The Truth About Muhammad Ali's 'Phantom Punch'. The first four episodes of the series were edited into a feature-length film and released on VHS in 1994 and 1996 (and later on DVD in 2004), called Phantom 2040: The Ghost Who Walks. Liston was not a bully who could dish out punishment and not receive it like MikeTyson total B.S. Highlighted by bone-crunching … The important thing is the place it landed on. “Oh my poor Sonny,” said Emile. In 1965, Ali and Liston were two of the most despised boxers in history. when he trained for the second fight with Ali…Liston was in the best shape of his life then 2 weeks before the fight he got a phone call…He stopped training and was all smiles and riding horses and playing with children(which he loved) My manager and myself knew he was going to take a dive but we didn’t know which round..We sat ringside and watched as Sonny took a shot that would not have knocked out my sister and went down like he was shot with an elephant gun..Total B.S…Anyone who believes he was KO’d does not know jack shit about boxing..I saw Liston train about 30 times for this fight at Plymouth.MA..Amos “Big Train” Lincoln hit him with shots that would uproot an elm tree and Liston didn’t even flinch…Zora Foley also took a dive against Ali but that’s another story…. Knowing that he must lose this fight, an angry and helpless Sonny Liston decided to do it on his own terms. Thank you>. Then, he took the fighter known as Cassius Clay so lightly that he neglected to train for the bout. Looking back on the history of professional boxing, you'd be hard pressed to find a sporting moment more controversial than the one that occurred at Lewiston's Central Maine Youth Center on May 25th, 1965. Prior to his morning roadwork, several officers checked the field to make sure no one was waiting to ambush him. Was it truly a phantom punch you decide . A Phantom Punch in Kronos occurs when an employee forgets to punch out for job one and on the same day . After the fight, the 23-year-old Ali called the punch that dropped Liston his secret: "It was a phantom punch." Even the most ardent Ali worshippers if they were being honest would have to admit Liston took a dive. The punch that ended the second fight of Muhammad Ali versus Sonny Liston; Neil Lefner's iconic sports photograph of Ali taunting the stricken Liston to "get up and fight"; Phantom Punch, a 2008 Sonny Liston biopic starring Ving Rhames; Phantom Punch, the fourth album by Sondre Lerche The only way one can possibly experience the “Phantom Punch” in all its complexity is to attend the Bates Museum of Art. When Ali converted to Islam, his story was all about ideology, and his was one for which most people had no frame of reference. "It was lightning and thunder -- fast as lightning and booming as … You could fill a cork board with red yarn trying to connect all of the potential conspiracy theory dots. 7Christie Paranormal Trooper. Things were getting worse for the ex-champ, but the worst was yet to come…. The second fight yes the right hand wasn’t as hard as some of the Haymakers he had taken before, but he was definitely hit. They posted a 12-person, 24-hour guard around him. They called it the phantom punch: a mystery jab that brought down the Big Bear. [Phantom Punch tutorial] Was the name of the video. Liston took a dive, that is all, he said eff this, I’m taking my money and go him without working up much of a sweat or taking punches from this young kid. This creates a continuous shift from the in-punch of the first job to the out-punch of . Season One (containing the first 20 episodes of the show) was released on DVD in Australia in 2013. “The Negro has the fear put in him by your people,” the champ said angrily. ... of eyes is commonly associated with temporary unconsciousness and is one of the first things you look for. Walcott did appear to be hit by a solid right hand, BUT he certainly appeared as if he could have gotten up before the 10-count. Poor old Joe Walcott completely lost control of the match…. “Men were checked for ‘suspicious bulges,’” were they? Marciano could ...and did put his power shots ....which were measured at 900psi…..on his opponents as often as he could, Jersey Joe took those blows…..not any author who claims Jersey Joe took a dive….......................................nuf said. Ideology had nothing to do with people’s opinions of him. Dec 1, 2018 #2 Interesting video, System. He probably should’ve waited a few rounds to dive, but that was his decision, and one that Geraldine, in an interview available online, said indicated that Sonny simply knew Ali was better and didn’t want to take punishment. Guys who take dives are rarely hit that hard or else it isn’t diving, it’s getting knocked out…. What is a Phantom Punch? Muhammad Ali’s phantom punch has us scratching our heads 50 years on. Tier-1 Mod. After the fight, Ali claimed the blow was Jack Johnson’s secret anchor punch that actor Stepin Fetchit had taught him. Season One (containing the first 20 episodes of the show) was released on DVD in Australia in 2013. What is the history of this movie? When he walked back to his corner, the first thing he said was, “He laid down.”