The only place in the district at the present day deserving to be called a town is Isbarta, the residence of a pasha; it stands at the northern foot of the main mass of Mt Taurus, looking over a wide and fertile plain which extends up to the northern chain of Taurus. of the Caspian Sea, which extends from the Elburz chain eastwards towards Herat, and is bounded on the N. There are other ganglia in addition to those of the ventral chain, and Janet supposes that the ganglia of the sympathetic system indicate the existence of three anterior head-segments; the remains of the segments themselves are, in accordance with this view, to be sought in the XIII. The Mantiqueira-Espinhago chain shuts out the streams flowing directly east to the Atlantic, and the boundary ranges on the west shut out the streams that flow into the Tocantins, though their sources are on the actual threshold of the state. Damian's heavy ring hung off a chain around her neck, and she clenched it. It was a rugged and mountainous district, comprising some of the loftiest portions of the great range of Mt Taurus, together with the offshoots of the same chain towards the central table-land of Phrygia. Jake was led forward by his attorney, a newcomer, a dapper little man resplendent in vest, patent leather shoes and a gold watch chain, all topped off by a condescending smile that seemed to say, "Look out, rubes, I'm going to spring this poor victim before you finish administrating the oath.". Bacchides occupied Judaea and made a chain of forts. A human figure with pearl chain and arrows in left hand, and parrot on a wooden stick in the right. If we accept Kekule's formula for the benzene nucleus, then we may expect the double linkages to be opened up partially, either by oxidation or reduction, with the formation of di-, tetra-, or hexa-hydro derivatives, or entirely, with the production of open chain compounds. The activity is performed as a mingle. 26. This is a relatively simple sentence, but there's a lot going on, so I'll break it down piece by piece. The chain of causation in this action is particularly worthy of attention: A young reserve officer, seeing some troops of the I. This means our sentences will be boring, predictable and kind of nonsensical. SOLOMON ISLANDS (Ger., Salomoinseln), an archipelago of the Western Pacific Ocean, included in Melanesia, and forming a chain (in continuation of that of the Admiralty Islands and New Mecklenburg in the Bismarck Archipelago) from N.W. The defences consist of an inner line of works which preserve the place against surprise, and of an outlying chain of detached forts of fairly modern construction, forming roughly two-thirds of a circle of three miles radius. (For Map, see Pacific Ocean.) String definition is - a cord usually used to bind, fasten, or tie —often used attributively. Another lateral rsnge, the Prato Magno, which branches off from the central chain at the Monte Falterona, and separates the upper valley of the Arno from its second basin, rises to 5188 ft.; while a similar branch, called the Alpe di Catenaja, of inferior elevation, divides the upper course of the Arno from that of the Tiber. in width, a central mountainous tract, embracing the great chain which runs parallel to the coast from near Taif to within 50 m. summits of the maritime chain, and the principal affluents of the Wadi Besha; the latter is a broad well-watered valley, with numerous scattered hamlets, four days' journey (perhaps 80 m.) from the crest of the range. The lower boom is a pair of chains, of wrought-iron links, 14 in each chain, of 7 in. Place the cards scattered on the floor in the middle of the classroom. Now, how many distinct sequences of 1 word does our sentence … - There is no good modern and fairly large-scale map of the entire chain of the Alps. The first student says something true about themselves such as “I jog three times a week”, perhaps using one of the phrases written on the board. A few miles farther north these same beds rise again to the surface at the summit of an anticlinal which runs parallel to the chain. Between Hatteras and Lookout is Raleigh Bay and between Lookout and Fear is Onslow Bay; and between the chain of islands and the deeply indented mainland Currituck, Albemarle, Pamlico and other sounds form an extensive area, especially to the northward, of shallow, brackish and almost tideless water. If you use too many of them, the reader gets flung from one idea to the next, and is reminded of being on a bad roller coaster. The activity – Super Simple Listening Game and Crafts for Kids by Kids Activities Blog. There are a handful of family-owned establishments in the town offering a break from the chain food. Near the 10th parallel the great chain again divides, the eastern part crossing the southern end of the plateau, and the western, or Sierra Madre del Sur, following the shore line closely to Tehuantepec. Even though we had to evaluate f′ at g(x)=−2x+5, that didn't make a difference since f′=6 not matter what its input is. If France could link them by a chain of settlements and shut in the English to their narrow strip of Atlantic seaboard there was good promise that North America would be hers. The great eastern chain, rising from the basin of the Amazon and forming the inner wall of the system, is of distinct origin. A supply chain is an entire system of producing and delivering a product or service, from the very beginning stage of sourcing the raw materials to the final delivery of the product or service to end-users. Present Simple chain statements. broad runs in the same direction along the outer margin of the above chain. 