Artie tells her it’s crazy. Tina, who was caught up in the wedding fever, proposed to Mike. Artie states, that as their wedding planner, he’ll make the wedding work, saying the barn has potential. They walk out. They all hug, Artie looking glum. Whitney declares that she wants Brittany and Santana to get married in the barn that Brittany was born in, where everyone looks surprised. Kurt and Brittany come out first, going through the aisle to the stage. Brittany’s mother (Whitney) opens up a door of a barn, in Indiana. Rachel then follows on, saying that if she’s not invited, there will be a 99% chance that she will ruin it. He gets an idea, when Brittany says the Blaine is all over his dad, teling her that Burt (Kurt’s dad) can officiate the wedding. GLEE I Am A Work In Progress from "A Wedding", GLEE Seating Arrangements from "A Wedding", Season TwoAudition • Britney/Brittany • Grilled Cheesus • Duets • The Rocky Horror Glee Show • Never Been Kissed • The Substitute • Furt • Special Education • A Very Glee Christmas • The Sue Sylvester Shuffle • Silly Love Songs • Comeback • Blame It on the Alcohol • Sexy • Original Song • A Night of Neglect • Born This Way • Rumours • Prom Queen • Funeral • New York, Season ThreeThe Purple Piano Project • I Am Unicorn • Asian F • Pot o' Gold • The First Time • Mash Off • I Kissed a Girl • Hold on to Sixteen • Extraordinary Merry Christmas • Yes/No • Michael • The Spanish Teacher • Heart • On My Way • Big Brother • Saturday Night Glee-ver • Dance with Somebody • Choke • Prom-asaurus • Props • Nationals • Goodbye, Season FourThe New Rachel • Britney 2.0 • Makeover • The Break-Up • The Role You Were Born to Play • Glease • Dynamic Duets • Thanksgiving • Swan Song • Glee, Actually • Sadie Hawkins • Naked • Diva • I Do • Girls (and Boys) on Film • Feud • Guilty Pleasures • Shooting Star • Sweet Dreams • Lights Out • Wonder-ful • All or Nothing, Season FiveLove, Love, Love • Tina in the Sky with Diamonds • The Quarterback • A Katy or A Gaga • The End of Twerk • Movin' Out • Puppet Master • Previously Unaired Christmas • Frenemies • Trio • City of Angels • 100 • New Directions • New New York • Bash • Tested • Opening Night • The Back-Up Plan • Old Dog, New Tricks • The Untitled Rachel Berry Project, Season SixLoser Like Me • Homecoming • Jagged Little Tapestry • The Hurt Locker, Part One • The Hurt Locker, Part Two • What the World Needs Now • Transitioning • A Wedding • Child Star • The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester • We Built This Glee Club • 2009 • Dreams Come True. He goes to walk out, but Tina asks him to stay for a moment. "Glee" A Wedding (TV Episode 2015) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. They say cheers and drink. I’ve had my problems with Glee in the past. But the former Cheerios! That gesture won Sue a personal invitation from Santana to stay. Santana bluntly says she wants to be surrounded by people she loves, and who love her, stating that Sue can only love herself. Inside the barn, Puck is talking to Mike about the air force. Kurt asks what’s going on. Maribel comments on how insane that story was. See more ideas about glee, glee wedding, glee cast. Artie, Santana, Brittany and Maribel (Santana’s mother) walk in, where Artie questions why they are there. About Us | Copyright Inquiry | Privacy Policy | Contact Us, Continue to Amazon to Purchase the Episode, About Us | Copyright Inquiry | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. Kurt and Blaine walk up to Burt and Carole, where Burt states how he’s just going over the officiation, and Carole comments on how handsome they look. Artie asks her how she’s doing. She planned everything right down to the rings and after a few minutes of discussion, Klaine decided to seize the day. The curtain comes down on the popular musical comedy-drama as it ends a six-season run with a finale that looks at how the original teen singers found their way to … Tina says that she knows he thinks she’s crazy for proposing to Mike, but she states that she felt a bit jealous that everyone else was having exciting moments happening, wanting one to happen to her. Santana comes from behind, saying that when she pictured her wedding, she taught she’d be the most beautiful bride, but states that Brittany is. Blaine opens the door, and they walk in, seeing wedding suits, with their faces stuck to it. Friday night's episode of Glee, fittingly entitled "Wedding," featured the moment many of us Glee fans have been waiting for since who even knows when: The reunions of … "Child Star" As with any nuptials, the brides want to be surrounded by those who love them. Santana walks from behind, talking to Brittany about how beautiful she looks, to which Brittany and the others react superstitiously about how she’s seeing her in her, dress, all of them ushering Santana to go back in change. That night, in the room where Santana, Brittany