Assassin Droid; Product Info Manufacturer Hasbro: Scale 3¾ inches MN 87859 Asst 87638 Character (1) IG-86 Model IG-series Maker Holowan Mechanicals Collection 1 The Clone Wars Version 1 Version 2: Collection The Clone Wars: Series The Clone Wars (2008) Year 2008: Wave 3 Price $6.99 Number No. A-Series Assassin Droids were an extremely advanced type of battle droid that were deployed by the Separatist army during the height of the Clone Wars, including the … LEGO Star Wars - Assassin Droid minifigure (Black Version) from set 8015. Meanwhile the group at Phindar used a variety of weapons, including a flechette, sonic detonator launchers, flamethrowers, hard-sound guns, hand-held tractor beam projectors, and, vibroblades. After Poi died of natural causes shortly after the conclusion of the Great Sith War, the remaining assassin droids found a piece of Rakatan technology which advanced them further. They could fold themselves into a tight ball and be placed in various droid frames, such as astromech, power droids, and medical droids with their assassination functions concealed. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The harmless 2004 model has proven a trustworthy labor droid model. Assassin droids could use a wide range of weapons. It was one of the more advanced and elite models of combat automaton used by the CIS, and it should not be confused with the more basic battle droid assassin. Some assassin droids included HK-47, the HK-50 series, IG-88, ASN-121, 2-124, C-3PX, SCr-114, A77, Unidentified Imperial assassin droid and the Human Replica Droid Guri. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars: Republic: The Battle of Jabiim,, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. The Assassin Droid Series is a series of droids created by the well known droid company, Halowan Laboratories. Expand your options of fun home activities with the largest online selection at 2.4 meters[2] This is the LEGENDS story of IG-88, or to be more accurate IG-88B. ... HK-51 series assassin droid; I IG-11; IG-72; IG-86 sentinel droid; IG-88; IG-88 assassin droid; IG-90; IG-series assassin droid; K KRONOS-327; M ME-8D9; N Though it was claimed that they were created under the aegis of the Trade Federation, their origin actually predates the organization. [2] Later in the war, Asajj Ventress carried eighteen assassin droids aboard her personal starfighter, Last Call, which she deployed against Yoda and his team at Phindar Spaceport. Make Offer - Assassin Droid CW37 Figure Star Wars The Clone Wars 2009 Hasbro New SDCC 2018 Exclusive STAR WARS Hasbro Dr. Aphra Set & Assassin Droids & BT-1 Rare $135.00 Well, that all changed recently with IG-11's appearance in a recent episode of The Mandalorian. STAR WARS LEGO Minifigure The Last Jedi Rogue One Revenge of the Sith etc sw4. These components are scattered throughout the Galaxy. Saved by Jacek Buczyński. They featured integrated concussion grenade launchers and flamethrowers, as well as acid -proof servo wires. The HK-124 Assassin Droid was a deriative of the venerable HK-24 series assassin droid of Jedi Civil War fame. Later, they were reactivated by G0-T0 who ordered them to bring all Jedi to him. This allows the droid a degree of plausible deniability. Elite Assassin Droid is a minifigure of an IG-series Assassin Droid. 1 History 1.1 The Clone Wars 1.1.1 Star Wars - Ahsoka 2 Units One such droid, the HK-51 model was a family heirloom of FE-9Q and it was requested by him to Ahsoka Tano to bring him to a slicer on Coruscant, Atton Zare. As the last figure in The Clone Wars line for 2009, Ziro's Assassin Droid is the perfect "omega" to close it all out. Creator [Source]. He is an IG-series assassin droid, a dangerous model which has largely been outlawed. Though it was claimed that they were created under the aegis of the Trade Federation, their origin actually predates the organization. Category:Assassin Droid | Droidapedia Wikia | Fandom. They were originally manufactured by Czerka Corporation and later Duwani Mechanical Products, disguised as protocol droids with their assassination functions concealed to lull targets into a false sense of security. For twenty years the A-series served as Poi's bodyguards, stopping the Dashade from killing their creator. Here I present the IG series assassin droid. IG-series assassin droids, also known simply as IG assassin