. A minute and forty four seconds into getting their wish, with some spectators not even seated yet, the fight was over. The black Muslims bled Ali dry,much like Don King and his lying wife bled Tyson. I’m thinking Walcott remembered how hard the first fight was with Marciano, and he just wasn’t going to put himself through that again. Whether the punch was a jab, a hook, or twisted fest, it was not strong enough to drive Liston unconscious. At that moment, everyone in boxing knew that the indestructible Liston had taken a dive. Sonny Liston was set to try and win back his heavyweight championship title from Muhammad Ali, and the atmosphere was electric. the 2 Geraldine first lite into Sonny in his dressing room for throwing the fight according to other sources. He stood over his opponent, yelling at him to get up and saying "Nobody will believe this." The confusion didn't stop there. The ‘Phantom Punch’, which was the blow that ended the match, was a short, quick, chopping right to the side of Sonny Liston's jaw. But the punch was staggered and unspectacular, and Liston's fall, nearly sixty years later, still seems borderline unearthly. Gotta love them Muslims!! My Vampire System Chapter 226 Phantom Punch read online at NovelWell. why Liston didn’t hear the count. Maine was at the center of one of the biggest boxing scandals of all time. Once again the blonde man was in a martial arts hall with wooden floors and such. At that moment Liston was advancing and so was that punch. “The Phantom Punch: The Story Behind Boxing’s Most Controversial B The State of Maine is viewed by many as the hinterlands, a far-off outpost on the edge of civilization. phantom punch (Noun) A punch of the fist that is not real, for whatever reason, to which there is a reaction as though it were, such as the final blow, according to ringside spectators who did not see it, in the 1965 rematch between Muhammad Ali and Sonny Liston. This is the phantom punch. Boxed In: Ali's Phantom Punch. “It’s the Black Muslims. As I have said before when I read Paul’s excellent book. Motivated Mike Tyson had one of the best chins in the HW division against Razor. “He had no choice but to lose. Was it a hard punch or..was the fix in? The furor over the fight started the year […] Boxing fans wanted to see the real deal. Twelve policemen and detectives were at Ali’s workouts and all black spectators were searched before being allowed to enter the gym. This is a movie, waiting to be written and filmed. “Pappy” Walcott who was probably a year or two older than his listed age, probably decided he was finally financially secure, and that a 40 year old man shouldn’t be swapping blows with someone as fit and strong as Marciano. Why Should I Care is a popular song by Song from the Film "Phantom Punch" | Create your own TikTok videos with the Why Should I Care song and explore 0 videos made by new and popular creators. To Liston’s family and friends, it’s called the Nightmare in Lewiston. The second fight between two iconic heavyweights again ended in controversy, as Ali leveled Liston with what has become known as the ‘Phantom Punch.’ Sitting in his dressing room prior to his 1965 rematch with Muhammad Ali, the former heavyweight champion of the world must have wondered how everything could have gone so terribly wrong. We want to have fun. Other episodes of the series were released on VHS in 1995. The famous phantom punch. They never saw the knockout blow — … Sonny, like most of us, was happier dishing it out than taking it. Who did Ali Say he learned to Punch From? It’s got a twist to it. PHANTOM PUNCH. When Liston knocked out Floyd Patterson for a second time just 22 months earlier, he, like almost everyone else, believed that he would rule the sports world for as long as he chose to. Liston had been arrested multiple times that year, with charges against him ranging from possession of a concealed firearm to driving without a license. Keep your minds as open as your eyes. a Phantom Punch. Well, to those saying Walcott took a dive against Marciano in their second fight—the man had an incredible career and took a lot of punishment during it. Phantom Punch chronicles Liston's triumphs and tragedies. So it hit Sonny square (actually sideways against the jaw) meaning it wasn’t a glancing blow, which would have been the case if he were backing up. Nothing in boxing has accrued quite so much lore as the so-called phantom punch that felled Sonny Liston—unless he felled himself—in the Ali-Liston rematch in May of 1965. I have my own take on WHY Kennedy was assissinated but he was assissinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, it is as simple as that. And so it is that Muhammad Ali, who easily dispatched Sonny Liston in the ring, may never beat him in the arena of popular mythology and public opinion. Reactions: Mokey, Paintman and Debi. Henry laid waste to Ali, and Dundee had to cut his gloves just to buy an extra FOUR minutes to get Ali back into the ring conscious. Muhammad Ali standing over Sonny Liston after the phantom punch is one of the most iconic images not only in the history of sport, but in the entire history of photography. Report this Content. It is called nystagmus." Ali countered with a short right hand to Sonny’s left cheekbone that traveled no more than six inches. Plus him getting KOd flat against Henry Cooper. Via the Bates Student, November 2. Halfway through the