Dragon Ball Super: Broly Broly(Humanoid Oozaru), Super Saiyan God SS Gogeta, Golden Freeza, Super Saiyan God Goku, & Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta Drive To Be The Strongest Vegeta Driving Devotion Jiren (Youth) (Training Gi) Super Saiyan Kolra's Cards; STR; Super STR; SSR; Lvl 80/100; Super Class; Super Type; Realm of Gods; Pure Saiyans; Movie Characters; Movie Heroes; Super Saiyan; Godly Power; Warrior Gods; The First Awakened; Over in a Flash; Prepared for Battle; Hero Characters; Goku's Family May god give you 15 copies of LR Goku and Vegeta or if you're on Global, 15 copies of LR Gogeta, Vegito, Rose Goku black, and Broly, Cheelai, and Lemo. Dokkan's soundtrack and 8-bit music just click together. 5040. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Raising SA: Which Super Saiyan Goku is best? 2019-05-31T01:15:41Z Comment by LlL GEORGY. Final Super Power 'Representatives of Universe 7' or 'Universe Survival Saga' Category Ki +3, HP +130% and ATK & DEF +170%: Cards Affected by Skill. 77. Goku utilizes this form in Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13! 2019-05-30T21:33:28Z. Planet Namek Saga - Pure Saiyans - Full Power - Goku's Family - Super Saiyans - Kamehameha - Exploding Rage - Saviors ► 12 Ki Multiplier is 130% ► can be farmed to raise Super Attack HP: 8202: ATK: 8284: DEF: 4719: Cost: 42: SSJ2 Goku charges into the battlefield with impressive stats for a F2P Card and if a fight lasts long enough, he can gain a 120% DEF Buff and 180% ATK Buff. AGL Super Saiyan Gogeta and STR Super Gogeta Link the best with each other and can guarantee two Super ATKs between them, but PHY Super Gogeta is among the best LR Cards, and his value can’t be overstated. Goku uses his Super Saiyan power to defeat Cooler, Frieza's older and stronger brother, thus finishing off the family. Community content is available under. https://dbz-dokkanbattle.fandom.com/wiki/Miraculous_Kamehameha_Super_Saiyan_Goku?oldid=1231181, Causes supreme damage to enemy and raises allies' ATK by 25% for 1 turn, Ki +3 and ATK & DEF +80% when HP is 30% or above; disables Rampage. 2186. x1 Moves and Skills Leader Skill. Goku is at his best in his Super Saiyan, as once he reaches that pinnacle he’s a Defensive juggernaut, permanently stacking his Defense and Guarding all attacks, but he needs to do some work to get there. Users who like [DBZ Dokkan Battle OST] // Active Skill (STR Super Saiyan Goku) Users who reposted [DBZ Dokkan Battle OST] // Active Skill (STR Super Saiyan Goku) 2126. Super STR SSJ3 Goku came out about a year after his AGL counterpart, so it’s inevitable to make comparisons between the two.Both Goku’s got a DEF Boost post-EZA, but the +40% STR Goku gets is very weak. He can be a pretty severe weak point, especially on harder content like Super Battle Road and Fighting Legend: Goku. Super STR SSJ3 Goku came out about a year after his AGL counterpart, so it’s inevitable to make comparisons between the two. 1/80 "Realm of Gods" Category Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +30%; TEQ & INT Type Ki +1 and HP, ATK & DEF +30%: Limitbreaker Kamehameha - Causes supreme damage to enemy Details: New Experience - Recovers 7% HP and ATK & DEF +50% at start of turn; plus an additional ATK +50% with 5 or more Ki Spheres obtained: ". 50. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: NEW STR SUPER SAIYAN ROSE GOKU BLACK SUPER ATTACK! Love it hope everyone gets that Goku . 32. Goku uses his Super Saiyan power to defeat Cooler, Frieza's older and stronger brother, thus finishing off the family. - Golden Warrior - Saiyan Warrior Race - Super Saiyan - Kamehameha Majin Buu Saga - Pure Saiyans - Full Power - Movie Heroes - Goku's Family - Super Saiyans - Kamehameha He did this as a last resort against the titular form of Android 13. "Movie Heroes" Category Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +130%: Super Kamehameha (12-17 Ki) Burning Fist (18+ Ki) Raises ATK for 1 turn and causes colossal damage to enemy Causes mega-colossal damage and massively lowers enemy's DEF: Searing Attack NEW TEQ VEGITO BLUE SUPER ATTACK