local cat does something funny. She was so anxious to get into the reporting business and would have done anything to get on my good side. James Woods made a list of all his misdeeds so he could make amends. This went on for weeks, but then she started to have misgivings and threatened to cut him off. All right, we got to search every one of these rooms. And I just want you to know, from me, it's all gonna be out of context. Family Guy; And Then There Were Fewer: Season 9 Episode 1 Overall 148 Air Date September 26, 2010 Previous episode Partial Terms of Endearment: Next episode Excellence in Broadcasting: For Perry MacFarlane (1947-2010) Attention, everyone, mail call! The gun was clearly meant to kill James Woods, but Stephanie got in the way. Brian, I feel like everyone's wondering why I'm wearing shorts. No, he punched me in the throat because I sound like this. Wait a minute, what the hell's going on here? 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