first round, Liston threw a lazy left jab. Phantom Punch is a 2008 film directed by Robert Townsend.The film is a biopic of Sonny Liston, with Ving Rhames in the lead role. The "Phantom Punch" fight between Muhammad Ali and Sonny Liston took place on May 25, 1965. He was being forced to sacrifice his future and his legacy in order to save the lives of his wife and child. The film also stars Stacey Dash, Nicholas Turturro, Alan van Sprang, David Proval, and Bridgette Wilson. It might not have looked as bad as the “Phantom Punch” but the Marciano-Walcott II looks suspicious. We want some salty language and good-natured exchanges. Accusations that the fix was in came almost instantaneously, with audience members screaming and … Yes the black Muslims fixed this fight, and yes the mob was probably in on it. Enter the museum and embrace the phantom punch. Sonny definitely caught it with the left side of his face. This explains   Staff. Politicians, journalists and the public called for boxing to be banned. Apart from trainer Johnny Tocco and former champ Emile Griffith, Liston may not have told anyone else what really happened that night. To everyone else, it’s known as the Mystery of the Phantom Punch. The story is irresistible. Debate raged about the punch that ended matters. Maine was at the center of one of the biggest boxing scandals of all time. The damage was done. Lots of fighters opt, correctly, to stay down. I think what really happened was Liston knew he was in bad shape for this fight, he had a bad training camp. There is no description to tell us why there are so many hits. “We’re both villains,” Ali said. The mob would have done it to win money on the fight; the Muslims would have done it to make sure Ali could not possibly lose his title. My Vampire System Chapter 226 Phantom Punch You be the judge, And after reading the book, you might come to the same conclusion that I did. They have her and the boy. I think Sonny took the dive….I don’t know why. At that moment Liston was advancing and so was that punch. Liston was on the mat. He did a lousy job as ref. A witness said, “I saw that punch, and it couldn’t have crushed a grape.” But it crushed Sonny, and his career. Clay needed just two fights to dismantle Liston’s legacy. The finishing blow became known as "the phantom punch," since it almost appeared never to have existed in the first place. However even then the fight should have continued because Ali never when to a neutral corner. Just one minute and 44 seconds into the heavyweight championship fight between the two, Ali dodged a Liston jab and then threw a straight right that connected with his opponent's jaw. The story is irresistible. About half an hour after the fight, sitting on a training table and dressed in blue jeans, a gray sweat shirt and heavy … The ‘Phantom Punch’, which was the blow that ended the match, was a short, quick, chopping right to the side of Sonny Liston's jaw. Ali would never have approved of any of this had he known about it, though it’s unlikely he could have prevented it. Muhammad was off-balance when he threw it. The two Liston “fights” were only two out of many of Clay-Ali’s fake fights. It’s possible that mobsters knew about the kidnapping or that they co-conspired with the Muslims. Even if they had, Sonny wouldn’t have told them the truth. And Liston’s son NEVER mentions it either. Las Vegas casino executive Ash Resnick was in Lewiston with his wife Marilyn. Ali called the blow that led to Liston's defeat a 'phantom punch.' "The Phantom Punch" is the story of that unique event, when an odd set of circumstances put one of the jewels of the sporting calendar in a small town in Maine. A visceral upper-cut to the gut, Phantom Punch portrays the controversial former world heavyweight-boxing champion, Sonny Liston, resurrected as a brooding menace to society and tragic hero. The furor over the fight started the year […] This “phantom punch” left Lewiston with a black eye — a black eye that would have been Boston’s if the fight had been held at the Garden, as originally scheduled. The "phantom punch" caused controversy across the world. GTC…..He may have, but that is pure speculation. After the fight, the 23-year-old Ali called the punch that dropped Liston his secret: "It was a phantom punch." … Great read Paul…..looking forward to your next one, George Thomas Clark’s first comment seems to cover my take on that night’s Ali vs Liston II. The myth of that punch in the second fight between the men not only refuses to die, it's making a comeback just in time for the 35th anniversary of the bout, May 25. It is, as slow motion shows, a short right hand to the face—an eight-inch chop, really—that follows an ineffectual left … This article is more than 5 years old. The theories weren't unfounded. Geraldine goes to the end of her life without saying this. What is a Phantom Punch? The famous phantom punch. Via the Bates Student, November 2. Phantom Punch is a full-length motion picture biopic of the controversial life of boxer Sonny Liston (Ving Rhames). Ali had publicly converted to Islam and been called "a champion of racial segregation" by Martin Luther King, Jr, according to the LA Sentinel. Nothing at all bad to say about Marciano, on the contrary, the power of his punches from the first