32. The summit of the Biggarsberg chain is crossed at a point 233 m. Substitution takes place usually in the nucleus and only rarely in the side chain, and according to the conditions of the experiment and the nature of the compound acted upon, one or more nitro groups enter the molecule. Ansariya, which presently springs up into a high chain of Jurassic limestone with basaltic intrusions, whose peaks rise to 10,000 ft. Sometimes, especially in the case of overhead travelling cranes for very heavy loads, the chain is a special pitch chain, formed of flat links pinned together, and the barrel is reduced to a wheel provided with teeth, or " sprockets," which engage in the links. ` ` Ill start. Above Lima the western chain of the Andes is composed of porphyritic tuffs and massive limestones, while the longitudinal valley of the Oroya is hollowed in carbonaceous sandstones. The 1 Knatchbull-Hugessen, i. Biot, who assisted in the correction of its proof sheets, remarked that it would have extended, had the demonstrations been fully developed, to eight or ten instead of five volumes; and he saw at times the author himself obliged to devote an hour's labour to recovering the dropped links in the chain of reasoning covered by the recurring formula. In the course of reducing such expressions as (AB)C, (AB){C(DE)} and the like, where a chain of multiplications has to be performed in a certain order, the multiplications may be all progressive, or all regressive, or partly, one, partly the other. nGt only a representation of the chain of the Alps, but even a subsidiary fold in front in the position of the Jura Mountains may be obtained. In the west there is the great looped chain which fringes the east coast of Asia, and with it encloses the series of seas which form parts of the ocean. NIAS, the largest island in the chain off the west coast of Sumatra, Dutch East Indies, lying about 1° N., 97° 30' E. South of the lake two ranges of the Tian-shan, separated by the valley of the Naryn, stretch in the same direction, lifting up their icy peaks to 16,000 and 18,000 ft.; while westwards from the lake the precipitous slopes of the Alexander chain, 9000 to io,000 ft. Lake Balkash, or Denghiz, Lake Ala-kul (which was connected with Balkash in the post-Pliocene period, but now stands some hundred feet higher, and is connected by a chain of smaller lakes with Sissyk-kul), Lake Issyk-kul and the alpine lakes of Son-kul and Chatyr-kul are the principal sheets of water. The subject of a sentence is the word or words that name the thing about which an assertion is made. No great mountain chain was ever raised by a single effort, and folding went on to some extent in other periods besides those mentioned. In September he surprised and routed Montrose at Philiphaugh near Selkirk, and was rewarded by the committee of estates with a present of -50,000 merks and a gold chain; but his victory was marred by the butchery of the captured Irish - men, women and children - to whom quarter had been given. Japan is made up of a … About 1064 the accidental visit of Harold to the Norman court added another link to the chain of events by which William's fortunes were connected with England. Markov chains are, however, used to examine the long-run behavior of a series of events that are related to one another by fixed probabilities. These three form a broken chain, North and South Islands being cut asunder by Cook Strait, a channel varying in width from 16 to 90 m. The beds take their name from the Maitai river near Nelson; they are largely developed in the mountains of the Tararua-Ruahine-Raukumara chain, on the eastern side of the North Island; they occur in the Kaikoura Mountains, and an outlier forms Mount Torlesse, near the eastern edge of the Southern Alps, west of Christchurch. The 20-year-old model has signed on as the face of accessorize, a jewelry and accessory chain. To these things used to y listen at the time, through the mercy of God vouchsafed to me, noting them down, not on paper but in my heart, and constantly by the grace of God brood over my accurate recollections. The road at the outer end is made of a less slope than the chain, so that on arrival the tub is lowered, clears the pin, and so becomes detached from the chain. Chained in a sentence 1. The Anti-Lebanon chain has been less fully explored than that of Lebanon. So too his son Isidorus explained the prophecies of a certain Parchor (= Barkoph) and appealed to the prophecies of Chain' (Clemens Alexandrinus, Stromat. It lies in the north-east trade winds belt, but the mountain chain on its northern frontier robs these winds of their moisture and leaves the greater part of the Brazilian plateau rainless. The latter is fringed throughout its whole length by a chain of dunes, which rise in places to a height of nearly 200 ft. above the broad northern valley, at the north extremity of a long ledge, terminating in steep cliffs, forming part of the chain of Mt Gilboa. Please only do ONE word per sentence. (clean, green, alternative) " They produce solar energy there. Though the Alps form throughout the northern boundary of Italy, the exact limits at the extremities of the Alpine chain are not clearly marked. These are a chain of small bones belonging to the first four vertebrae, which are much modified, and connecting the air-bladder with the auditory organs. 98. Models can be stored as JSON, allowing you to cache your results and save them for later. to S.E., and it is traversed throughout its length by a mountain range, which forms part of the chain that bounds Thessaly on the E., and is continued south of Euboea in the lofty islands of Andros, Tenos and Myconos. denticornis, swarm in the ice-cold waters of the highest alpine tarns throughout the entire chain; and the former of these is also a characteristic inhabitant of pools formed from melting snow in the extreme north. The first player to get rid of all their dominoes wins the game. Sentences Mobile Toxic metals can bioaccumulate in the body and in the food chain. In this method a third drum is used to receive a heavy flat link chain, shorter than the main drawing-ropes, the end of which hangs down a special or balance pit. How to use cellular respiration in a sentence Looking for sentences with "cellular respiration"? A supply chain is an entire system of producing and delivering a product or service, from the very beginning stage of sourcing the raw materials to the final delivery of the product or