and Sue confronted Blaine and Kurt, Tina combs her hair, as Mike walks in. | You can clearly see Pierce Pierce (Ken Jeong) sitting next to Whitney Pierce (Jennifer Coolidge) but she continues to say that her husband is missing the vows due to being in the bathroom. Nov 17, 2016 - Explore Eleanor Hastings's board "Glee Wedding" on Pinterest. In the Lima Bean, Walter talks to Kurt about getting suits for the wedding. He states how he’s at the start of his life, seeing how he should have not have been someone he’s not, at Kurt’s age. Brittany then tells her if that means she can take off the blue underwear that she got from Tina, to which they both look disgusted. Which One Did You Love More? Sue explains how she stopped by her house the night before, as they both were not attending the wedding, intending for reverse phycology It cuts to a flashback of Sue knocking on Alma’s door, asking her if she wants to help her ruin the day, referring to things that people do to homosexuals. Pam (Blaine’s mother) introduces herself to Carole (Kurt’s stepmother) and Maribel (Santana's mother), as Sheldon escorts Whitney (Brittany's mother) towards them. He goes on, saying that if she hadn’t dumped him, Mike and her would never gone out. "Transitioning" Sue tells Blaine that she wants them to get married. They walk out in different dresses, to which the 3 girls judge their dresses. 3.4 / 5.0 1 Rachel moves Sam’s chair next to hers. Mercedes reassure her that they’ll want her to move on, just like they did with their first spouses’ death. next However, it’s a series that, whether you love or hate it, has forever made its mark on the television world. Artie states that no one loves being alone, but you can’t force yourself to be in a relationship, to avoid it, because you miss out on the person for you. Santana comes out, saying that she’s already agreed with them. Kurt, oblivious to her, see’s Brittany panicking, where she states that she see’s the barn collapsing. Sue, who was uninvited from the wedding by Santana, won the favor of Ms. Lopez by helping Abuela reconcile her ideas about marriage with her love of her granddaughter. Release year: 2009. Brittany states she finds it hard to track their relationship, Kurt saying the weddings not for him. Sugar dances with herself, as Puck dances with Pam, to which Kurt and Blaine sing with Santana and Brittany. Emma Pillsbury was at home tending to baby Daniel and Quinn was nowhere to be found, but Gloria Estefan sang and that's worth three Quinn Fabrays any way you slice it. Glee, Reviews. Pierce then tells that no one’s ugly, and tells them that everyone needs to be careful with the candles, as everyone looks awkwardly at him. In the auditorium, Tina talks to Blaine, Puck and Artie about hows she’s going to ask Mike to marry her. The episode was written by Ross Maxwell, directed by executive producer Bradley Buecker, and first aired on February 20, 2015 on Fox in the United States. He continues, saying that he’s lucky, and that even if he gets hurt again, its love. Burt officiated the double wedding and everyone enjoyed singing and dancing and celebrating the newlyweds. Brittany, ignoring what he said, asks how he coped with the wedding planning. Brittany states how that she’s been a big part of their lives, putting them on the cheerios. Later on, Blaine, Brittany, Kurt and Santana talk to the audience, thanking them about how real love is waiting for them., The songs from this episode are accompanied by. At 2:18 when Kurt talks to Brittany, Tina is behind him, at 2:21 she's already 25-30 feet behind him. She and Artie made a Marriage Pact and Sue sent the newlyweds on their honeymoons. Directed by Bradley Buecker. previous The press release for this episode listed, This episode marks the final appearances of, Santana and Brittany try on wedding dresses in the same bridal shop that. They should put the Tina-Artie lunch scene in a deep space probe just to throw off aliens about what humans are actually like. Artie then goes on the dance floor, singing Hey Ya!, with Madison and Jane as back-up, where everyone is dancing. When Kurt tells her its his dad, she uncomfortably agrees. Sue walks out, on stage, combining their last names together. Kurt steps in, saying he’s there to help, and tells her to trust him. On Glee Season 6 Episode 8, Sue has a change of heart and encourages everyone to follow their own path as a wedding approaches and New Directions are hard at work. Santana walks up to her, telling her how selfish and self-centered she is, restating the event when Sue dressed up in a wedding gown for Will and Emma’s wedding, and also married herself. The two couples walk together, saying how they can’t believe that what they did. Sue, unfazed, tells her that she’ll change her tune, and brings out Santana’s abuela, Alma. The creators of Glee always tried to put relatable and inspirational storylines into their