fight were still living in Walcott’s head rent free, and Walcott probably pulled a “No Mas.”, If Walcott took a dive in the second Marciano fight, he sure ate a helluva right hand to do so. So it hit Sonny square (actually sideways against the jaw) meaning it wasn’t a glancing blow, which would have been the case if he were backing up. ... of eyes is commonly associated with temporary unconsciousness and is one of the first things you look for. He told me later he was gonna show that fight was fixed by taking the worst dive of all-time.” If you watch the film of that fight, you’ll see that Sonny did just that. Ali experienced no such feeling. The culminating wallop that turned the trick for Clay was much similar to that which ended the bout with Liston in Maine, a blow which many spectators didn’t observe and referred to as “the phantom punch.” Those who sat around the ring can testify that it was truly delivered and did land where it did most for the winner. The fight’s security force of 300 represented one lawman for approximately every eight paying customers. Things were getting worse for the ex-champ, but the worst was yet to come. It was widely believed that Malcolm’s murder was carried out by supporters of Nation of Islam leader, Elijah Muhammad. The truth was that both fighters feared for their lives. The backdrop for the fight was the stuff of which movies are made. Other episodes of the series were released on VHS in 1995. Written by Anonymous Nobody will believe this!” screamed Ali. People have long since forgotten that Liston was still the betting favorite. “When I looked at that crowd around the ring, that big, dark crowd, it was on my mind that somebody might be out there aiming a rifle at me,” Ali said later. Two days before the fight, two Muslims visited Sonny and threatened to kill him if he didn’t lose the bout. While in a fight, you will aim your punch in a certain direction to start, before the first movement is made, your charm skill will take slight control of the user's mind, to them an image will appear and make it look like the punch has continued heading in the initial direction. Wasn't he called Cassius Clay back then? Phantom Punch is a 2008 film directed by Robert Townsend.The film is a biopic of Sonny Liston, with Ving Rhames in the lead role. Liston's management wasn't shy about their mob ties, and Liston himself was reportedly deep in debt. If we feel comments are offensive, the post will be deleted and continuing offenders will be blocked from the site. “It’s a chop, so fast you can’t see it,” he said. According to the Guardian, Ali was even heard shouting "Did I hit him?" Sonny Liston lived at my managers house in MA. The knockout occurred with less than half a minute to go in the round, and it is highly debatable that a man with Walcott’s skill could’ve very well lasted the rest of the round. A witness said, “I saw that punch, and it couldn’t have crushed a grape.” But it crushed Sonny, and his career. Cant take a punch? a Phantom Punch. they punch back in for a job two. Fortunate indeed that I wasn’t there. The punch was called the phantom punch because nobody saw it Many experts agree the Ali punch that knocked out Liston wasn’t a punch that could knock out a former heavyweight boxer. Most people at ringside did not see the punch with which Ali knocked Liston out. Here's what we know. “I don’t want Lewiston to go down in history as the place where the heavyweight champion was killed,” said the city’s Chief of Police. Neither man was a candidate to appear on a box of Wheaties. There are three stories from the Sixties that seem to never be put to rest. There is a lot to see. My Vampire System Chapter 226 Phantom Punch read free. Ali showed his fear in response to a reporter’s question about his need for police protection. Muhammad Ali standing over Sonny Liston after the phantom punch is one of the most iconic images not only in the history of sport, but in the entire history of photography. Paul Gallender is the author of Sonny Liston —The Real Story Behind the Ali-Liston Fights. A video showing one of the most heated debates in boxing ever. Was it a hard punch or..was the fix in? A number of theories surfaced as to why Liston may have thrown the fight. May 17, 2020, 2:19 PM. The first four episodes of the series were edited into a feature-length film and released on VHS in 1994 and 1996 (and later on DVD in 2004), called Phantom 2040: The Ghost Who Walks. Walcott sure didn’t appear that hurt immediately afterwards. Some sportswriters positioned bulletproof shields behind their ringside seats. In the rematch the following year, Liston was felled by the “phantom punch” after just 104 seconds. Couple this with the threats that Ali would be shot (and off course Sonny had to be thinking Ali is always moving what if they miss and hit him). Its relative isolation and low population makes it one of the last places you’d think of for, say, a major sporting event. To everyone else, it’s known as the Mystery of the Phantom Punch. The film also stars Stacey Dash, Nicholas Turturro, Alan van Sprang, David Proval, and Bridgette Wilson. For one Liston was the uncrowned champion from 1959 till 64 Patterson and Johanson where paper champs who all made believe Liston did not exist .Listons only loss at the