PREVIEW: https://youtu.be/iSM2vTUI_AQ Awakened UR Unstoppable Battle - Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Angel) Super STR. I Made A Sore Loser Delete Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 By Using Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x10 Goku - … Even g… Majin Buu Saga - Pure Saiyans - Goku's Family ► 12 Ki Multiplier is 135% ► The 39% ATK from the 7 Ki Spheres is a reference to when Goku regains his strength due to the Dragon Ball's wish, and he says "Thank you, Dragon Balls!, 39 being a way of pronouncing 3 and 9 in Japanese "San Kyu", and 7 being the 7 Dragon Balls." Awakened UR Unstoppable Battle - Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Angel) Super STR. Awakened UR Instinct of the Warrior Race - Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Angel) Super STR. Doté de sang pur - Goku SSGSS maîtrisé. The effect increases along with the skill level. Causes immense damage; DEF +30% for 6 turns. Next Awakening Cost. 3031. Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) 6151. While this Goku cannot be brought along to a Prime Battle, he is a great pick for other events. Pure Saiyans - Goku's Family - Kamehameha - Giant Ape Power. Type ATK Boost Slightly raises ATK when AGL attacks STR, STR attacks PHY, PHY attacks INT, INT attacks TEQ, or TEQ attacks AGL. 2027. 1185. I would prefer TEQ SSJ Vegeta because I have a SSR PHY Piccolo on my bench so I can use him to fill the PHY slot. Next Awakening Cost. x1 Moves and Skills Leader Skill. Super Saiyan Goku. 2296. 2024. Dragon Ball Super: Broly Broly (Humanoid Oozaru), Super Saiyan God SS Gogeta, Golden Freeza, Super Saiyan God Goku, & Super Saiyan God SS … https://dbz-dokkanbattle.fandom.com/wiki/Ultimate_Super_Saiyan_Super_Saiyan_4_Goku?oldid=1232108, Causes immense damage; DEF +30% for 6 turns. Super Saiyan Rosè Goku Black. 1168. 30% chance of evading and countering enemy's Super Attack. 1/120 "Final Trump Card" Category Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +50%; or INT Type Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +30%: Kamehameha - Causes supreme damage to enemy and lowers DEF Details: 1/80: AGL, INT & STR Type HP & ATK +30%: Family Kamehameha - Causes supreme damage to enemy Details: Miraculous Strike - Disable Rampage, Ki +2 & ATK +2000 when HP>=80%: Video Title: THE BEST ANIMATIONS IN DOKKAN! ► Tremendous power multiplier is 300%, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. AGL SSR Super Saiyan Goku STR SSR Super Saiyan 2 Gohan INT SSR Super Saiyan Teen Trunks I know there's a TEQ Super Saiyan Vegeta and a STR Super Saiyan Goku, but those would cancel out their respective others. Title Of Video: Transforming Super Saiyan Goku's Dokkan Theme - Dragon Ball Dokkan Battle OST ----- Follow Me On These Platforms⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ ----- Twitter - MONOKUMA ! 125 Lv. Awakenings SSR The Final Trump Card - Goku STR Unstoppable Battle; Super Class Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +90%: Cards Affected by Skill Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Awakened UR Final Super Power - Super Saiyan God SS Goku (Kaioken) Super STR. NEW SSJ GOKU & FRIEZA SUPER ATTACKS! Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Super Saiyan Goku. AGL Super Saiyan Gogeta and STR Super Gogeta Link the best with each other and can guarantee two Super ATKs between them, but PHY Super Gogeta is among the best LR Cards, and his value can’t be overstated. Final Super Power 'Representatives of Universe 7' or 'Universe Survival Saga' Category Ki +3, HP +130% and ATK & DEF +170%: good luck on your pulls bois. In the form's official anime artwork, the user simply has the appearance of Future Trunks' Strengthened Super Saiyan 2 appearance and possess a golden aura. ► 12 Ki Multiplier is 150% x1 Moves and Skills Leader Skill. Awakened UR Power Raised to the Maximum - Super Saiyan God SS Goku (Kaioken) Super STR. 58. 1.37 super saiyan god ss goku & super saiyan god ss vegeta 1.38 SUPER SAIYAN GOD SS GOKU (KAIOKEN) & SUPER SAIYAN GOD SS EVOLVED VEGETA 1.39 GOKU & FRIEZA (FINAL FORM) (ANGEL) 1212. Community content is available under. 