Teaching format. The government has announced that those planning on completing a PGCE in a further education subject during 2020-2021 could now be eligible for a tax-free bursary, worth between £12,000 to £26,000. Entry requirements Entry requirements. Teaching as a career; Primary PGCE; Secondary PGCE; School Direct Programme; School-based work placements; PGCE Open Days; Fees and finance; Entry requirements; How to apply; Facilities; PGCE programme specifications; Contact us; Pre-Course Information for 2013-14 PGCE trainees ; Back to Education home Entry Requirements. These courses equip candidates with the necessary subject knowledge to teach English language and literature in secondary schools at key stage 3 and key stage 4. It is not unusual to receive applications from individuals who we believe would make excellent teachers, but who have insufficient subject knowledge to go directly onto one of our Secondary PGCE programmes. It is important to plan ahead as your place on a PGCE programme may be dependent upon completing a SKE course prior to starting the PGCE. Both routes may include a Masters-level qualification, such as a PGCE and QTS leading to the Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT)/induction year. Core Mathematics. We hope to deliver this course as advertised for 2021/22 entry, but it’s unclear when we’ll be able to return to a normal timetable. As demonstrated in the REF 2014, 98% of the University of Exeter’s postgraduate research has been rated to be of international quality. If so, find out if you're eligible for a guaranteed PGCE interview. Entry to the PGCE programme is conditional on: Note: It is the University of Exeter's policy that the level 2 certificate in Adult Literacy or Numeracy is not acceptable as an equivalent to GCSE English/Mathematics. Training to Teach in the FE Sector has just got easier! A PGCE Secondary (11-16 with Post 16 enhancement) University of York PGCE and School Direct Routes with The Pathfinder TSA, All Saints (Diocese of Middlesbrough TSA), Yorkshire TSA and Teach North. Please see View Website for further details. The usual entry requirement for this course is a 2:1 or above in their first degree. Entry requirements. The Exeter PGCE programme provides an excellent base prior to gaining QTS as they balance the theory of pedagogy in the university phase with school experience very well. Entry requirements Academic qualifications: (a) C grade or above (or equivalent) in PE at GCSE and/or A level, (b) 2:1 Honours degree (or higher) in a sport-related undergraduate degree. Entry Requirements – PGCE. About the courseThe Oxford Internship scheme, as the PGCE programme is known at the University, is a one-year, full-time course of teacher education for graduates, involving a close partnership between the University department and local comprehensive schools. Using our site | Freedom of Information | Data Protection | Copyright & disclaimer | Privacy & cookies. Applicants must hold, or be in the final year of, an undergraduate degree. Applicants are required to have achieved a degree or its equivalent* in an English discipline by the beginning of the PGCE programme in September. Some course providers may have specific eligibility criteria, but in general you must have: An undergraduate degree or equivalent. Please note: although the DfE minimum requirement is a grade C/grade 4 at GCSE, we will generally only consider applicants with a grade B/grade 5 or above for Mathematics and English and a grade C/grade 4 or above for Science for the Primary programme. Please note: if an academic reference is not submitted then this will cause a delay in the processing of your application. Final decisions on candidate eligibility still lie with providers prior to commencement of ITT. The Department for Education has introduced an overseas qualification service, available through the Get into Teaching Line. Menu Close Study. Deferred entry. Students typically study the subject in which they wish to complete a PGCE, but degrees from related subjects will also be considered. All students will be required as a condition of enrolment to abide by, and to submit to the procedures of, the University's Regulations for Students, as amended from time to time. This is because many schools require teachers to teach two languages. All rights reserved. Also see the list of qualifications that are deemed to be equivalent to GCSE by the University for PGCE entry. Applicants are required to hold a degree from a Higher Education Institution by the beginning of the PGCE programme in September, ideally in languages, literature or linguistics. Places on a SKE course will only be offered to those candidates with a conditional ITE place. PGCE entry requirements and application details ... +44 (0) 1392 723009 (EU/International callers) Email: pgce-admissions@exeter.ac.uk. However, this will not be acceptable in lieu of A 'Level Maths. Exeter is a wonderful place to live and study with a variety of options for entertainment. In addition to a grade C at GCSE in English Language, applicants whose first language is not English are required to meet the following language requirements: IELTS 6.5 overall, 6.5 in writing, no sub-section below 6.0, or; TOEFL iBT overall score of 90 with a minimum score of 22 in writing and 20 in the other sub-sections, or You must hold and be able to provide certificated evidence of having an undergraduate degree conferred by a United Kingdom higher education institution or an equivalent qualification. Skip to main navigation Skip to main content University of Dundee. Programmes / PGCE / Entry Requirements – PGCE. For general enquiries about enrolling on PGCE courses at Exeter, please contact the PGCE … The usual entry requirement for this course is an Honours degree (2:2 or above) in Theology and/or Religious Studies. Entry requirements. Copyright University of Exeter. However, due to the current Covid-19 situation, PGCE applicants for the 2020/21 cycle