service to end-users. The newer works enclose an area more suited to the needs of modern warfare: the chain of detached forts along the ridges of the left bank has a total length of 72 m., and the centre of this chain is supported by numerous forts and batteries lying between it and the citadel. We will first choose k: the quantity of words our chain will consider before sampling/predicting the next one. OLEFINE, in organic chemistry, the generic name given to open chain hydrocarbons having only singly and doubly linked pairs of carbon atoms. It was generally in common military use between the 3rd century BC and the 14th century AD. Example Sentences for "chain" We had to chain our picnic table to a tree to keep someone from stealing itHe had a diamond ring on his finger, and a large gold chain around his neck. use "chain" in a sentence We believe in a chain reaction of kindness,"" Ismini says." Since the functions were linear, this example was trivial. He handed the shapeshifter a pouch identical to the one he'd given the other shapeshifting demon and a small talisman on a chain. The Arno, which has its source in the Monte Falterona, one of the most elevated summits of the main chain of the Tuscan Apennines, flows nearly south till in the neighborhood of Arezzo it turns abruptly north-west, and pursues that course as far as Pontassieve, where it again makes a sudden bend to the west, and pursues a westerly course thence to the sea, passing through Florence and Pisa. It contains a regular chain of volcanic peaks overlooking the coastregion of Tarapaca. All they need to do is paint some plastic cups, poke a hole in each of them, and thread string through the bottom. by the ranges of Grammos and Pindus; the entire chain, a prolongation of the Alpine systems of Bosnia and Dalmatia, may be described as the backbone of the peninsula; it forms the watershed between the Aegean and the Adriatic, and culminates in the lofty peak of Liubotrn, near Kalkandele, one of the highest summits in south-eastern Europe (8858 ft.). cap. That was one chain of events. The peninsula of Lower California is traversed from north to south by a chain of barren mountains which covers the greater part of its surface. In this article, I will present a simple algorithm, based on Markov Chains, to generate random sentences. Kris produced a key chain from his pocket and unlocked the five locks before pulling the heavy door open. You can find a number of chain restaurants in the city, but there are original eating spots that you should also try. This fric tion has been greatly re duced by making the draw doors, or sluice-gates, slide on each side against a verti A cal row of free-rollers sus pended by an encircling / chain; and the working .%i/ is much facilitated by FIG. Its boundary on the south is the parallel of latitude 49°, between the Pacific Ocean and Lake-of-the-Woods, then a chain of small lakes and rivers eastward to the mouth of Pigeon river on the north-west side of Lake Superior, and the Great Lakes with their connecting rivers to Cornwall, on the St Lawrence. The cage is connected with the drawing-rope by short lengths of chain from the corners, known as tackling chains, gathered into a central ring to which the rope is attached. In Sasha's zoo, he was at the bottom of the food chain of the otherworldly collection of creatures. In this case the chain is not coiled, but simply passes over the lifting wheel, the free end hanging loose. in the central part, its northern limit being marked by the chain of lakes running N.W. Use the present simple for routines and habits such as how often you buy something at the store. It is along the western side of the northern half of the chain that the line of volcanic action is apparent; the islands here (of which some are active volcanoes) are lofty. They use compound sentences to link related ideas such as causes and effects. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adjectives: " Children have endless energy. (5) The Bradano, which rises near Venosa, almost at the foot of Monte Volture, flows towards the south-east into the Gulf of Taranto, as do the Basento, the Agri and the Sinni, all of which descend from the central chain of the Apennines south of Potenza. Right now, its main use is for building Markov models of large corpora of text and generating random sentences from that. By curving the top boom of a girder to form an arch and the bottom boom to form a suspension chain, the need of web except for non-uniform loading is obviated. She doesn't buy any food at that store. A coat of this armour is often referred to as a hauberk, and sometimes a byrnie. At the end, I provide the full source code and you will be able to test it directly in your browser. Stem-changing verbs are shown with their du (2nd person sing.) The great chain of mountains which, under the names of Paropamisus and Hindu-Kush, extends from the Caspian to the Pamirs is interrupted some 180 m. 910-915) by the Roman poet, Lucretius (96-5555 B.C. N N: C C02H (11) N N: C C02H which it is connected by a chain bridge (1855) and two railway bridges. Hara-bere-zaiti, the "High Mountain"), a great chain of mountains in northern Persia, separating the Caspian depression from the Persian highlands, and extending without any break for 650 m. Its main source is in a great glacier-mass of the northernmost chain of the Himalayas, called Kubigangri, about 82° N., and receives various tributaries including one formerly regarded as the true source from the pass of Mariam La (15,500 ft.), which separates its basin from the eastern affluents of the Mansarowar lakes, at least ioo m. Roughly speaking, the river may be said so far to run parallel to the main chain of the Himalaya at a distance of Too m. Thus, if the molecule of a substance in solution is represented by AB, Grotthus considered a chain of AB molecules to exist from one electrode to the other. Deduce the generated sentence independent or external ranges `` break '' Give me a break the. 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