episodes, but sometimes those ideas can get lost in translation and make no sense in the end. "The Wedding … Artie starts to lists the benefits, and pops a bottle, to which they drink, referring to "Tartie" and “Artina” as their ship name. This episode was watched by 1.86 million viewers and got a 0.6 rating. They hug, Brittany joining in as Santana says thank you to Sue. She states how lucky there was a cow at the time, to lick her clean, and took her back to the car, to which her father was surprised. She continues, demonstrating how Brittany was born, by squatting down. February 20, 2015 It aired on February 20, 2015. Brittany tries to cover her dress, trying to push Santana away, complaining about how she’s trying to sabotage the wedding. First Aired Santana see’s that Sue’s on the list, asking why she’s on the list. Santana asks what they’re doing there. Whitney walks up to him, whispering that he’s ruining it, and no one’s uglier than him, without his clothes on. Burt explains that even though they may have not meant to be, everyone isn't ready for anything to happen. Track Glee season 6 episodes. Santana and Brittany open theirs, reading out that they’re going on a expense paid, month long trip to Paradise Island in the Bahamas. Sue states she needs to come up with more ship names, giving examples of Puckcedes, and Faberry. A Wedding Glee - Episode 6.08 - A Wedding - Kurt ask Blaine if he still wants to marry him. The couples, as well as Mike and Tina go on the dance floor, as Brittany and Santana lead Our Day Will Come. He tells her that they have their lives ahead of them, and that there is a million guys out there, but Tina cuts him short, and they both kiss. Kurt awkwardly tries to make her remember of his and Blaine’s break up. They follow her to the room where Brittany and Santana were. And the supremely superstitious Brittany is thrown for a loop when Santana sees her in her wedding dress before the big day. Glee is a series that had a strong start, but then kind of slipped off. He then tells her that its only natural for her to say this, because their friends are getting married. Kurt tries to reassures her, but she continues, saying that the final fittings haven’t been done, and that there’s no officiate anymore. When “Nationals” aired on television, it originally aired as part of a two hour Glee finale. Ask questions and download or stream the entire soundtrack on … Mike then proposes that they should have their dance, to which Tina accepts. Whitney declares that she wants Brittany and Santana to get married in the barn that Brittany was born in, where everyon… She tells them that “OTP” stands for “One True Pairing", stating that she was lucky to find her’s, along with Kurt and Blaine, wanting them to join them on the dance floor, to get the party started. Blaine says that he doesn’t know what to make of it. The plot is a bunch of inevitabilities; play along with your checklist until we get to something new. She tells him that she’s already got a ring, and that its not crazy for a girl to ask a guy for marriage. Sue walks out. Plus, there's a sweet surprise inside! The script is a bunch of very bad attempts at breeze. She walks out as Brittany and Santana say she’s the best. When Brittany and Kurt enter the barn and the guests stand up, stand-ins for Ivonne Coll (Alma) and Gloria Estefan (Maribel) are seen behind Romy Rosemont (Carole). Tina tells them that she’s happy with him, and has missed the opportunity to marry Mike before, not wanting him to let go again. They say “I Love You” to each other, but Mike says they can’t get married yet. Sheldon and Sue dance in a corner. Finally, a marriage that Glee got 100 percent right.Kurt set up his father Burt with Finn's mom Carol the duo wound up really hitting it off. Burt then addresses the audience, saying that he’s been lucky enough to marry the loves of his life, and now is even luckier to officiate the wedding for the both of them. October 29, 2012 12:01pm PT by Lesley Goldberg, Brandon Kirby 'Glee's' Ryan Murphy Planning Two Tribute Episodes, Valentine's Wedding (Video) Santana replies that since gay marriage is not fully legalized in Ohio, to which Artie states that he meant why they’re in a barn, Maribel nodding. Season Six, Episode Eight She frantically moves around, trying to rearrange the setting. Burt states how officiating is now making him think, to which Carole and he leave, so he can drink. Sue states that she’s hurt by not being invited to the wedding. Brittany states how they now have the same anniversary date. Glee “A Wedding” Review (Season 6 Episode 8) February 21, 2015. Tina tells them that it there wasn’t a lot, while she was still in high school, but now in college, she talks to him a lot. Artie then proposes an offer, that when they’re thirty, and if they’re not married, they’ll marry each other, to which Tina agrees. Whitney retells how they were shopping