1/150 "Future Saga" Category Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +130%; or Extreme INT Type Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%: Holy Light Grenade - Greatly raises DEF for 1 turn and causes mega-colossal damage to enemy Details: The best duo for the other main rotation is TEQ Gohan & Goten and PHY Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen). Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug, also known by its Japanese title Dragon Ball Z: Son Goku the Super Saiyan (Japanese: ドラゴンボールZ 超 (スーパー) サイヤ人だ孫悟空, Hepburn: Doragon Bōru Zetto Sūpā Saiyajin da Son Gokū), is a 1991 Japanese animated science fiction martial arts film and the fourth Dragon Ball Z feature movie. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Super Saiyan God Goku. Super Saiyan 3 Goku. Render By: Me on pivot animator, not uploaded on any site N-Goku Comes from the roblox game: "Dragon Ball N" By "murylloyago" super sans. 2409. 140 9221 9871 10521 11171 13171 16171 8727 9332 9937 10542 12542 15942 4512 4747 4983 5218 7218 9818 Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. 1/80: STR Type ATK +50%: Kamehameha - Causes extreme damage to enemy Details: Frenetic Pursuit - ATK +4000 when Ki … 1/120: INT Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +80%: Kamehameha & Big Bang Attack - Causes immense damage to enemy Details: Two Super Warriors - ATK and DEF +100% at start of turn; Ki +2 in addition per Rainbow Ki Sphere obtained: 1/120: INT Type Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +50%: Instant Transmission Kamehameha - Causes supreme damage with a … Double Aura Super Saiyan God SS Goku (Kaioken) Draconic Firestorm Charizard. 1838. 32. Warrior of the Galaxy. He can be a pretty severe weak point, especially on harder content like Super Battle Road and Fighting Legend: Goku. Competitive by nature, Goku constantly trains to be the greatest warrior possible and has come to possess powers that some believe put him on the same level as DC’s Superman. 2019-05-31T01:15:41Z Comment by LlL GEORGY. Super Saiyan Goku & Super Saiyan Vegeta. Love it hope everyone gets that Goku . Awakened UR Unstoppable Battle - Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Angel) Super STR SSJ2 Goku charges into the battlefield with impressive stats for a F2P Card and if a fight lasts long enough, he can gain a 120% DEF Buff and 180% ATK Buff. Majin Buu Saga - Pure Saiyans - Goku's Family ► 12 Ki Multiplier is 135% ► The 39% ATK from the 7 Ki Spheres is a reference to when Goku regains his strength due to the Dragon Ball's wish, and he says "Thank you, Dragon Balls!, 39 being a way of pronouncing 3 and 9 in Japanese "San Kyu", and 7 being the 7 Dragon Balls." While utilizing this form, Goku becomes greatly empowered - however, he is unconscious while using it, and as such, his actions are not his own. Users who like [DBZ Dokkan Battle OST] // Active Skill (STR Super Saiyan Goku) Users who reposted [DBZ Dokkan Battle OST] // Active Skill (STR Super Saiyan Goku) Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle:NEW TRANSFORMING NAMEK SAGA GOKU SUPER ATTACK & TRANSFORMATION & ACTIVE SKILL! 18. 125 Lv. good luck on your pulls bois. It works for both Super and Extreme Types. An old face returns, the new EZA for Goku is an interesting choice that provides some much-needed Buffs to an old Card. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle:NEW TRANSFORMING NAMEK SAGA GOKU SUPER ATTACK & TRANSFORMATION & ACTIVE SKILL! 130 Lv. ATK +150%, medium chance of evading enemy's Super Attack and countering with tremendous power. Super Attack: Dreadful Kamahamaha Causes colossal damage to enemy. His aura now emits particles, resembling the same ones emitt… 3737. 2019-05-30T21:33:28Z. Originally sent to Earth to destroy it, the Saiyan known as Goku suffered a fortunate head injury that altered his memory and caused him to grow up to be one of Earth’s greatest defenders. Golden Warrior - Saiyan Warrior Race - Super Saiyan - Over in a Flash - Limit-Breaking Form - Fierce Battle - Supreme Power Majin Buu Saga - Super Saiyan 3 - Pure Saiyans - Full Power - Movie Heroes - Goku's Family - Final Trump Card x2x4 x6 x8 x12 x12 x12 Lv. 2275. 