who are unable to take up their place can contact the PGCE Admissions team to discuss whether deferral may be an option for them. For more information go to the Department for Education's dedicated page or contact the relevant University of Exeter PGCE subject tutor. Find PGCE Postgraduate courses at University of Exeter. The Exeter Model of Initial Teacher Education, Secondary with Modern Foreign Languages (MFL), choose your referees early and explain to them that a promptly returned UCAS Teacher Training reference could make all the difference. The University of Exeter supports the Core Maths and this is considered acceptable in lieu of GCSE Grade A, where a grade A has been achieved or GCSE Grade B, where a grade B has been achieved. PGCE Secondary entry requirements. SKE courses vary in length from 2 to 36 weeks, depending on the trainee’s need. ... As a student on a PGCE course, you may be eligible for income assessed Core Bursary of up to £2,000. Please be aware that you will need to make a note of the UCAS code for the programme you want to apply to from the table below as you will need to input this into UCAS to find the application form: University of Exeter Institution Code: E84. You can also register for advice and support from the Department for Education on their website: getintoteaching.education.gov.uk/get-help-and-support. PGCE programme; Why choose Exeter? For all postgraduate degrees you will normally be required to have obtained or expect to obtain a first degree equivalent to at least a UK 2:1 Honours degree. Copyright University of Exeter. Entry requirements. The modules shown for this course or programme are those being studied by current students, or expected new modules. Most successful applicants will have a 2:2 degree classification or better. Please see our new routes into teaching guide to help you navigate the variety of routes into teaching including: University-based PGCE; School Direct fee-paying and School Direct salaried. For this year, the Faculty will pilot an adaptation to the entry requirements regarding GCSE qualifications in Science. This could be through holding an A level in the subject, having an element of it in your degree course and/or occupational experience of the subject. Information on our entry requirements is available here. Additional entry requirements. For those applying to Primary: passes at GCSE in English, Mathematics and Science at grade C or above or equivalent (or for GCSEs taken from Summer 2017 onwards, grade 4 or above) if you are applying for Primary. Entry requirements The usual entry requirement for this course is a 2:1 degree in History or a History Joint Honours degree. Health and Safety qualifications: (a) valid and current one-day first aid certificate (i.e. We will also consider applicants with degrees in related fields such as American Studies and Linguistics. Entry requirements You must have achieved the following minimum requirements to be eligible to apply for PGCE programmes: You'll need to hold an undergraduate degree awarded by a UK higher education provider, or a recognised equivalent qualification. An academic reference is required from any institution of Higher Education that you have attended within the last five years. Please see the university website for further information on fees for this course. Using our site | Freedom of Information | Data Protection | Copyright & disclaimer | Privacy & cookies. × For such applicants, the Department for Education (DfE) offers a range of pre-initial teacher training subject preparation courses. Find more information about PGCE Primary with Humanities at University of Exeter . We have a highly experienced partnership team who are dedicated to building and maintaining the excellent relationships we have with our school partners in ITE across the SW and in London. The PGCE Secondary Chemistry option provides a pathway into teaching for good chemistry graduates who, ideally, also have a strong background in at least one other science at 'A' level. The city centre of Exeter is a cultural hub for the South West of England, and is around twenty minutes walk from Streatham campus. All applications for entry to our PGCE programmes must be made through UCAS Teacher Training and application forms are available online through the UCAS website. SKE courses in Modern Languages are specifically designed to help graduates who have one language at degree standard, or are native speakers, to develop capability in teaching either French, German or Spanish up to Key Stage 3 (ages 12-14). We encourage you to use this service prior to submitting an application by calling the Get into Teaching Line on 0800 389 2500. PGCE Primary 3 7 5 11 Programme Specification 2020 21 6761. If you will be outside the UK during the recruitment cycle for your proposed year of entry, you should make contact with the Admissions office to discuss this. Fees. SKE courses are suitable for graduates with experience of the subject to at least A level standard. Requirements for entry depend on the particular area you wish to study, so you will find them under specific subjects on the Primary Subject Specialisms and Secondary Subject Specialisms webpages. We do not normally consider requests for deferred entry either at application stage or after an offer has been made. Entry to the PGCE programme is conditional on: Graduate or equivalent status; The relevance of an Honours degree content to the chosen specialist subject(s) (current University of Exeter students are allowed to take up to 30 credits outside of their degree programme, some of which may strengthen an application for a PGCE) Subject specific entry requirements are available under the relevant Primary or Secondary banner available through the link above. Participation in the PGCE course is an active process. Native speakers with a non-language based degree are encouraged to make enquiries regarding eligibility for entry to the course. In effect, this means that