2. At just over 500 Euros it's not exactly cheap, and while the DIY kit is a little more affordable it only comes with the PCBs and ICs, not the body, knobs, screws, and other standard details. SVF – Multi mode filter LP, HP, BP 4. Include the Kit are all PCB's, the LCD, spacers and screws, Resistors and capacitors, IC's, IC sockets and Atmega CPU - pre progammed. Requires assembly !!! Tracks 26:13. Ambika is Polyphonic Hybrid - Digital / Analog synthesizer originally designed by Mutable Instruments, it is no longer manufactured by them and therefore is not supported by Mutable Instruments. For sale is a complete Ambika DIY synthesizer kit with 6x 4P filters and a white Adrian metal case w wood sides. August 9, ... Had there ever been a DIY poly synth kit before? Four Filtercards  with different flavors are available. Ambika is a monster hybrid polysynth. They consist of Max Björverud, a sound artist, programmer, builder and inventor, Håkan Lidbo, a music producer, artist, and inventor, as well as Anne Skoug Obel, a product designer, inventor, and media producer. We are not in a race . 6 voice poly synth, digital oscillators, Analog Filters & VCAs. You can play it as a 6-voice polysynth, an ensemble of 6 monosynths, or anything inbetween due to its easily configurable voicing architecture. 8 years ago 8 years ago. Ambika synth kit w/ 6x 4P filters $780. Tubika Ambika DIY synthesizer. 43. Synthesizers - Classifieds in Monterey, CA: NIKKO GAMMA 20 Synthesized FM, Korg MS 20 Mini synthesizer, Luxman R 117 Digital Synthesized, ONKYO STEREO, Ambika synth kit w 6x. This page, accessible by the S6switch, serves two purposes: 1. Here you get all parts and PCB‘s you need to build/solder it yourself. WTB - Mutable Instruments Ambika kit, not yet soldered. Craigslist Search, Craigslist is no longer supported JLA FORUMS - Menu Close. As far as I know there are a lot of these out there but not everyone knows about them. Ambika synth kit w/ 6x 4P filters. synthCube making modular analog synthesizers more accessible. 6x  multi mode is also possible. I have one and I simply love it. Close. You can play it as a 6-voice polysynth, an ensemble of 6 monosynths, or anything inbetween due to its easily configurable voicing architecture. Customize: Ambika Desktop Poly Synth Project, Motherboard? 1. A little bird sent in a tip about a really cool MIDI synth. Unavailable. VAT) Thonk Gift Voucher £ 10.00 – £ 500.00; Eurorack SERGE Active Processor (ACPR) Full DIY Kit £ 199.90 (Excl. Maximal  six voice polyphon ,  MIDI  controlled.Â, I suggest you to use for poly play 6x the same Filterboard  or 4x the same and 2 different. Â. Some of the key features of Ambika include: SMR-4 voicecard assembly instructions / BOM / schematics, Other voicecards assembly tips / BOM / schematicsMechanical assemblyFirmware setupTechnical notes. One of the features that makes it an incredible add on is the extremely flexible voice allocation, where you can use it like a six voice polysynth or 6 individual monosynths and anything in between, each with its own MIDI channel or keyboard zone. If I could get the Ambika motherboard going a voice card shouldn’t be that difficult. TuBika (formally Ambika) six voice polyphon  synthesizer, We offer Tubika  as a  DIY kit. Mutable Instruments has announced the Ambika – a new DIY polyphonic synthesizer.. Translucent, polyphonic, DIY and even a bit sexy – the Ambika will allow for six voices. Building time : motherboard 2..3 hours , each Voicecard  2 hours, adjustment and case mounting 1..2 hours. Jan 7, 2017 - Explore Mark Feathers's board "DIY Synths/Electronics" on Pinterest. The TuBika DIY kit contains all electrical and mechanikal parts you need to bring TuBika alive.. Not in the kit is the Power supply and the Case. This playlist has no tracks yet. Play. For sale brand new DIY AMBIKA analog / hybrid synthesizer PCB set - partial KIT ONLY !!! *Out of stock options aren't shown in pull-down lists*. Subscribe to our newsletter for insane amounts of Internet cred and bragging rights on new product. Posted by 3 years ago. the default filterboards  in a complete kit are  6x  SMR4-Plus , usefull for all kind of MusicÂ. The concept behind TuBika are digital oscillators in combination with analog filter‘s and VCA‘s. This is an ORIGINAL Mutable Instruments kit. I'm wondering if anyone has an Ambika kit purchased from Mutable Instruments sitting around gathering dust, and might like to sell. TuBika (formally known as Ambika) is a six voice poly DIY ( do it yourselve) synthesizer. Archived. DIY (Do-It-Yourselfe) is a fantastic hobby. Each voice had itâs own ARP and Step-Sequencer. via Mutable Instruments. Metal/wood "Adrian" case for Ambika synth $100. Its design consists of a motherboard and 6 voicecards, each of them carrying a turbocharged version of the Shruthi hybrid synthesizer (digital waveform synthesis through analog VCF/VCAs). (Pre-programmed IC sold separately), Ambika Metal Case - White | Hallik Engeneering, Ambika Metal Case - Black | Hallik Engeneering, Voice Card Pre-Programmed IC? I recomend  4 x the same voice - SMR4 for example and 2 different filter like 1x Ladder 1x SVF or 4P. However, if you want to play your new synth via a MIDI keyboard or sequencer, the choices narrow considerably. Building time means  solder the parts , clean the PCB , check all parts again  , solder points  are OK ?? A single patch with 6 voice-polyphony, 6 independent mono parts, 2 layered patches with 3-voices polyphony, a 3-voice unison bass line on the lower half of the keyboard with a 3-voice unison lead on the upper half… all are possible! You can find the Eagle files for