He was to announce Yahweh"s judgment on these women who sewed cloth bands to place on the wrists and floor-length veils on the heads of themselves or the objects of their "prophesying." Will ye save the souls alive that come unto you, These hunters of souls killed without mercy, but saved some alive — the very ones that deserved to die (, ). With this view these women used such ceremonies that wretched men thought themselves caught up above the world, and all earthly thoughts being laid aside, they dozed so as to receive the oracles, and at the same time had the head covered to avoid everything which might call them off and distract them, and to be wholly intent on spiritual meditations. will ye save … souls … that come unto you—Will ye haul after souls, and when they are yours ("come unto you"), will ye promise them life? your souls, which are yours, can you quicken?''. They glory in making you uncomfortable. ). Kerchiefs; either veils, or triumphal hats or caps, which were made by these prophetesses, and these were put upon the head of every one who consulted them; and by these habits the deceived inquirer was either persuaded he was made fit to receive the oracle, or was to interpret the sign as promise of victory over the Babylonian, and a triumphant rest in Judea. We dislike everything that disturbs our peace of mind, or ruffles the serenity of our conscience. You cannot long prove unfaithful to your marriage vows, and not be looked down upon as a base and abandoned man. Their conduct. ; cervicalia, Vulg.) # 13.18 They wear … the future: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text. The word מספחות mispachoth, translated here kerchiefs, and by the Vulgate cervicalia, bolsters, Calmet contends, means a sort of nets used in hunting, and in every place where it occurs it will bear this meaning; and hence the use to which it is here said to be applied, to hunt souls. But supposing you were allured and enticed into such a conveyance by fair speeches and flattering promises; supposing it were made so comfortable on purpose to allay your fears and deceive you as to the probable end of your journey,--would all this comfort satisfy you, were you apprised by some kind angel that you were in that easy, smooth fashion to be conveyed to a lunatic asylum or a prison, to end your days amongst madmen or felons, or to be launched headlong over a steep precipice to sudden destruction? (Challoner) (Worthington) --- People are often said to do what they only announce, Leviticus xiii. Will ye hunt the souls of my people, and will ye save the souls alive that come unto you? It lays hold upon you and impresses you much more effectually than if they had delivered their message in plain though powerful language. . Woe to the women that sew pillows to all arm-holes - rather, 'to all elbows and wrists,' for which the false prophetesses made cushions to lean on, as a symbolical act, typifying the perfect tranquility which they foretold to those consulting them. 13:18). hide from the People the hands of Jehovah lifted up and stretched forth in judgment (Isaiah 26:11; Isaiah 5:2, Isaiah 5:10). "The activities attributed to these women suggest that they were more like witches or sorcerers than prophets [cf. 11. Lastly, he signifies that punishment is prepared for the women who ensnare God’s people, because although those who are deceived are worthy of death, yet God will still exact punishment of Satan’s ministers who have endeavored to despoil him of his rights. souls. Now, this old trade of sewing pillows, of making cushions for all elbows that feel the hardness and uncomfortableness of unwelcome facts, is not yet extinct. And nosy they lie on one side, and now on the other, and all your preaching and warning cannot rouse them. Sat. 98. Pillows for all elbows. To hunt: all this is a pretence, while really it is spreading a net, as hunters do, to catch the prey and devour it. See what Harmer says concerning the eastern mode of sitting supported by pillows, ii. They represent these women as of the class who, for a pittance of remuneration, sell themselves to the lowest vice. “We can only guess at what, precisely, were the magic wristbands and head veils created by the sorceresses.” (Vawter and Hoppe) iii. The Christianity taught and professed nowadays is, it seems to me, often of a very emasculated character. For as we shall afterwards see, no one is deceived by the devil unless he offers himself of his own accord, and entangles himself in his snares on purpose. make kerchiefs—magical veils, which they put over the heads of those consulting them, as if to fit them for receiving a response, that they might be rapt in spiritual trance above the world. Harmer, ii. At our very doors it is so; in every city of the empire it is so; in distant lands it is so. To hunt souls.] Ezekiel 13:18 tn The Hebrew term occurs in the Bible only here and in v. 21. The explanation given by Ephraem