for electric fires, before she had a horrible ingestion from having apple butter, telling Pierce (Brittany’s father) to pull the car over, and ran into the barn. With Chris Colfer, Darren Criss, Dot-Marie Jones, Jane Lynch. It cuts to Kurt running to Blaine’s apartment, where he tells Blaine that he still loves him and asks him to go the wedding with him, unless there’s someone else. In the distance, Sam, Kitty, Sam and Tina are taking pictures, where Sugar takes a photo of Blaine and Kurt, holding a pitchfork. Kurt, Brittany, Santana and Blaine then do the vows with each other, saying how it seemed they wouldn’t be themselves, but since they met each other, they’ve become better. The four singers end the song, to which everyone once again claps for them. Mercedes states that there’s an 80% chance that she will ruin it. When Kurt and Brittany are talking, she asks him how he managed wedding planning, he mentions that he doesn't know, as his wedding was called off. A Wedding is the eighth episode of Glee’s sixth season and the one hundred and sixteenth episode overall. Kurt tells her that they think she’s crazy, as they just got back together, and that Santana would never let them crash the wedding. Mariel tells them that she can work with it. Tina walks up to them, Puck commenting on how hot Tina looks, to which Mike agrees. High school teacher Will agrees to take over his school's glee club, whose misfit members are eager to reverse the group's reputation as losers. Glee TV Show Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. She tells them that he’s her best friend again. glee (Season 6) - klaine and brittana's wedding!! Kurt surprised, asks “but what?”. Brittany paces, telling the others to find things (lizards and spiders) for her good luck. Burt thanks the four of them, saying that they’re brave to stand up and get married, as Maribel and Alma glance at each other, looking happy. He tells them that he’s so happy that they’ve found one another, saying she’s the most beautiful one there, commenting on the other girls appearances. Brittany asks what they think. He continues, saying what Burt and Carole were saying earlier, and loves him, saying its crazy, and he doesn’t know, saying “but”. Blaine states how its romantic, to which Tina thanks him. The songs are fun but superficial. Brittany’s mother (Whitney) opens up a door of a barn, in Indiana. She gets the ring, and starts to propose to him, about wanting to spend her life with him. The next day, at the barn, people are gathered outside, walking around, in and out the barn, for the day of the wedding. Tina gets up, saying what she did was stupid. As Kurt, Blaine, Brittany and Santana walked down the aisle, Sam was meant to whisper to Will, The pictures of Blaine and Kurt on Brittany's suits are from the, This episode marks the second successful wedding on the characters' first try: the first being, Coincidentally, they both occur on the eighth episode of their respective seasons. They all are surprised. Artie asks how long its been since they’ve talked, after their break-up. In a wedding shop, Santana talks to Rachel, Tina and Mercedes about how she and Brittany will try out wedding dresses, for the wedding, Brittany stating that there should be no peaking at each other’s dresses. Rachel states that Burt and Carole will be there, and that she hasn’t been talking with them recently, and doesn’t want to hurt them. Burt walks up, whispering to Kurt that he’s barely together. Tina and Mike share glances with each other. Blaine tells them that they don’t have rings. Episode Guide GLEE: Sue (Jane Lynch, R) attends Brittany and Santana's wedding in the "Wedding" episode of GLEE airing Friday, Feb. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. He continues, saying that love and marriage is a ride, wanting to do it together. He tells her, that since they worked together in Asian Camp, he’s always thought she’s sexy. Puck then agrees, saying he’d be happy to see them back together, and Blaine agrees too. Burt then asks for the vows, Whitney once again commenting on how Pierce is still not back. Kurt states how it seems like yesterday, when only they were getting married, where Burt and Carole kiss. Sue states that she wanted to give them one more gift. Santana says that she doesn’t believe in things that abuela says either, but has missed her. Kurt tells them that its romantic, but they can’t, to which he tries to get Blaine agree with him. Still in the barn, at the reception, Pierce tries to get everyone’s attention by clicking his spoon, against the glass. Brittany, not remembering Burt, tries to guess who he is. When the vows are taken place the camera pans out to the family and friends. All 5 songs featured in Glee season 6 episode 8: A Wedding, with scene descriptions. Don’t let the title “A Wedding” fool you – there was more than one wedding on tonight’s episode of Glee.. This is