this board in the source code hosted ongithub. A good combination is  4xSMR4-Plus  and 2 differenf Filterboards like 4p and SVF or SVF and Ladder . Key features: Up to 6 voices, each with an individual output — in addition to a global mix output. Flexible mapping of the 6 voices. This is … The Ambika is a DIY hybrid 6-voice polysynth with a digital oscillator section and analog filter and amplifier (VCF and VCA). You can also choose from 3 different filter choices, which include: a Roland-like analog 4-pole LPF (SMR4); a second more edgy 4-pole LPF (4P); and a multi-mode 2-pole SVF filter. Hi All! This is an ORIGINAL Mutable Instruments kit. For sale is a complete Ambika DIY synthesizer kit with 6x 4P filters and a white “Adrian” metal case w/ wood sides. Mutable Instruments' official forum - Eurorack modules and synth DIY Again, showing a MULTI on the Ambika, controlled by Animoog. £125.00 + £47.00 P&P Pre-filter overdrive and bit-crushing effect. August 10, 2012 at 3:05 am Reply. For sale is a complete Ambika DIY synthesizer kit with 6x 4P filters and a white Adrian metal case w wood sides. The concept behind TuBika are digital oscillators in combination with analog filterâs and VCAâs. _I offered to build someone an Ambika in trade for a kit of my own. The SOMA Lyra-8 is a pretty nifty drone synthesizer that can be bought pre-built or as a DIY kit for those who want to assemble their own version. 3 ADSR envelopes, 3 patch-level LFOs, 1 voice-level LFO. Default and good sounding filter are the SMR4plus - usefull for all kind of music. Ambika is a multi-voice hybrid synthesizer. This is an ORIGINAL Mutable Instruments kit. The Synth consists of the Mother Board – all Ambika’s need this in order to work at all – and then a choice of voice/filter cards: 1. AMBIKA synthesizer (SVF PCB set CPUs case -part.KIT) #fully assembled from £350. View all likes 40; ... Synth e. Show more. One device that does fit the bill is the Mutable Instruments Shruthi 1, a hybrid monophonic desktop synth module that seems to offer the best of both analogue and digital worlds. If you need a reference during soldering, you can download this printoutof thebottomand topsides of the board. See more ideas about Diy, Circuit bending, Synthesizer. Ambika is a multi-voice hybrid synthesizer. The sound generation is hybrid, combining the warmth and sonic character of a true 4-pole analog filter, with the large array of waveforms offered by digital wavetables, fm and phase modulation. Assigning voices to a part. The bright side was that I now had a fully functioning Ambika motherboard ready to build the complete synthesiser. (1 per voice card needed), Ambika Desktop Poly Synth Project Motherboard PCB, Ambika Desktop Poly Synth Project Case Black, Ambika Desktop Poly Synth Project Case White, Ambika Desktop Poly Synth Project SMR4 Voice Card PCB, Ambika Desktop Poly Synth Project 4 Pole Mission Voice Card PCB, Ambika Desktop Poly Synth Project SVF Voice Card PCB, Ambika Desktop Poly Synth Project Polivoks Voice Card PCB, Ambika Desktop Poly Synth Project Motherboard Kit, PJ622F 1/4" Horizontal PCB mounted Switched Mono Jack, Other voicecards assembly tips / BOM / schematics, Rogan PT-PS Soft Touch Skirted Knob (D-Shaft). SD-card storage allows the storing of a life-long of patches, programs and multis, along with the history of editing operations for undo/redo. Currently on Kickstarter and seeking a goal of $4,865 in funding is Synth Bird by the Swedish collaborative workspace called Rumtiden Idea Lab. We have a wide selection of synthesizer DIY, modular synths, eurorack, full euro kits, components and PCBs. 2 digital oscillators per voice, with 36 oscillator algorithms/wavetables. P4 – Punchy, more of a Waldorf sounding voice card. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. 4P, SMR4, SVF and ladder. chan (channel) sets the MIDI channel the active part responds to.Use omniif you want a part to respond to notes from all MIDIchannels. The first knob on the upper row is used to select a part. Analog 4-pole filter (or 2-pole multimode filter depending on the type of voicecard used) and VCA. 1 arpeggiator, 1 note sequencer and 2 step sequencers per part. The schematics in PDF format are availablehere. I think it would be cool if we made a thread to collect those cool DIY synth kits that are available. It’s called the Ambika, and it seems like just the thing to introduce a synth head to the world of soldering.. 2. Brand New Ambika Iron Jack Plane- in the box (VANCOUVER) $39. 1 sub-oscillator, also configurable as a transient generator. Requires assembly !!! Good  mounting  take its time.Â. The digital control of the analogue filter and VCA also means a very large palette of modulation possibilities. Boss Katana mkII 100 watt Head w/ Katana 2x12 Cab (Pearland) $600. Notice how theLP1…LP6LEDs indicate by a green light which part is active.All settings on all the other pages apply to the part indicated by thisgreen light. Modulation matrix with 14 slots and 4 modulation modifiers. For sale brand new DIY AMBIKA analog / hybrid synthesizer PCB set, CPUs set - partial KIT ONLY !!! These are the kind of kits that I mean: preenFM2 Shruti1 Mutable Instruments recently announced a new polyphonic synthesizer – the Ambika. 2. DIY scills 'middle/ hard'  - not for beginnersÂ, Here you find all manuals , BOMs , Firmware for Ambika/TuBikaÂ. A DIY kit contains all electronic and mechanic parts for the Instrument. 1. Mutable Instruments Ambika demo. SMR4/SMR4 Plus – the LPF Roland style voice card. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser.
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