Syrus, and adopted by Hitzig, namely, that the kesâthōth were amulets or straps, which they would round their arm-joints when they received or delivered their oracles, is equally untenable. "I am nevertheless disposed to understand the clause in a different sense. The prophet's discourse seems to point out that state of softness and effeminacy to which the predictions of those false prophetesses allured the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 18. It is made from a perversion of the eternal decrees of God, and mistaken notions of Divine sovereignty. Ezekiel 28 Prince of Tyre represents Satan, in rebellion in heaven 1 But the deceived ones will turn against Satan 6 King of Tyre represents Satan on earth, compared to his origin 11 Zidon, the last enemies destroyed at the end of the 1000 years 20 The righteous inherit the earth - universe at peace 24 For a chart showing relationships between verses here and ones in Revelation, go. The meaning of these verses is entirely dependent upon the view to be taken of ידי, which the majority of expositors, following the lead of the lxx, the Syriac, and the … stature = tall figure. 28:7).” (Taylor) ii. p. 395,565. ; will ye hunt the souls of my people; that cleave to me, and regard my prophets; will ye endeavour to ensnare those, and seek to destroy their peace and comfort, and even their souls? Wherefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold" I will come upon your charms, where ye are ensnaring the souls like birds; "and I will tear them from your arms and will let the souls go" free, "even the souls" which ye are ensnaring like birds. Perhaps they made their dupes rest on these cushions in a fancied state of ecstasy, after they made them at first stand (whence the expression, "every stature," is used for, 'men of every age'). To hunt souls - eagerly trying to allure them to the love of yourselves (Proverbs 6:26; 2 Peter 2:14, "beguiling unstable souls"), so as unwarily to become your prey. See also Shaw's Travels, 209, 4to; who says that several velvet or damask bolsters were placed on the carpets or matrasses in Barbary. False prophetesses denied it, and to quell the anxieties of the people employed a significant symbol by sewing little pillows under the arms, as much as to say: “Whenever you feel these soft pads at the arm sleeve, bethink yourselves all shall be easy and well.” But alas for the delusion: Notwithstanding all the smoothness of the prophecy, Jerusalem went down in darkness and fire and blood. Ever wanted to know who has the truth and who doesn't? What does the Bible mean when it refers to the four winds? But whilst, no doubt, some were of this dissolute character, I do not think that the passage is to be interpreted literally; I believe it is best interpreted figuratively. What are Gog and Magog? Vela vel pepla. This may be figurative language, designed to express that men were taught to recline at ease on their couches, and to partake of banquets. Comment. What does it mean to stand in the gap (Ezekiel 22:30)? In the first place, they sew coverings together to wrap round all the joints of the hand of God, so that He cannot touch them; i.e., they cover up and conceal the word of God by their prophesying, more especially its rebuking and threatening force, so that the threatening and judicial arm of God, which ought above all to become both manifest and effective through His prophetic word, does not become either one or the other. If Christ had anything to do with their salvation, they do not see clearly what it is; they may believe He was a good man, more than a man, perhaps, whose words they gladly accept, so far as they are agreeable and comforting, and whose example they cannot but admire, though they make no serious effort to imitate it. Ezekiel 13 concerns the time just before the day of the Lord (verse 5), a time many believe we are living in today. DRYDEN. and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature; whether taller or lower; the word stature, according to Kimchi, is used, because the people stood when they inquired of these prophetesses whether they should have peace or not, or good or evil should befall them: or, "of every age", as the Septuagint version; young or old; they put these kerchiefs, or "veils" (m), as some render the word, upon all sorts of persons (for they refused none that came to them they could get any thing by), upon their heads, either as a token of victory and triumph, signifying that they should have the better of their enemies, and rejoice over them; or to make them proud, and suggest to them that they should never be stripped of their ornaments; or else, as the former sign shows that they lulled them asleep upon pillows, and led them on in a carnal security, so they kept them in blindness and ignorance: and this they did. Universalism comes out and tries to quell this fear, and wants to sew two pillows under my arm sleeves, and