the second time Brittany's and Santana's absence are explained by a vacation. Blaine reads out that they have a weekend trip to Provincetown. When Burt officiates the wedding and first says "I announce you wife and wife" to Brittany and Santana, he says it while using his hands to gesture but when he turns to Kurt and Blaine to say "husband and husband", his hands are in his pocket. Kurt and Blaine, along with Brittany and Santana, get married on 'Glee' Season 6 Episode 8. This episode is written by Ross Maxwell and directed by Bradley Buecker. Santana then says that Brittany might be right about them having bad luck. They walk out, as the mothers of the 4 newly weds says they have something special for them, introducing the reunion of The Troubletones, to which they all sing I'm So Excited. Glee creator Ryan Murphy has given fans food for thought -- "Chicken, fish or vegetarian?" They all say that they’re a work in progress, and say I Do to each other, putting the rings on each other’s fingers. Santana replies that since gay marriage is not fully legalised in Ohio, to which Artie states that he meant why they’re in a barn, Maribel nodding. In Sue’s office, Sue polishes her trophies as Santana walks in, asking why she was called. Glee Just Pulled Off the Best Surprise Double Wedding! In the auditorium, Blaine, Kurt, Brittany and Santana are gathered, knowing that Sue brought them there. Brittany: I find it really hard to track your relationship.Kurt: Well, this...isn't really about me. Back in the barn, Alma states that she may not agree with what Santana’s doing, but she was wrong, that family is the most important thing in the world. Blaine reciprocated that love and later, before the ceremony, Brittany revealed that her one wish was for Kurt and Blaine to get married alongside her and Santana. Blaine tells her to do it. At night, Tina is seen dragging a tree, as Kurt asks people to help her. Artie says that it is, when they’re not even dating, to which Puck agrees. Kurt replies that she volunteered to help. Kurt realises that she wants them to get married with her. Tina retorts, saying he dumped her first, for her fake stutter, to which Artie says he doesn’t recall that. On Glee Season 6 Episode 8, Brittany and Santana tied the knot! Burt then says that they are now married, and that God supports them, as everyone claps when they kiss, doves flying out behind them. He leaves them, Tina fixing Mike’s tie. Brittany walks out, where all of them agree that the dress she is wearing, is the right one. - Brittana is getting married because Santana is going on tour soon and they want to get married “before they become famous” - Burt finds out about Kurt and Blaine running away to elope and ask for Pam’s help to convince them to stay and have a proper wedding. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Let’s put the details of that disturbing reality aside, and focus on the fact that a Glee wedding means a Glee reunion! 13 Episodes 2015 - 2015. She states that she doesn’t want to be the person that causes her pain, and doesn’t want to miss the important days. Glee Season 6 Episode 8: A Wedding Summary: The members of New Directions are busy at work planning, planning, and planning, while Sue encourages everyone to follow their hearts. Blaine and Santana come next, to which everyone then realises happily, that there is going to be a double wedding. She stops him, saying how can he be so sure. © 2021 TV Fanatic The planning stage hits an impasse, however, when the two brides have a strong difference of opinion over whether or not to invite Sue. The episode features the planning for and wedding day of Brittany Pierce and Santana Lopez, which unexpectedly turns into a … In another part of the barn, Mercedes, Tina and Rachel are gathered with Brittany (Brittany in her dress, while the other three, in bridesmaids dresses. Sue says that she knows nothing about her. Santana storms out, saying that if she’s there, than she’ll not be. She continues, saying that she is incapable of a selfless act, and if she shows up, she’ll be dragged out by the security guards. However, this could be an in-joke. Sue states that she already has rings, referring to the ones that she wore, when she married herself. Coach is not so easily dissuaded and still has a few characteristic tricks up her sleeve. The New Directions are busy working and planning, while, with a wedding upcoming, Sue has a change of heart and encourages everyone to follow their own. In the main part of the barn, Kurt and Blaine comment about how nice it looks, as Sue walks up to them, calling them by their ship name, Klaine, stating that there is an emergency. Glee: The Music, A Wedding is a Glee digital extended play. Kurt then tells him that he’s going to the wedding with Blaine, where Walter looks sad. She continues, saying they have make the most of everything, saying Finn taught them that. It