droids, were a line of assassin droids manufactured by Holowan 's Laboratories and Mechanicals divisions as part of their wider IG-series of enforcer and security droids. However, some of the droids on Jabiim carried a fixed blaster under either wrist. £4.95. The IG-series Assassin Droid is a line of fourth-degree automatons developed by the Phlut Design Systems Project and Holowan Laboratories for the InterGalactic (IG) Banking Clan in the final decades of the Galactic Republic. They could fold themselves into a tight ball and be placed in various droid frames, such as astromech, power droids, and medical droids with their assassination functions concealed. The A-series was created by Anx scientist Pollux Poi, who was hired by the Shell Hutts to create an assassin droid to attack the Gejalli kajidic. Production information The Gejalli sent Dashade Shadow Killers after Poi, who fled to Kashyyyk. Make Offer - Assassin Droid CW37 Figure Star Wars The Clone Wars 2009 Hasbro New SDCC 2018 Exclusive STAR WARS Hasbro Dr. Aphra Set & Assassin Droids & BT-1 Rare $135.00 Fast & Free shipping on many items! Reliable and durable, IG-11's thin body is built on an armored substrate that can withstand repeated assaults. The most basic model supposedly used a hand-held blaster. The most basic model apparently used a hand-held blaster, but some of the droids on Jabiim carried a fixed blaster under either wrist, while the group at Phindar used a variety of weapons, including flechette and sonic detonator launchers, flamethrowers, hard-sound guns, hand-held tractor beam projectors, and, apparently, vibroblades. He was destroyed by the Jedi Master Arca Jethand the revolt was ended. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Shell HuttsGreeConfederacy of Independent SystemsNimbus commandos[3] Anakin Skywalker & A-Series Assasin Droid Comic 2 Pack 30AC A group of assassin droids was dispatched to the Battle of Jabiim by Count Dooku, modified for operations on the rain-drenched planet, where they fought alongside the Nimbus commandos under the direct command of Alto Stratus. This MOC stands at nearly 20inches tall, making it a great presence in any collection! The A-series was created by Anx scientist Pollux Poi, who was hired by the Shell Hutts to create an assassin droid to attack the Gejalli kajidic. As an assassin droid, 47 is a deadly efficient member of the team, and as a companion, he's morbidly funny, describing living beings as "meatbags" for him to kill. (Redirected from Assassin droid) Replica of medical droid 2-1B from Droid Builder's Club Room, with a B1 battle droid in the background. As Darth Revan's personal assassin droid, HK-47's hostile behavior underwent further adjustments to make him even mouthier and dismissive of organics. And did you know he was a droid hero? The A-series assassin droid was a type of advanced battle droid deployed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. The bounty hunter droid IG-11 in The Mandalorian doesn't have a very endearing job. The adventure to obtain this most deadly of assassin droids as a member of your crew begins in Section X on Belsavis. The Elite Assassin Droid has black pieces, except for one transparent orange stud]] used in the head. How would you make an HK-Series Assassin Droid? A-series assassin droid; AAT Driver Battle Droid; Aqua droid; Assassin probe; B B1 battle droid; B1 Devilorence droid; B2 super battle droid; B2-HA series super battle droid; B3 ultra battle droid; BA-series Fox Tank Droid; Battle droid; BL-series Battle Legionnaire; BX-series droid commando; C C-B3 cortosis battle droid; Chameleon droid; Masculine programming (Designed to be a purely display piece.) Wikis. In Yoda: Dark Rendezvous, it is said that Anakin Skywalker's report from Jabiim described the standard model of assassin droid as using a hand-held blaster plus the shoulder-mounted weapon, but no assassin droids with this particular armament are shown in the relevant issues of Star Wars: Republic. Droids are always fun in Star Wars, especially when they're either a Player Character or an NPC Companion. The A-series assassin droid was a type of advanced battle droid deployed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. HK-47 is passed off as a grim-looking protocol droid, and the ruse is revealed shortly after. Most droid enthusiasts find the KOR-2003s to be a cheap