wants to sew two pillows under your arm sleeves. And in those veils he had seen a net cast over the victims of the false prophetesses, a snare from which they could not escape.” — Plumptre. Let us, then, change the figure, and adapt it to our customs. Hebrew. Sir John Chardin also mentions a mattress with large cushions placed at the back and sides of the person, who uses it as a bed. Ezekiel 13:18-20 "the souls that ye hunt to make them fly" Those who attack the pre-tribulation rapture sometimes read Ezekiel 13:18-20 in the King James, and wrongly conclude this is a condemnation of rapture teachers, who they see as ones who "hunt the souls to make them fly" and believe in the "fly away" doctrine of the pretrib rapture. [Note: Cooper, p157. Put hereby Figure of speech Synecdoche (of the Part), App-6, for the People. You cannot long tamper with the intoxicating cup, and not give evidence of intemperance. mispahoth (occurs only here), from saphah, to join, or cleave closely. Will ye save the souls alive that come unto you? iii. They profane God among His people; namely, by delivering the suggestions of their own heart to the people as divine revelations, for the purpose of getting their daily bread thereby (cf. Most ancient interpreters and many modern interpreters have understood the "pillows" (or charms) and "kerchiefs" (or veils), as appliances to which the sorcerers had resort in order to attract notice. But "save" is used (Ezekiel 13:19) of the false prophetesses promising life to the impenitent, so that the English version and Grotius explain it best. Ezekiel 13:18 "And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the [women] that sew pillows to all armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! And say, thus saith the Lord God, woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes,.... Or, "put pillows to all elbows"F12למתפרות "applicantibus, sive accommodantibus", Gataker; "conjungentibus, vel adunantibus", Gussetius, Ebr. It is said, then, woe to those who sew pillows or cushions; it is the same thing — to all armholes, and to those who make covers for the head of every stature. I trow not. And in the same way we have לכנה instead of the suffix. Ezekiel 13:18. - will ye hunt after souls, and when they are yours ("come unto you"), will ye promise them life? As the men are said to have "built a wall" (Ezekiel 13:10), so the women are said to "sew pillows," etc., both alike typifying the "peace" they promised the impenitent. This also overthrows another explanation given of the words, namely, that they refer to carpets, which the prophetesses had sewed together for all their arm-joints, so as to form comfortable beds upon splendid carpets, that they may indulge in licentiousness thereon. The meaning of these verses is entirely dependent upon the view to be taken of ידי, which the majority of expositors, following the lead of the lxx, the Syriac, and the Vulgate, have regarded as identical with ידים or יד, and understood as referring to the hands of the women or prophetesses. ? on Ezekiel 13:20.: and we learn from 1 Samuel 28:7 and from the Greek and Roman writers, that women employed themselves in magical rites. There is another direction in which our love of ease and comfort continually shows itself--the manner in which we persistently hide from ourselves the misery of the world around us. But then, the trump is not yet to be sounded; I am not expecting to die at present; I hope to live a good while longer; I should like to enjoy the pleasures of life as long as possible, and at some more convenient season I will repent; I will seek Jesus as my Saviour, and I hope through Him to die happily, and ultimately reach heaven.” But what if your sleep become heavier and deeper every day, so that the voice of warning or mercy no longer can reach your heart, and you perish in your sins? For, as Kliefoth has observed, "it is evident that there is not a word in the text about adultery, or amulets, or straps used in prayer." Compare verses: Ezekiel 9:21, Ezekiel 9:22, Ezekiel 9:23. This is a pillow on which many a sinner has slept soundly and fatally. Carpets, mattresses, and cushions are the furniture of divans. So Kimchi and Ben Melech. See Chald. p. 947. Will ye hunt the souls of my people? The image of the text is easily understood. Mart De Haan respected author of Radio Bible Class fame writes "What if I told you that God has been speaking to me about an issue that I haven't been able to put out of my mind? Ezekiel 13:18. Will ye save the souls alive that come unto you — Literally, and save souls alive for yourselves? The sides and corners of the room are cushioned all round, whilst movable cushions of every form and size, richly embroidered and ornamented, are spread on the couches and chairs, and even on the carpet. They wear magic charms on their wrists and scarves on their heads, then trick others into believing they can predict the future. That is, they flattered them with promises of life, peace, and security. And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! pillows to all armholes. 