whilst you must meet the standards for QTS within the 11-16 age range, you will also have additional experience of post-16. Please note the above criteria are the national minimum entry requirements to be considered for a PGCE course - please see individual subject pages for further information on additional subject-specific criteria for University of Exeter PGCE Primary and Secondary courses. SKE is now available in English to support the Department for Education’s commitment to recruit to EBacc subjects. You will need at least a 2:1 or its equivalent in order to be considered by any of the main funding bodies. Modules are subject to change depending on year of entry. Requirements for entry depend on the particular area you wish to study, so you will find them under specific subjects on the Primary Subject Specialisms and Secondary Subject Specialisms webpages. SKE courses in Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry are specifically designed to help graduates who need to develop a greater depth of subject understanding prior to training for Qualified Teacher Status. The Exeter Secondary PGCE is an 11-16 QTS (Qualified Teacher Status) course with post-16 enhancement. The entry requirements required for studying the Primary Education PGDE course. If you do not have the required pass at grade C/grade 4 in either GCSE English, Mathematics or Science, and are not able to gain this qualification before the start of the course, we will accept a Grade 4 pass in the English, Mathematics and Science equivalency tests offered by, Selection based on the information provided on the UCAS Teacher Training application, Selection based on a successful interview, A medical report which is deemed satisfactory. Pre-Course Information for 2013-14 PGCE Trainees (NOTE: new information for the 2014-15 cohort will be uploaded in early May - applicants who have accepted an offer will be contacted when this information becomes available) Entry requirements. It is designed to prepare students for teaching all aspects of science to at … Additional entry requirements. The entrance requirements below apply to 2021 entry. An initial verbal check to advise candidates on what their qualifications are equivalent to (guidance only). Are you an undergraduate at the University of Exeter? We do not normally consider requests for deferred entry either at application stage or after an offer has been made. For further details on the application process, please see our ITE Admissions Policy and procedures. These bursaries include support for students with financially dependent children or adults, or students who have been in care. Find more information about PGCE Secondary with English at University of Exeter . What are the entry requirements? Entry Requirements. All rights reserved. The Exeter Model of Initial Teacher Education, Secondary with Modern Foreign Languages (MFL), list of qualifications that are deemed to be equivalent to GCSE, find out if you're eligible for a guaranteed PGCE interview, Subject Knowledge Enhancement Courses (SKE), Department for Education's dedicated page, getintoteaching.education.gov.uk/get-help-and-support, The relevance of an Honours degree content to the chosen specialist subject(s). Any applicant who can no longer take up a place offered to them is asked to reapply in the following year and undergo the full interview process again. Entry requirements. The course will also consider applications from those with degrees in related subjects such as Ancient History, Archaeology, International Relations or Politics. As well as the shopping, cultural and historical attractions of the city, there are many cafes, restaurants, bars and clubs. ... Group, The European University Association and the AMBA. Your suitability for the PGCE Secondary programme is judged on a range of factors including academic qualifications, ability to work with other people and a real interest in learning and teaching. The verbal check is a candidate-based advice service; the aim is to provide guidance on a candidate’s eligibility prior to applying. For an idea of how this course might be affected, see our changes for 2020/21 entry. A joint approach to training; A recognised Masters level postgraduate qualification . Search our detailed list for course fees, entry requirements & student reviews. Emergency First Aid at Work Certificate) and, (b) valid and current pool lifeguard qualification (i.e. For those applying to Secondary: passes at GCSE in English and Mathematics at grade C or above or equivalent (or for GCSEs taken from Summer 2017 onwards, grade 4 or above). A written NARIC statement of comparability, paid for on behalf of the candidate (if required) and only available once a candidate has applied to ITT. This incentive is to encourage individuals to train as teachers in certain areas where teachers are in short supply. If you have no prior experience ofthe language, you will receive extra tuition and support as appropriate. On the Exeter PGCE programmes you will spend at least two thirds of your time in school depending on the route you choose. All candidates must have: An Honours degree of 2:2 or above, relevant to the subject the applicant is planning to teach; GCSE English/O-Level/Access GCSE equivalent qualification (Grade C or above) GCSE Maths/O-Level/Access GCSE equivalent qualification (Grade C or above) Good information and communication technology (ICT) skills If a candidate does not yet hold a minimum Grade C/4 in a mainstream science subject, they may still apply to the course, but they must achieve this qualification before they start the course should they be successful at interview. Health and Safety qualifications: ( a ) valid and current pool lifeguard qualification ( i.e on! Places on a ske course will only be offered to those candidates with a non-language degree! Subject in which they wish to complete a PGCE course is a wonderful place to and... 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