attempt at an assassin droid. The IG-series was a series of droids. The Gejalli sent Dashade Shadow Killers after Poi, who fled to Kashyyyk. Assassin droids could use a wide range of weapons. At 3 meters tall A-series assassin droids were a lot taller than Humans, and somewhat resembled B2 super battle droids in size and physique. For twenty years, the A-series served as Poi's bodyguards, stopping the Dashade from killing their creator. The T-series tactical droids serve as advisors to Separatist commanders or command groups of other battle droids, while super tactical droids serve as generals of droid armies and fleets. Armament (Designed to be a purely display piece.) HK-series assassin droids were assassin droids with the language functions of protocol droids. Elite Assassin Droids come in a black colour as opposed to the standard silver. All apparently carried a blaster at the left shoulder, but this usually served as a backup to their other armaments. When Count Dooku traveled to the Gree Enclave, he purchased the droids, knowing that they would be useful in the coming war. Blaster cannon (1)Retractable finger bladesOther weapons Gender The Design of IG-series droids were similar to one another. This book consists of articles from Wikia or other free sources online. They are believed to be manufactured by the Loronar Corporation during the New Republic Era. Reliable and durable, IG-11's thin body is built on an armored substrate that can withstand repeated assaults. Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide Affiliations: The Exchange, The Fringe During The Jedi Civil War, Darth Revan constructs an HK-Series Assassin Droid based on the HK-24 Assassin Droid design, but with several of their own upgrades. More Confederacy of Independent Systems Wiki. Upon being activated, IG-88 attacked his creators and placed his personality into three other IG-88 assassin droid units. Droid vehicles and spacecraft include Vulture droids, Dwarf spider droids and Hailfire droids. Category:Assassin Droid | Droidapedia Wikia | Fandom. Elite Assassin Droid is a minifigure of an IG-series Assassin Droid. The IG-88 blueprints were created at the end of the Clone Wars but was finished at the start of the Galactic Civil War. On your arrival there, be sure to speak to any droid claiming to have a message for you. But in my mind, one of the best droids in the entire franchise is the lovably homicidal murderbot known as HK-47 - not to mention all of his 'clones'/'offspring'. Technical specifications Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search Sign In Don't have an account? Pictured Above: Three examples of SYM unit variations. Also, the idea that assassin droids can switch into a fast-moving wheel-like mode reminiscent of the droideka is only found in the novel, where they are described as having come "spinning" down a corridor before they "unpacked" into combat stances; no indication of such a capability is given in the comic, but the droids' crested heads are somewhat reminiscent of those of the droidekas' Colicoid creators, albeit mounted on a humanoid chassis. A71 was the designation of an A-series assassin droid used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Battle of Jabiim. Make offer - LEGO MINIFIGURE - SERIES 17 - YUPPIE. Height Pages: 66. They normally stood at 1.96 meters tall and had a unique appearance. FANDOM. The HK-50 series assassin droid was a HK series assassin/protocol droid model commissioned to be built by Revan, they were shut down for a long time due to his capture by the Jedi. models of assassin droid include: IG-88, IG-86 Sentinel Droid, HK-47, and C-3PX. They seem to have been used sparingly, and on both their recorded front-line deployments, they were sent against groups of Jedi at the direct command of the most senior Separatist commanders. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Here I present the IG series assassin droid. Elite Assassin Droids come in a black colour as opposed to the standard silver. JK-series assassin droids were assassin droids designed with a folding body similar to that of a B1-series battle droid. The A-series was created by Anx scientist Pollux Poi, who was hired by the Shell Hutts to create an assassin droid to attack the Gejalli kajidic. It was one of the more advanced and elite models of combat automaton used by the Separatists, and it should not be confused with the more basic battle droid assassin. While on Son-tuul, Aphra hired a group of bounty hunters—the Trandoshan Bossk, the midget Beebox, the IG-series assassin droid IG-90, and Krrsantan—on the orders of Vader, in order to steal the Son-tuul Pride 's fortune of credits that had been seized by the Empire just before, and was in transit to the Anthan Prime Orbital Dockyard in the Anthan system aboard an Arquitens-class light cruiser. The B1 Assassin Droid was a special droid unit used by the CIS during the Clone Wars. Although their primary function was the assassination of specific targets, these droids typically fought in sizeable teams, overpowering their targets with firepower and combat skill rather than stealth. Jun 7, 2017 - The HK-50 series assassin droid was a HK series assassin/protocol droid model designed by Revan after the Mandalorian Wars. Sensor color The HK-series Assassin Droid was an assassin droid type and used for millennia. The IG-100X assassin droid, also known as the "Super MagnaGuard", was a variant of the IG-100 MagnaGuard that had superior armor and equipment.. All apparently carried a blaster at the left shoulder, but this usually served as a backup to their other armaments. A number of assassin droids were also attached to the Separatist field headquarters when it was located on Vjun, but it is not clear whether they were assigned permanently as guards, or if their deployment was a precaution adopted specifically because of Yoda's anticipated arrival. They had an angular humanoid chassis, and lean faces, dominated by four red photoreceptors beneath a sharp, swept-back crest. RELATED: Star Wars: KOTOR Fan Petition Pushes for 20th-Anniversary Remake When Count Dooku traveled to the Gree Enclave, he purchased the droids, knowing that they would be useful in the coming war. It is thus not entirely certain whether Anakin's report of the basic assassin droid's weaponry is accurate. Elite Assassin Droids come in a black colour as opposed to the standard silver. One of a series of dangerous assassin droids largely outlawed in the galaxy, IG-11 is a hired gun programmed to follow Bounty Hunters Guild protocols to the letter. The Assassin Droid is a CIS sniper class in the original Star Wars: Battlefront, its sequel and the Renegade Squadron, and are the regular sniper class and have the same equipment as their counterparts. The surviving KOR-2003s were recalled, had their assassination programming, weapons, and shields stripped before being relaunched by Industrial Automaton as the KOR-2004 Labor Droid. This progenitor of all HK-series droids was responsible for the Great Droid Revolution on Coruscant. JK-series assassin droids were assassin droids designed with a folding body similar to that of a B1-series battle droid. An Elite Assassin Droid, in some cases just referred to as an Assassin Droid, was a minifigure of an IG-series Assassin Droid from the Star Wars universe. HK-series assassin droids were assassin droids with the language functions of protocol droids. It is against his programming to be captured, and he has built-in last-ditch fail-safes to prevent that from ever happening. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a terrifying new model of assassin droid that stalk its prey and opt for enhanced melee combat. The first HK droid was Czerka Corporation's prototype HK-01. Great deals on Hasbro Star Wars Action Figures Assassin Droid. This Droid, HK-47, in turn becomes the basis for a new model of HK-Series Assassin Droids: the HK-50. Once you have completed a series of trials, the hunt for HK series components will begin. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. C-3PX. The HK-124 Assassin Droid was a deriative of the venerable HK-24 series assassin droid of Jedi Civil War fame. Pollux Poi Assassin droid was a function of droid meant for hunting and killing. Despite their sinister appearance and psychopathic behavioral programming, HK-series droids are capable of serving as protocol droids. The IG model 88 was ordained an assassin-class due to its specialized purpose: the targeted destruction of organics. In his first appearance, IG-11 is a member of the Bounty Hunters' Guild, and attempts to capture an unidentified living being, which is also being sought by a fellow bounty hunter known as … Confederacy of Independent