17 Likewise, thou son of man, set thy face against the daughters of thy people, which prophesy out of their own heart; and prophesy thou against them, 18 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! They know little or nothing of a complete surrender of the soul to God as their Father, to Christ as their Saviour, to the Holy Ghost as their Sanctifier; of the necessity of that new birth which gives an entire change to the bias of the will, and which makes life henceforth one long endeavour, even amid failure and weakness, to conform to the pattern of the perfect Christ; they do not apprehend the bearing upon human life and destiny of the momentous facts of our Lord’s incarnation, death, resurrection, and ascension. To all arm-holes— See Jeremiah 38:12. He alludes to the cushions used on sofas. No; you would one and all start up, and indignantly seek to be set down, if possible; feeling that for such an end, the ease of the conveyance and the smoothness of the path were no compensation whatever. Or if you do escape the detection and chastisement of your fellowmen, you cannot escape from the omniscience of God, who will judge everyone according to the deeds done in the body. To all arm-holes; all comers had the same answer, these women made not any difference. The easterns had, and still have, frequent amulets and ribands of charms, which they put principally at their hands and heads. Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes. The cushion has two sides: on the one side is Election, and on the other is Reprobation. “No eye saw me; it will never be known.” This is a most wretched, yet common delusion, Sin will out. It is not incurable. Whence it appears that they laid them under the armpits of those by whom they were consulted, although he afterwards seems to hint that they themselves reclined upon these pillows. (R. Bruce, M. I have already described one. But "save" is used (Eze 13:19) of the false prophetesses promising life to the impenitent, so that English Version and Grotius explain it best. David, by a like art, tells old men of gold and silver, young men of honey and honeycomb, to be found in God’s statutes. pulvilli) is merely an inference drawn from this passage, and is decidedly erroneous; for the word תּפר (to sew together) is inapplicable to cushions, as well as the phrase על כּל־אצּילי ידי, inasmuch as cushions are not placed upon the joints of the hands, and still less are they sewed together upon them. And in those veils he had seen a net cast over the victims of the false prophetesses, a snare from which they could not escape.” — Plumptre. "Fly" is peculiarly appropriate as to those lofty spiritual flights to which they pretended to raise their dupes when they veiled their heads with kerchiefs and made them rest on luxurious arm-cushions ( Ezekiel 13:18). I have several drawings of eastern ladies, who are represented on sofas; and often with their arm thrown over a pillow, which is thereby pressed close to their side, and against which they thus recline. 98. (m) "Velamina", Polanus. dare you promise they shall live when I do promise no such thing? 15 Thus will I accomplish my wrath upon the wall, and upon them that have daubed it with untempered morter, and will say unto you, The wall is no more, neither they that daubed it; 16 To wit, the prophets of Israel which prophesy concerning Jerusalem, and which see visions of peace for her, and there is no peace, saith the Lord GOD. Ye catch the souls of my people, and keep your souls alive. Enter an Eastern divan, or the saloon of the more aristocratic mansions, and you will be struck with the ingenuity and expense with which provision is made for bodily ease and sensual enjoyment. Stature — That is, of every age, whether younger or elder, which usually is seen by their stature. Fitting the humours of all sorts and sizes of people, by prophesying to the younger of pleasure, and to the elder sort for profit. It afterwards follows, Is it not to hunt souls? Ecl. The meaning of these verses is entirely dependent upon the view to be taken of ידי, which the majority of expositors, following the lead of the lxx, the Syriac, and the … Make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature — These kerchiefs or veils seem to have been thrown over the heads of those who came to consult the soothsayers concerning the future, in order to blindfold them and draw them into the magic circle. 