time to Marty Marshall he fought to the end with a broken jaw a bully would quit .Liston faced hard hitting Clevlend Williams not once but twice and took shots like no heavyweight did no bully would do that Patterson made believe Williams never existed either. Have you seen the entire Razor Ruddock fights 1+2? How about a coked up out of shape Tyson getting pummeled before winning the fight on a 14 second count, before gassing against Buster Douglas? Reactions: Debi. Kind of ironic that Jersey Joe was the ref, many think Joe took a dive in the rematch with Marciano. The champion had not trained well and a shoulder injury he carried into … 'It was lightning and thunder - fast as lightning and booming as thunder from the heavens,' Ali said after the fight. Just watched the Marciano-Walcott II fight and it is debatable whether Walcott actually beat the count. I can’t disprove them but still feel Sonny knew younger, quicker, longer Ali had his number and decided not to take a beating. Liston took the first chance he could to go down and stayed down. “Get up, you yellow bum. IMO, Walcott could’ve gotten up, and like Liston, he just said the hell with it and took the easy way out. You be the judge, The arena had been thoroughly searched by a New York City bomb squad. Walcott took a leak all over this fight to. Liston went down ....but the debate continues why he went down..  Was it from a punch…or was it due to outside influence…or was it just a very poorly staged dive ?? Terez Paylor breaks down why he feels this is … Debate raged about the punch that ended matters. The onetime toughest man in the world crumbled to the canvas as if he were giving a safety demonstration on how to fall without hurting oneself. In May 2015, The Guardian wrote how the alleged "phantom punch" Muhammad Ali delivered to Sonny Liston in 1965 had us "scratching our heads 50 years on." “It’s karate. Liston later died under mysterious circumstances. I recall many journalists stating in days after the May 1965 fight that no movies existed. 'd Liston in the first round—he is equally concerned with New England characters such as promoters Sam Michael and "Suitcase" Sam Silverman. When was it made known that it was existed? "Phantom Punch" gloves to be auctioned Sonny Liston tries to regain his feet after being knocked down by Heavyweight Champion Muhammad Ali, unseen, at the Lewiston Arena, Maine, May 25, 1965. Yet scrutiny of the fight film still makes it difficult to see the actual punch which did the damage. The 1965 fight took place in Maine and ended when Ali threw what has since been called “the phantom punch.” The gloves were bought by an anonymous bidder … This is a place to express and/or debate your boxing views. Flying Phantom, disambiguation, Phantom II, Phantom Punch, Pittsburgh Phantoms, Furness Phantoms, Lehigh Valley Phantoms, Kansas City Phantoms, Phantomsmasher Add your article. Until now, the reason why Liston threw that fight has been boxing’s greatest unsolved mystery. Adding to all of this was the discovery that Ali and Liston's managers had organized a shady contract regarding potential future rematches between the two fighters, and the air became thick with speculation that their previous bout had been fixed. This causes Kronos to insert a computer generated purple punch that is called . Don’t you think one of them would have at least many years latter when there is no fear to say so?? The story of World heavyweight champion boxer Charles L. "Sonny" Liston, who was knocked down 2 minutes into a championship fight by a seemingly harmless right hook from Muhammad Ali. Walcott was beat that night MENTALLY, but I can’t concede he was physically beaten. Keep your minds as open as your eyes. Home Home. Accusations that the fix was in came almost instantaneously, with audience members screaming and booing at the ring. Security was amped up due to reported death threats against both fighters, each of whom had found themselves at the wrong side of public opinion in recent weeks. Around the western world (this was the first heavyweight title fight broadcast live to Europe), fans were outraged. Joined Jul 29, 2015 Messages 40,722 Reaction score 29,410 Points 203 Location Virginia, USA. Now I see that there is a movie. Film Television show Game Sport Science Hobby Travel Technology Brand Outer space Cinematography Photography Music Literature Theatre History Transport Visual arts Recreation Politics Religion “But you people run the country and you should go out on the highway and stop anybody coming after me.” Liston’s most telling comment was, “They’re coming to get him, not me, right?”. I have always maintained Liston was not hit hard enough to knock out a fly. Twitter pays tribute to Muhammad Ali. The finishing blow became known as "the phantom punch," since it almost appeared never to have existed in the first place. By the “ Phantom punch. theory dots finishing blow became known as Cassius clay lightly... His shocking and unexpected loss, many people figured the mob paid him to get.. Was unable to contact Geraldine on the planet, everyone in boxing ever caused controversy across the world be from... The reason why Liston threw that fight has been mountains of conjecture about whether Ali s... 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