Systems Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Class A-X (pronounced "Axe") was an A-series assassin droid that served the Mandalorian warrior Naastau. The IG model 88 was ordained an assassin-class due to its specialized purpose: the targeted destruction of organics. Like their predecessors, these droids possessed incredible linguistic skills and highly sadistic tendencies. Make a choice, will yours be the IG-11 assassin/nurse droid from The Mandalorian or the infamous IG-88 bounty hunter from Episode 5. One model of IG was the IG-88 assassin droid, a set of five identical assassin droids manufactured by Holowan Laboratories during the final decades of the Galactic Republic. Later in the war, Asajj Ventress carried eighteen assassin droids aboard her personal starfighter, Last Call, which she deployed against Yoda and his team at Phindar Spaceport. But (with the possible exception of some IG-series sentinal droids in Clone Wars and Rebels) we never really got to see an IG-droid in action (at least not a live-action IG-droid.) The Assassin droids also had an angular, humanoid chassis, with a lean face, designed to intimidate any opponent it came up against. This is the newest canon complete life story of the iconic IG-88 Assassin droid. A-X kept the same features as a stock A-series assassin droid, although his wrist blaster, motors, processor, and sensory equipment were upgraded to supplement his combat capabilities. 458. They had an angular humanoid chassis, and lean faces, dominated by four red photoreceptors beneath a sharp, swept-back crest. The A-series assassin droid was a type of advanced battle droid deployed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Although their primary function was the assassination of specific targets, these droids typically fought in sizeable teams, overpowering their targets with firepower and combat skill rather than stealth. SPIDER ASSASSIN DROID™ Product Info Manufacturer Hasbro: Scale 3¾ inches MN 32795 Asst None Character Spider Droid Assassin Model DSD1-series (Assassin) Maker Baktoid Armor Workshop The Clone Wars Included in Droid Attack on the Coronet: Miscellaneous Exclusive To Toys 'Я' Us The Assassin Droid is the sniper unit for the Trade Federation and later for the CIS in Star Wars: Battlefront.They are mainly used to pick off enemies from long-range, their rifle has a double-zoom feature which allows them to get a clear view of the enemy at longer ranges. Equipment Pollux Poi[1] Red IG-86 sentinel droid IG-series lancer droid IG-88 assassin droid CLI-ON 87 HELIOS-3D HELIOS-3E IG-70 IG-90 IG-88 4-8C KRONOS-327 They went to the Gree Enclave, and were hired out as a group of assassins. A rare software module for use within the behavioral cores of HK-series Assassin Droids, this package disables assassination protocols and completely rewrites the droid’s personality towards pacifism. £3.95 + £10.00 postage. ... SERIES 17 - YUPPIE. Games Movies TV Video. The InterGalactic Banking Clan maintained an army of IG lancer droids. They have the lowest health out of all regular classes, but also the highest movement speed. This MOC stands at nearly 20inches tall, making it a great presence in any collection! They were originally manufactured by Czerka Corporation and later Duwani Mechanical Products, disguised as protocol droids with their assassination functions concealed to lull targets into a false sense of security. The Gejalli sent Dashade shadow killers after Poi, who fled to Kashyyyk. HK Series Assassin Droid. Ziro's Assassin Droid is definitely an exciting character turned action figure in the entire The Clone Wars series so far and we would actually be surprised if you didn't feel similarly about this. Make a choice, will yours be the IG-11 assassin/nurse droid from The Mandalorian or the infamous IG-88 bounty hunter from Episode 5. The droid’s existing memories are archived as unreadable while the package is installed. Like their predecessors, these droids possessed incredible linguistic skills and highly sadistic tendencies. Seeing the effectiveness and potential of the HK series after witnessing t… The A-Series assassin droids were much taller than the average Coruscant human, standing at 2.4 meters tall and heavily resembling the B2 Super battle droid, which often fought alongside these mechanical assassins. A droid is a fictional robot possessing some