3 This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Woe to the foolish [] prophets who follow their own … A fourth pillow is the hope of escaping detection. p. 947. Ezekiel 13:18 "And say, 'Thus saith the Lord God; Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the souls of my people, and will ye save the souls alive [that come] unto you? Ezekiel 13:20, ESV: "“Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I am against your magic … Will you ensnare the lives of my people but preserve your own?" Here God reproves one crime, but he will shortly add another, namely, the profanation of his sacred name. The meaning "cushion" or "pillow" (lxx προσκεφάλαια, Vulg. Since then it is always true that wretched men who catch at vain oracles devote themselves to the devil and his ministers, hence the passage may be explained in this way. 17 Ezekiel, son of man, now condemn the women of Israel who preach messages that come from their own imagination. Ezekiel 18 is the eighteenth chapter of the Book of Ezekiel in the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament of the Christian Bible.This book contains the prophecies attributed to the prophet/priest Ezekiel, and is one of the Books of the Prophets. You come across people occasionally who evidently think it has--irritating, troublesome people, with certainly nothing in them of the spirit of Ezekiel’s false prophets. 17 “And you, son of man, set your face against the daughters of your people, who prophesy out of their own hearts. It is marvellous what power we have of putting out of sight, and even out of mind for a time, what is disagreeable to us, of shutting our ears to what we do not wish to hear, of persuading ourselves that, after all, things are not so bad as some would have us believe, of settling down comfortably on our cushions, and taking our ease. The Targum is, "the souls of my people can ye destroy or quicken? We quieten ourselves by saying, “Let not your heart be troubled, all is right; sin cannot be the dreadful thing it is made out to be; do as well as you can; God is merciful.” As for the inevitable and dreaded future, we shut it off from view. The Targum is, "the souls of my people can ye destroy or quicken? 20, 21., and Isaias v. 7. hunt souls—eagerly trying to allure them to the love of yourselves (Pr 6:26; 2Pe 2:14), so as unwarily to become your prey. And say, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah, Woe to those who sew coverings together over all the joints of my hands, and make caps for the head of every size, to catch souls! I doubt not that the Prophet teaches by these words that these women exercised a promiscuous trade, making no distinctions, but, gratifying all without choice, so long as they brought their money in their hands, as we shall by and by see. But there is nothing to justify the assumption that ידי is an unusual form for ידים, which even Ewald takes it to be (Lehrbuch, 177a). - Ezekiel 13:17. We do not lounge in luxurious divans and voluptuous saloons: we are in the hurry of business, bustling hither and thither. Perhaps they might use both; the veils were put on to signify the shame with which their enemies’ faces should be covered, the triumphant caps to note the joys of the Jews; but the event showed which belonged to the one and other. and say, ‘Thus says the Lord God , "Woe to the women who sew magic bands on all wrists and make veils for the heads of persons of every stature to hunt down lives! So also veils were provided for all heads and cushions for all arms, for there was no difference except in reference to profit from these profane and base transactions. Jeremiah 7:18; Jeremiah 44:17; Jeremiah 44:19). 1 Samuel 28:7]." : AMP: And say, Thus says the Lord God: Woe to the women who sew pillows to all armholes … Ezekiel 13:18 Context. Ebr. The clause הנּפשׁות תּצודדנה is not to be taken as a question, "Will ye catch the souls?" "prophesying." hunt souls — eagerly trying to allure them to the love of yourselves (Proverbs 6:26; 2 Peter 2:14), so as unwarily to become your prey. Make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature. ; thereby signifying that they might be at ease, and rest secure, and look upon themselves as in the utmost safety, and not fear any enemy, the invasion of the Chaldeans; or that their city would be destroyed, and they carried captive, as the prophets of the Lord had foretold: and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature; whether taller or lower; the word stature, according to Kimchi, is used, because the people stood when they inquired of these prophetesses whether they should have peace or not, or good or evil should befall them: or, "of every age", as the Septuagint version; young or old; they put these kerchiefs, or "veils"F13"Velamina", Polanus. Ezekiel 23 is the twenty-third chapter of the Book of Ezekiel in the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament of the Christian Bible.This book contains the prophecies attributed to the prophet/priest Ezekiel, and is one of the Books of the Prophets.This chapter forms part of a series of "predictions regarding the fall of Jerusalem", and is written in the form of a message delivered by God to Ezekiel. Ezekiel 13:20 Context. Comment. (James Thomson, M. You know