Other works of note August 22, 1954 While at Lucasfilm, McCallum sometimes joked that his sole purpose in life was to make what George Lucas wants to happen, happen. He worked extensively with the British television writer Dennis Potter, producing much of Potter's later work in the late 1980s and early 1990s after Potter parted company with his long-term producer Kenith Trodd. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Rick McCallum After the commercial failure of the film, Potter invited McCallum to go to work in England. McCallum has a small cameo toward the end of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. As the producer of the three Star Wars prequels - The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith - Rick McCallum has helped bring to the screen some of the most successful independent films of all time. His Prague-based company, United Films, develops film projects and provides production services for Czech and European feature films. Rick McCallum Interview Interviewed by Maggie Roberge. Rick was born on August 22, 1954 in Germany..Rick is one of the famous and trending celeb who is popular for being a Film Producer. Richard McCallum, född 22 augusti 1954 i Heidelberg, är en tyskfödd amerikansk filmproducent och är troligen mest känd för sitt arbete tillsammans med George Lucas med episod I-III Star Wars-filmerna samt Special Edition-versionerna av de första tre filmerna. He continued to be Lucas's producer until his retirement in 2012—producing 1994's Radioland Murders, the Special Editions of the original Star Wars trilogy, the compilation films of the Droids and Ewoks animated television series, the Star Wars prequel trilogy, and the Star Wars: Clone Wars animated television series. To test the nascent digital technology just then becoming available, McCallum produced revised versions of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi - released in 1997 as the Special Editions. Rick McCallum is … Este cel mai cunoscut ca producător al serialului Aventurile tânărului Indiana Jones, al seriei de filme prequel Războiul stelelor și al relansării seriei originale. Interview with Rick McCallum, June 9, 2012 George Lucas began developing Red Tails around 1988, [13] after hearing of the Tuskegee Airmen from his friend George Hall, a photographer. This page uses content from the English Wikipedia.. McCallum und Potter trafen anschließend für die Produktion der sechsteiligen BBC-Serie The singing Detective wieder … The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (producer) “Lone Wolf McQuade” is also where he first met Kane Hodder, who is now not only a dear friend, but also co-founder of the Hollywood Ghost Hunters. Occupation Among the directors with whom McCallum worked on the series were Bille August, Nicolas Roeg, David Hare, Mike Newell, Deepa Mehta, Terry Jones, Simon Wincer, and Carl Schultz. McCallum's mother, photographer Pat York is married to actor Michael York. Born During its run, the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences honored Young Indiana Jones with 12 Emmy Awards from 27 nominations. name = Rick McCallum caption = birthdate = 1952 birthplace = Heidelberg, Germany. With a unique perspective on the eventful early life of Indiana Jones – including its cinematic qualities, an emphasis on storytelling and characters, and an enticing promise of new adventures each week – McCallum attracted a stellar list of writers and actors to the creative ranks of the series. Richard "Rick" McCallum (born August 23, 1952) is a German-born American film producer mostly known for his work on the The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles as well as the Star Wars Trilogy: Special Edition and prequel trilogy. [Source]. Richard "Rick" McCallum (n.23 august 1952, Heidelberg, Germania) este un producător de film american de origine germană. His mother, Patricia McCallum, has been married to his stepfather, actor Michael York, since 1968.He is best known for his frequent collaborations … McCallum na primeira Star Wars Celebration. He oversaw a team of creative and technical professionals that developed and created the industry's first all-digital production pipeline. As of 2018 Rick McCallum is 63 years years old. The series debuted on DVD in 2007, and McCallum served as executive producer on a series of 94 acclaimed documentaries that accompany the episodes and illuminate the real-life history behind their stories. Richard McCallum (born August 22, 1954) is a German-born American film producer. The film begins with an opening crawl saying that the Galactic Republic is in a period of decline in the last few years. La mare de McCallum era la fotògrafa Pat York i el seu pare és l'actor Michael York. York was named to … Film Deaths [edit | edit source] Hatchet II (2010) [John]: Chainsawed in the testicles by Kane Hodder, which cause his tesicles to fall off. Rick McCallum is a well known Film Producer. Career Nationality Unlike most producers, McCallum has said he enjoys shooting on location (rather than on a soundstage) because he likes the feeling of not being in control and that anything can happen. The original article was at Rick_McCallum.The list of authors can be seen in the page history.As with Wookieepedia, the text of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 … McCallum with Hayden Christensen while filming at Lake Como for Attack of the Clones. He is the stepson of actor Michael York. Rick and Kane were not only interested in the paranormal prior to starting their team, but both had their share of paranormal experiences. Mini Bio (1) As the producer of the three Star Wars prequels - The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith - Rick McCallum has helped bring to the screen some of the most successful independent films of all time. When Young Indiana Jones ended, McCallum produced Radioland Murders (1994), for which Lucas served as executive producer. Karriere. He is mostly known for his work on The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles as well as the Star Wars Trilogy: Special Edition and prequel trilogy. McCallum's career as producer began with Pennies from Heaven (1981), the film version of the 1978 BBC TV drama, for director Herbert Ross and writer Dennis Potter. Rick McCallum From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Richard McCallum (born August 22, 1954) is an American film producer. He first gained recognition in the 1960s for playing secret agent Illya Kuryakin in the television series The Man from U.N.C.L.E..In recent years, McCallum has gained renewed international recognition and popularity for his role as NCIS medical examiner Dr. Donald "Ducky" Mallard in the American … Richard McCallum (born 1952 in Heidelberg, Germany) is a film producer most famous for his work on the Star Wars prequel trilogy films and the Special Editions of the original trilogy. During the 80s, McCallum's work with Potter included producing the films Dreamchild (1985), an unusual exploration by Potter of the creation of Alice in Wonderland, which was nominated for two BAFTA awards, and Track 29 directed by Nicolas Roeg; executive producing the landmark BBC-TV series The Singing Detective; and in 1989 producing the Potter-directed TV series Blackeyes. Original trilogy (Special Edition) (producer)Prequel trilogy (producer) Early career and collaboration with Dennis Potter. Lucasfilm Rick McCallum during the filming of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.. Richard McCallum (born August 23, 1952 in Heidelberg, Germany) is a film producer most famous for his work on the Star Wars prequel trilogy and special editions as well as The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles.He also worked extensively with the British television writer Dennis Potter, producing much of … Assembling the teams that worked both in front of and behind the cameras, McCallum produced the next three films, which Lucas wrote and directed: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999), Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002) and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005). Biographical information Following Lucasfilm's announced acquisition by The Walt Disney Company, on October 31, 2012 ForceCast.net podcast Lucasfilm's Steve Sansweet stated that "Rick has retired from Lucasfilm". Rick McCallum From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Richard "Rick" McCallum (born August 22, 1954) is a German-born American film producer. Rick McCallum; Personlig information; Født: 22. august 1954, 22. august 1950 Heidelberg: Nationalitet: Denne biografi om en amerikaner er kun påbegyndt.Du kan hjælpe Wikipedia ved at Er ist der Stiefsohn von Schauspieler Michael York. Richard "Rick" McCallum (born August 23, 1952) is a German-born American film producer mostly known for his work on the The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles as well as the Star Wars Trilogy: Special Edition and prequel trilogy. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Richard McCallum (born 1952 in Heidelberg, Germany) is a film producer most famous for his work on the Star Wars prequel trilogy films and the Special Editions of the original trilogy. He is mostly known … Star Wars work During the 1980s, McCallum also produced movies with filmmakers including David Hare (Strapless); Neil Simon (I Ought to Be in Pictures); Harvey Fierstein, whose HBO film Tidy Endings received two CableACE Awards; and Nicolas Roeg's Castaway. Companies He is best known for his frequent collaborations with American producer George He is mostly known for his work on The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles as well as the Star Wars Trilogy: Special Edition and prequel trilogy. He is mostly known for his work on The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles as well as the Star Wars Trilogy: Special Edition and prequel trilogy. Olivier Award for Best Actor and a Tony Award for Best Featured Actor in a Play for his performances. Richard "Rick" McCallum (born August 22, 1954) is a German-born American film producer mostly known for his work on the The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles as well as the Star Wars Trilogy: Special Edition and prequel trilogy. He is then bisected vertically. Richard "Rick" McCallum (born August 22, 1954) is a German-born American film producer. Rick McCallum begann seine Karriere als Produzent mit der Leinwandadaption von Tanz in den Wolken, in den Hauptrollen Steve Martin und Bernadette Peters, bei der er erstmals mit dem britischen Drehbuchautor Dennis Potter zusammenarbeitete. Richard "Rick" McCallum (nascido em 22 de agosto de 1954) é um produtor de cinema ameircano-alemão. After leaving Lucasfilm, McCallum settled in Prague in the Czech Republic. Rick McCallum in Hatchet II. After meeting George Lucas in 1989, McCallum was hired as producer on Lucas's TV series The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, which ran from 1992 to 1993 on ABC. リック・マッカラム Rick McCallum; 本名: Richard McCallum: 生年月日: 1952年: 出生地: 西ドイツ バーデン=ヴュルテンベルク州 ハイデルベルク: 職業: 映画プロデューサー: テンプレートを表示 Lucasfilm Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. [17] It was on the set of Dreamchild that McCallum had first met Star Wars creator George Lucas. However, the Lord of the Sith, D… El seu avi va ser Roy Alwood McCallum, antic pilot … McCallum also produced the music video for the Rolling Stones' Undercover of the Night, directed by Julien Temple. In 2012, the same year that Lucasfilm was bought out by The Walt Disney Company, McCallum quietly retired from the company. Rick McCallum (* 22. Films that McCallum is developing include R'ha, a science fiction feature film based on an earlier short film, to be directed by Kaleb Lechowski and written by Matthew Graham; So Far So Good (Zatím dobrý), based on the novel by Jan Novák about the Mašín brothers; and (as executive producer) A Long Way Home, directed by Paki Smith and written by Alex Rose. Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum dispatches two Jedi Knights, Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi, to negotiate with Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunrayto end the blockade route. Rick McCallum, along with Kane Hodder are the founders of the group the "Hollywood Ghost Hunters". His stepson is Star Wars producer Rick McCallum. Richard "Rick" McCallum (born August 23, 1952) is a German-born American film producer mostly known for his work on the The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles as well as the Star Wars Trilogy: Special Edition and prequel trilogy. Other than acting in horror movies, he is also a ghost hunter, co-founding Hollywood Ghost Hunters … Full credits for Red Tails (2012). Rick McCallum has been a stuntman and stunt coordinator for over 25 years. During its production, Lucas confided to McCallum the plans for three new Star Wars movies. Rick McCallum is a stuntman and actor who has worked on over 30 films since his first film in 1983 “Lone Wolf McQuade” with Chuck Norris. The Star Wars prequels also ushered in a new era of digital filmmaking, and McCallum played a leading role in its development. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace actors, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Rick_McCallum?oldid=9684440. His retirement was made public when Stephen J. Sansweet mentioned it in a podcast. elokuuta 1952 Heidelberg) on saksalaissyntyinen yhdysvaltalainen elokuvatuottaja.Hänet tunnetaan parhaiten Indiana Jones Junior-televisiosarjan ja Tähtien sota-elokuvasarjan vuosien 1999–2005 ”esiosien” (Episodi I – Pimeä uhka, Episodi II – Kloonien hyökkäys ja Episodi III – Sithin kosto) tuottajana. In response to a taxation on trade routes, the Trade Federation organizes a blockade of battleships around the planet of Naboo. Rick McCallum Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Seine Mutter Patricia McCallum ist Fotografin. -) Not to be confused with the film producer (notably Star Wars) of the same name. [14] [15] At the time, the film was scheduled for release in 1992, [16] with Kevin Sullivan writing the screenplay and Thomas Carter directing. He is best known for his frequent collaborations with American producer George Lucas. David Keith McCallum Jr. (born 19 September 1933) is a Scottish actor and musician. There have been no reports as to how this will affect plans for a live-action TV series set in the Star Wars galaxy, with which McCallum was previously involved. Scottish actor and director of stage and screen, best known for portraying Emperor Palpatine in the Star Wars film series. Rick McCallum (19?? He is best known for his frequent collaborations with American producer George Lucas. Richard "Rick" McCallum (23 d'agost de 1952) és un productor de cinema americà nascut a Alemanya conegut principalment per la sèrie The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles i les dues sagues de La guerra de les galàxies.. Vida personal. Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, live-action TV series set in the Star Wars galaxy, https://lucasfilm.fandom.com/wiki/Rick_McCallum?oldid=9696. Richard McCallum (born 1952) is a film producer most famous for his work on the "Star Wars" prequel trilogy and special editions as well as "The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles McCallum was one of the producers of Red Tails, an action-adventure movie on which Lucas was executive producer, that pays tribute to the spirit of World War II's Tuskegee Airmen. Several years after their first meeting, Lucas was preparing his first weekly live-action television program, The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, and turned to McCallum to produce the ambitious series, which was to be shot in 35 countries. Rick McCallum is a hollywood actor and stuntman. York was named to the International Best Dressed List Hall of Fame in 1977. His father, Roy Alwood McCallum, was a US military pilot. German-American His daughter Mousy McCallum played the Padawan Bene in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. He is best known for his frequent collaborations with American producer George Lucas. The movie was released nationally in the U.S. on January 20, 2012. August 1952 in Heidelberg) ist ein US-amerikanischer Filmproduzent. 1 Logos 2 Opening 3 Crawl Art 3.1 Cast 3.1.1 Bomber Crews and German Pilots 3.2 2nd Unit 3.3 Aerial Unit 3.4 Group Voices 3.4.1 With Great Thanks to The Tuskegee Airmen 3.5 Croatia Unit 3.6 San Francisco Unit 3.7 Songs Twentieth Century Fox Presents A Lucasfilm Ltd. Production Nate Parker David Oyelowo Tristan Wilds Ne-Yo Elijah … McCallum's daughter, Olivia 'Mousy' McCallum, also works in the film industry. Richard ”Rick” McCallum (s.23. McCallum este notabil pentru colaborarea sa frecventă cu producătorul american George Lucas. Producer Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
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