135 Lv. In the anime, the appearance of the Super Saiyan Rage form primarily resembles a standard Super Saiyan 2. The aura is golden with a blue glow around the user's body, like an inverted version of Super Saiyan Blue's aura. Both Goku’s got a DEF Boost post-EZA, but the +40% STR Goku gets is very weak. 17. 1204. by transforming into a Super Saiyan while he creates a Spirit Bomb, and then proceeding to absorb the Spirit Bomb into himself because of the impurity in his heart. 2224. The Super Saiyan transformation made its movie debut in the film Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge. 2162. Awakened UR Final Super Power - Super Saiyan God SS Goku (Kaioken) Super STR. 13. 130 Lv. Blazing Battle - Golden Warrior - Saiyan Warrior Race - Super Saiyan - Kamehameha - Shattering the Limit Majin Buu Saga - Pure Saiyans - Full Power - Movie Heroes - Goku's Family - Super Saiyans - Kamehameha x3x5 x7 x10 x30 x30 x30 Lv. Super Saiyan - Saiyan Roar - Prepared for Battle - Shocking Speed - Kamehameha - GT - Fierce Battle. 4510. "Movie Heroes" Category Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +130%: Super Kamehameha (12-17 Ki) Burning Fist (18+ Ki) Raises ATK for 1 turn and causes colossal damage to enemy Causes mega-colossal damage and massively lowers enemy's DEF: Searing Attack The first time that Dragon Ball Z fans learned of the concept of a Legendary Super Saiyan (a form only achieved once every thousand or so years by an ancient warrior) was during the Frieza Saga.When Goku became a Super Saiyan for the first time, the general consensus from both fans and characters alike was that Goku was, in fact, that legendary, once in a lifetime warrior. Goku can stun with his Super ATK and his Passive Skill is quite useful, provided players manage to get below 77% HP and make Goku quite a self- sufficient fighter. Leader Skill: "Inhuman Deeds" and "Time Travellers" ki plus 3, ATK plus 170%, HP and DEF plus 150%. 100% POTENTIAL SYSTEM TUR STR XENO SUPER SAIYAN 3 GOKU & PHY XENO SUPER SAIYAN 3 VEGETA SHOWCASE! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. ► SA Level can go up to 15, but only through Extreme Z-Awakening with special medals from the Extreme Z-Battle event; click on any of the medals for a detailed overview of the Extreme Z-Awakening, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Extreme STR LR Super Saiyan Rosè Goku Black/Zamasu. 1720. 140 10048 10707 11367 12026 14026 17026 8913 9547 10181 10815 12815 16215 4385 4653 4921 5190 7190 9790 1606. 963. 1/120 "Pure Saiyans" or "Hybrid Saiyans" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%: Instant Transmission Kamehameha - Greatly raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes supreme damage to enemy Details: Thank you for sharing this masterpiece to us. Next Awakening Cost. Once again you make amazing work. Comes from the roblox game (DBN) but its a meme form since in that game mostly has memes reference nor memes in self (also sans is a gamepass on the game) Super Saiyan Goku. Saiyan Power Unleashed Super Saiyan Goku (GT) 2056. The best duo for the other main rotation is TEQ Gohan & Goten and PHY Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen). The Super Saiyan transformation made its movie debut in the film Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge. Overview. 2334. 135 Lv. On his own Team, the Super Saiyan/Planet Namek Saga Team, his combination of Prepared for Battle and Shocking Speed allows him to Link well with most Saiyan and Wicket Bloodline Cards. Be a pretty severe weak point, especially on harder content like Super Battle Road and Fighting Legend Goku. The appearance of the Super Saiyan Gohan ( Teen ) Unstoppable Battle - Shocking -! New STR Super Saiyan Rage form primarily resembles a standard Super Saiyan Gohan Teen! Causes colossal damage to enemy UR Instinct of the Super Saiyan Gohan Teen... 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