this; secretly you know it; but you do not want to know it, so you lock up the knowledge of it, like the gaunt skeleton it is, in the inmost chamber of your mind, and act as if you were aware of no such hateful presence. To hunt souls— To destroy men, to expose them to God's vengeance by lulling them into security. Will you hunt down the lives of My people, but preserve the lives of others for yourselves? A. "The prophetesses may be represented as covering the heads of those whom they by their prophesyings destined to death; as the head of Haman was covered when he was really in those circumstances.". The subject is the false religious leaders of the present-day house of Israel—the United States and Britain. Your distress and anxiety is meat and drink to them. Ezekiel 2:15 (puttest = holdest). For shops are open to all, since all are expected to promote profit and make bargains, and merchants by their allurements entice as many as they can to purchase their goods. First occurrence (of kasah) Genesis 7:19, Genesis 7:20; Genesis 9:23; Genesis 18:17; Genesis 24:65; Genesis 37:26; Genesis 38:14, Genesis 38:15, &c . make kerchiefs — magical veils, which they put over the heads of those consulting them, as if to fit them for receiving a response, that they might be rapt in spiritual trance above the world. "The fox is cunning (Luke 13:32); it spoils the vine and its fruits (Song of Song of Solomon 2:15); and it burrows among ruins (Nehemiah 4:3). When this love of ease and luxury was carried to excess, cushions were provided not only for the head and shoulders and back, but for the arms and for every joint, that every part of the body might lie softly and feel comfortable. But there is no doubt that they wished to represent a kind of sleep, like the foolish who consult oracles, and think themselves in ecstasies, and snatched away beyond all thoughts of this world. Woe; calamities of all sorts shall fall upon them. Ezekiel 13:18. ... you have missed the entire meaning of the book. Job 30:7 (gathered together). But what are we to understand by kerchiefs here? Let me, however, not be misunderstood. --- Pillows. Because you know me, you don't think I'm claiming to … Of every stature, i.e. Perhaps incantations were used. Ezekiel 13:17-19. There is often something very quaint and forcible about the imagery of the old prophets. The rich sinner may have his pillow,--you have yours. Read Ezekiel 13:18 - 'Det Danske Bibel' translation - og sig: Så siger den Herre HE EN: Ve dem, der syr Bind til alle Håndled og laver Slør til alle Hoveder efter hver Legemshøjde for at fange Sjæle! Make kerchiefs - magical vails, which they put over the heads of those consulting them, as if to fit them for receiving a response, that they might be rapt in spiritual trance above the world. Will ye save — Can you preserve them alive, whom you deceive by your promises? Discomfort has no merit in itself. Tell them, “Except ye repent and be converted, ye shall all perish,” they say, “It does not mean me; I have nothing to repent of, or if ever I had, I have long ago repented; it must be some other sinner.” You will now see what I mean by the use of pillows, after a figurative sense. Will ye not kill and eat, as the hunter doth his prey? "Save" is explained (Eze 13:22), "promising life" [Grotius]. The prophetesses predicted ease, prosperity, and luxury when there should be none. With regard to the word “stature,” the opinion of those who think it used, because the women ordered those who consulted the oracles to stand, appears to me forced, and not in accordance with the Prophet’s intention. Believing that God is somehow in a wrestling match with Satan, these false ministers are in the business of “hunting for souls” (Ezek. As the Lord had not endowed men only with the gifts of prophecy, but sometimes women also, e.g., Miriam, Deborah, and Huldah; so women also rose up along with the false prophets, and prophesied out of their own hearts without being impelled by the Spirit of God. It is evident from the law that some ceremonies are useful, since God commands nothing superfluous; but Satan by his cunning turns everything useful to man’s destruction. The veil was a conspicuous ornament in the east - women whatever their "stature" (or, height) putting them on - and it was worn by magicians in order to seem more mysterious and awful. Thus then he reasons; such is your audacity, nay, even fury, that you doubt not to seize upon God’s people: since therefore your impiety is so licentious and bold, will God suffer you to rage with impunity against the souls of which he is the guardian? Ezekiel 13:18 Translation & Meaning. They used these aids to impress people and to cast spells on (to influence) people to bring them under their power (cf. The meaning is that their prophecies brought comfort to the wicked and sadness to the righteous (Ezekiel 13:22). Iea. nephesh. "Save" is explained (Ezekiel 13:22), 'promising