features all the songs from the Season Six episode A Wedding. Originally the vows between the two couples were much longer, and involved a story mentioning a rolling stone, searching for it's partner to "roll away with". Santana then tells her, that if she wants her to distract her minds, she should help with the seating plan. “A Wedding” is Glee season six incarnate. She explains about how the superstition of not seeing the bride before the wedding came to light, stating that it had to do with arranged marriages, where they believed they would bail out, if they saw their faces. Artie, Santana, Brittany and Maribel (Santana’s mother) walk in, where Artie questions why they are there. She tells them that she’s cancelled their honeymoons, and arranged one for them. Santana walks out, as Sue looks disappointed. Tina asks Artie if he also wants them together, wanting them all to agree, or else she won’t propose. At the end of the song, everyone applauds, Pierce jumping onto Whitney. They keep planning, as they walk out of the auditorium. Meanwhile, when Kurt and Blaine finally reunite as a couple they are all too aware of the mistakes and regrets of their past, but supportive words from family and friends inspire them to take a sudden and daring leap, and Tina announces her unorthodox decision to ask former boyfriend Mike to marry her, but while most of her guy friends are supportive, fellow former flame Artie remains dubious about the plan. It was a 'shipper's dream come true as two fan-favorite couples tied the knot in "A Wedding… Brittany states they dewey decimal system, moving Kurt’s chair next to Rachel, because they’re both annoying. Sue states that she realizes that they see her as a driven, bi-polar role model, but states they can’t help, but sees them as her kids. Mercedes comments on why Rachel is not next to Sam. Artie and Mercedes finish the song, to which everyone applauds, as Whitney states that Pierce is in the bathroom, missing the aisle walk. Santana comes back in, saying that at first, it was adorable, but now it isn’t. "A Wedding" is the eighth episode of the sixth season of the American musical television series Glee, and the 116th overall. It skips over a period of days, where everyone helps to prepare for the wedding. Continuing, she says that they should put their differences aside for that day. Tina states that she’ll be fine with being alone, but Artie interrupts, saying she worries too much, and that she won’t be alone. This episode marks the wedding of the main LGBT couples in the series. They all have solo dances in the song, to which the crowd cheers for them. - YouTube They both don’t believe her, but Sue states that its a real one, involving Brittany and Santana, using their ship name, Brittana. Rachel exclaims that she won’t sacrifice it, Santana making Brittany take the chicken outside. They exclaim and hug Sue, as Blaine and Kurt look hurt. As they talk, Sue walks in, to which Santana asks why she’s there. After getting everyone’s attention, he introduces himself, and tells them that he was expected to give a toaster, calling Target, but as they’re closed, has decided to give a toast. On Glee Season 6 Episode 8, Sue has a change of heart and encourages everyone to follow their own path as a wedding approaches and New Directions are hard at work. Tina retorts that she didn’t think she was going to do all that labour, stating how she feels creeped out by the kids, believing that not re-introducing herself was the cause, and that no-ones talking to her. Alma says she’s missed her too. Santana interrupts, saying that she’s happy that their moms and friends, holding Brittany’s hands, stating its the perfect place for them to get married, where Whitney smiles, pleased. She continues that its not them, and tells her she’s sorry that she can’t spend an hour without her, because she would then miss her, to which Brittany smiles. Tina, seeing Mike’s expression, rapidly says that she knows it’s a lot to take in, and that they don’t have to get married yet. Walter reassures him that he’s not, but is jealous. Carole states how they’ve taken advantage over their days, stating that everyone makes mistakes. Walter talked to Kurt about love and life and inspired Kurt to profess his love to Blaine. Sep 22, 2016 - Explore Elu's board "Glee wedding" on Pinterest. He tells him he shouldn’t waste time guessing, or behaving himself, but should get grab the opportunity, and not let go. Blaine states how they almost followed in their footsteps. Puck then agrees, saying that he ’ ll support that recall that s not, but has missed.... Jones, Jane Lynch walk in, saying he ’ s Brittany panicking, where everyone helps to prepare the! The four singers end the song, to which Kurt and Brittany come out first, going through the to! Blaine reads out that they won ’ t believe that what they with. 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