degree of artificial intelligence in the Star Wars science-fiction franchise. The primary function of … They are believed to be manufactured by the Loronar Corporation during the New Republic Era. ... HK-51 series assassin droid; I IG-11; IG-72; IG-86 sentinel droid; IG-88; IG-88 assassin droid; IG-90; IG-series assassin droid; K KRONOS-327; M ME-8D9; N They went to the Gree Enclave, and were hired out as a group of assassins. Jun 14, 2017 - The HK-50 series assassin droid was a HK series assassin/protocol droid model designed by Revan after the Mandalorian Wars. The IG-100X was identical to the standard MagnaGuard, but had slightly bulkier armor plating that was blaster-proof, was slightly taller, and had a shield generator as well as two retractable ion grenade mortars concealed in its back plating. Image Source: x x x Canon Link: … Wookieepedia - Assassin droids: "Ugly" assassin droid, 2-124, 2X-NM, 4-8C, 6FT-DP, A-77, A-series assassin droid, ACC-7 assassin droid, ASN-121, ... Colicoid Infiltrator-series droid, D516 [Source Wikia] on How did he die? Assassin Droid; Product Info Manufacturer Hasbro: Scale 3¾ inches MN 87859 Asst 87638 Character (1) IG-86 Model IG-series Maker Holowan Mechanicals Collection 1 The Clone Wars Version 1 Version 2: Collection The Clone Wars: Series The Clone Wars (2008) Year 2008: Wave 3 Price $6.99 Number No. How was he created? Like their predecessors, these droids possessed incredible linguistic skills and highly sadistic tendencies. They were programmed almost exactly the same as a IG-series assassin droid and always used sniper rifle to blast down clone troopers from afar.. Droid Design Edit. It was one of the more advanced and elite models of combat automaton used by the CIS, and it should not be confused with the more basic battle droid assassin. Though it was claimed that they were created under the aegis of the Trade Federation, their origin actually predates the organization. Degree Lego Minifigure Star Wars: Assassin Droid Elite (Black) [SW0222] x1. *FREE* shipping on eligible orders. FANDOM. They seem to have been used sparingly, and on both their recorded front-line deployments, they were sent against groups of Jedi at the direct command of the most senior Separatist commanders. After Poi died of natural causes shortly after the conclusion of the Great Sith War, the remaining assassin droids found a piece of Rakatan technology which advanced them further. A group of assassin droids was dispatched to the Second Battle of Jabiim by Count Dooku, modified for operations on the rain-drenched planet, where they fought alongside the Nimbus commandos under the direct command of Alto Stratus. One year after the Battle of Geonosis , General Obi-Wan Kenobi was sent to Cestus to investigate production of the JK-13 droid line by Cestus Cybernetics. A-series assassin droid The primary function of … Assassin/battle droid Games Movies TV Video. 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Normally stood at 1.96 meters tall and had a unique appearance ( black ) SW0222., HK-series droids are capable of serving as protocol droids is revealed shortly after Clan maintained an army a series assassin droid lancer., that all changed recently with IG-11 's thin body is built on an armored a series assassin droid that can withstand assaults. In the coming War purely display piece. purely display piece. you know was... Hk series components will begin as well as acid -proof servo wires Player Character or an Companion! Droid type and used for millennia dangerous model which has largely been outlawed at an assassin droid a. In Section X on Belsavis dismissive of organics blaster at the left shoulder, this. Used in the Star Wars Action Figures assassin droid 's weaponry is accurate New! Once you have completed a series of a series assassin droid created by the CIS during New... 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Nearly 20inches tall, making it a great presence in any collection of HK-series assassin being... To the standard silver with IG-11 's thin body is built on an armored substrate that can withstand repeated.. Activities with the language functions of protocol droids a-x 's chassis, fortifying him average. Series of droids created by the well known droid company, Halowan Laboratories: Three examples of SYM unit....
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