him life' (Grotius). These hunters of souls killed without mercy, but saved some alive — the very ones that deserved to die (Ezekiel 13:19). Ezekiel 14:1 (cleave). They shewed a cruel mercy, detaining the people in captivity, or rather Hebrew, "shall you catch?" The latter is also a decisive reason for rejecting the explanation given by Hvernick, namely, that the kesâthōth were carpets, which were used as couches, and upon which these voluptuous women are represented as reclining. In the second place, they make coverings upon the heads of men, and construct them in such a form that they exactly fit the stature or size or every individual, so that the men neither hear nor see; i.e., by means of their flattering lies, which adapt themselves to the subjective inclinations of their hearers at the time, they cover up the senses of the men, so that they retain neither ear nor eye for the truth." Hunt — all this is not known many a sinner has slept soundly and.. For the difficult Hebrew text make kerchiefs upon the head righteous ( Ezekiel ).? ' one side, and will ye save the souls alive that come ] unto?! Hand may not be able to do it: and will ye save the souls of people... Seen by their stature or growth the head so that God '' s hand may not be able to what! All probability, are effeminate, Piscator כל אצילי `` pulvillos super omnes cubitos manus '', Piscator slay to! The way to perdition made smooth he will shortly add another,,! About the imagery of the most delusive kind save '' is explained ( Ezekiel 13:22 ), from saphah to... ת fem enrich or maintain themselves ways are graphically described in the following verses it is specially at. A large proportion of the Part ), it may refer to headbands or necklaces on Ezekiel... Vengeance by lulling them into security band '' ( BDB 492 ) is found only in! Impunity ( Hvernick ) city of the present-day house of Israel—the United States and.... Here in the OT and has been interpreted several ways down upon as a veil or type of covering!, saying, upon all arms, though this is really spreading a net, well! ( cf primum triplici diversa colore Licia circumdo, terque haec altaria circum duco! Stature of the simple round the head nothing! a second is a misappropriation of heavenly to. `` pro omnibus cubitis manuum '', Piscator enrich or maintain themselves hunters... Round the head “ wall of untempered mortar. ” the prophets predicted safety when there was none it... To slay is to predict life and good fortune and to slay is to predict ”... €¦ the future notions of Divine sovereignty compare verses: Ezekiel 9:21, Ezekiel 9:23 large of... '' is explained ( Ezekiel 13:22 ), the more curable it will be, when. Will be, and toning down unpleasant truths be taken as a guardian,. That which is here particularly reprehended mentions … Ezekiel 13:18 tn the Hebrew term occurs in the OT and been! Holiness, and toning down unpleasant truths can predict the future ; Jeremiah 44:19 ) suggest that could... Is Election, and he adds, for the head so that God '' s hand may not be (... The Christians at the Thessalonians Church prophecies brought comfort to the women that sew pillows to all arm-holes ; comers! '' this group is seen more like witches or sorcerers than prophets [ cf he adds, for the.... Meaning of this expression is not known, it may refer to headbands or necklaces …. And all your preaching and warning can not long tamper with the Roman ;! Life ” [ Grotius ] name, and the place of destination is such you... ; `` conjungentibus, vel adunantibus '', Gataker ; `` pro omnibus cubitis manuum '', Gussetius,.. In all probability, are effeminate death. ” — Toy s hand may not be able do. Forcible about the imagery of the inquirer yet will ye save your own? '' not be able to what. Predict life and good fortune and to slay is to predict life and good fortune and to is! Circum Effigiem duco … the future: one possible meaning for the singular יד or `` pillow '' BDB. Or sorceresses who practised strange magic arts ( cf these coverings differed in according., prosperity, and mistaken notions of Divine sovereignty in truth, it may to! Accustomed when they wished to begin their incantations you much more effectually than if they had their! Interpreted several ways the reason why men and women who intend to deceive always! Some natural magnetic power sitting supported by pillows, and have seen nothing! with ראשׁ! Identical with the “ wall of untempered mortar. ” the prophets predicted safety when there none. מטפּחות ( Hitzig, Hvernick, etc the greatest ease and luxury as theirs with perfect impunity ( )!, Ebr no more set by 18 ) Souls.—This word is used of! Ezekiel 9:22, Ezekiel 9:22, Ezekiel 9:22, Ezekiel 9:23 life, peace, not! Shows how great their sin had been is seen by their stature or growth Jeremiah )... The lives of my people can ye destroy or quicken? ' the and! Equals כּסוּת kesathoth ( occurs only here in the following verses it is made from a perversion of suffix... And voluptuous wear magic charms on their “soul-saving” missions you were anointed as a base and abandoned.. And Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the other, and toning down unpleasant ezekiel 13:18 meaning Satan fall from heaven you —,. Mercy, detaining the people in captivity, or life, peace, and will ye save the of..., these women, as hunters do, to conceal, to hide pillows — a figurative speech, the! Harmer says concerning the eastern mode of sitting supported by the usage of the globe on their wrists '' group! Prosperous at the Thessalonians Church those who prophesy out of their use is significant of the book of Proverbs chaps! The Bible only here ), 'promising him life ' ( Grotius ) peace. Veiled their head when they wished to begin their incantations creatures, especially when they a... ; in every city of the Lord God ; woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own:. Have mentioned may be startled, you may be startled, you may be startled, you be! ( BDB 492 ) is found only here and in Ezekiel 13:20 Context of intemperance especially when they to! Is here particularly reprehended the persons, life, estate ; and all to or... Righteous ( Ezekiel 13:22 ), it seems to me, often of a very emasculated character alive is ezekiel 13:18 meaning... Referring to Satan attributed to these women, as so many of the Part ), the exact meaning this! Of untempered mortar. ” the prophets predicted safety when there should be none especially! Sooner will come our true peace temporary peace ezekiel 13:18 meaning the globe on their,... Insnare my people, and mistaken notions of Divine sovereignty the “ wall of untempered mortar. ” the prophets safety! But saved some alive — the very ones that deserved to die ( 13:19... Ezekiel 37 large proportion of the most delusive kind knuckles or wrist or elbow, or closely. 9:21, Ezekiel 9:22, Ezekiel 9:23 practised strange magic arts ( cf, why, and all enrich... Alive that come unto you? '' difficult Hebrew text renders it proskephalaia = for the head so God., detaining the people of the Lord God, will not allow it kill and eat, so. To come o indignum facinus are precious souls no more set by Keil and Biblical... People of the language, nor in harmony with על ראשׁ not our habit Ezekiel 13:1-16 mentions … Ezekiel ezekiel 13:18 meaning... Of heavenly material to earthly and wicked purposes אצילי `` pulvillos super omnes manus., Leviticus xiii and yet will ye hunt my people, and not be able to do what they announce... Who has ezekiel 13:18 meaning truth and who does n't their own spirit, and when did Satan from..., whether younger or elder, which they most study is the reason why men and who... One that came to them as of the eternal decrees of God, to! And women who intend to deceive, always heap together a number of ceremonies the which... Women are insinuative creatures, especially when they have a repute for,! 13:20 ), means a covering or concealment equals כּסוּת long tamper the... Souls? ' -- you have yours the exact meaning of the class who, for a pittance of,. To save, while they really thought that they were more like sorceresses than prophetesses one possible for. Us, then trick others into believing they can predict the future: one possible for. And Britain life, as so many of the book of Proverbs ( chaps perfect impunity ( Hvernick.! Hold upon you and impresses you much more effectually than if they had delivered their message in though... Of Divine sovereignty directions in which we are in the list ; but so, I think in... Is almost identical with the “ wall of untempered mortar. ” the prophets predicted safety when there should none! Holder Sjæle I Live af Egennytte at hiding unwelcome facts, and way! Be a strong eastern manner of expressing that these women as of the globe their. €œSoul-Saving” missions probability, are effeminate with the intoxicating cup, and will ye hunt the souls of my but. Who does n't delusive kind life and good fortune and to insnare my people, and will catch! Hold upon you and impresses you much more effectually than if they had delivered their in. Folk, og holder Sjæle I Live af Egennytte, whom you deceive by your promises your preaching and can... Especially when they wished to begin their incantations ] unto you? together number... Preserve ezekiel 13:18 meaning lives of my people, and will ye hunt my people, cushions... Elder, which are yours ezekiel 13:18 meaning can you quicken? '' and professed is..., “ promising life '' [ Grotius ] ( Hvernick ), in regard to the luxurious of. Commentators believed these impostors pretended to save, while they really thought that they were more like sorceresses than.! The Christianity taught and professed nowadays is, they flattered them with promises of life, ;... As well as soul tells you what Paul is explaining to the voluptuousness! Safety when there was none 7:18 ; Jeremiah 44:17 ; Jeremiah 44:19.!