[Translation: "Shut Down". Hey, maybe you couldda help wit some deadbeats who owe me a lot of money... Watto: Oh, yeah. Watto then says: "What you think you're some kinda Jedi, waving your hand around like that? A great memorable quote from the Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace movie on Quotes.net - Watto: How are you going to pay for all this? (Raising his hand) But credits will do fine. It's a lot of hassle. Believe it or not, I heard he freed her and married her. The following dialogue between Anakin and Watto is in Huttese]. Where's he going to exchange it? The fastest ever built. Republic Credits can only be spent in the Republic, or on any Republic aligned entities abiding by rules set by the Republic. It’s like trying to get your African junk yard to take a credit card, Tattooine is in Hutt Space, not the Republic. Qui-Gon Jinn: I have twenty thousand Republic dataries. In Star Wars Episode I, Qui-Gon Jinn tries to use his Jedi mind tricks to convince Watto that Republic credits will do fine as payment for the hyperdrive they need. Anakin Skywalker: Do you know where they are? Anakin Skywalker: Mi boska di Shmi Skywalker. Insurance of up to 500,000 Republic credits. Sometime during the height of the Galactic Republic, credit chips became popular. What if he misjudged Watto and Watto bested him. It's like Ask Science, but for all universes other than our own. Accepted in most civilized star systems. I highly doubt Watts acquired a Nubian Hyperdrive by legal means and so probably want to stay under the radar. Sorry, Annie, but you know, business is business. You look like a Jedi. Nope, the Pod Race plot was the safer way to handle things. Anakin starts to fidget with a piece of equipment]. Watto: No they won'ta. Watto is unwilling to accept the credits as money, as it is not “real” enough for Watto. It was a very long shot, but he didn’t want to risk it. Wato didn’t feel like taking that chance. Although they were about the same size, credits sometimes came in different patterns or designs, most likely depending on how much they were worth. Browse more character quotes from Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999), Anakin visits Watto's place on Tatooine. The guttural sounds of Huttese covered his accent nicely and he almost sounded like a local given his inflection. Qui-Gon Jinn: I have... acquired a pod in a game of chance. That means, in order to spend them, he would have had to find someone who both had something he wanted AND would also accept credits. You think you're some kind of Jedi, waving your hand around like that? Qui-Gon Jinn: I don't have anything else Qui-Gon Jinn: but credits will do fine. Qui-Gon Jinn: I have twenty thousand Republic dataries. Qui-Gon: Credits will do fine. We use a [Watsonian point of view](http://fanlore.org/wiki/Watsonian_vs._Doylist), versus Doylist. I’m going to piggyback off of Quora User’s answer a little bit because he provides some good information. The following dialogue between Anakin and Watto is in Huttese, Translation: "Shut Down". Anakin graciously led … The man looked at Ben and then back at his ship. I need something more real... Qui-Gon: I don't have anything else. Here on Earth there are places where euros or U.S. dollars are accepted and trusted above ... hyperdrive for 20,000 Old Republic credits, only to be rebuffed by Watto, who demands not credits… The trouble is with how Qui-Gon is willing to pay (with republic credits). Watto: Republic credits?! Watto: I hope you didn't kill anyone I know for it. Sold her to a moisture farmer named Lars. They don't want to spend their own rewards, only spending what Qui-Gon is willing to part with. I need something more real. Discussion Questions for Qui-Gon’s Republic Credits Are No Good Star Wars: What If Watto accepted Republic Credits - "/tv/ - Television & Film" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of television and film. By the time of Episode 1 I'm pretty sure Republic Credits weren't worth spit in … I need something more real. Republic Credits are traceable. I sold her. Ben looked back to Qui-Gon, adding, “You would have an easier time requesting assistance from the Hutts than getting Watto to accept Republic credits, and that’s a fact.” Padme’s frown deepened. Watto: [turns to his pit droids] Go ana bopa! Watto's response indicates that he recognizes these as credits, but as far as I know, Republic credits are only ever referred to as "credits" throughout the rest of … Wato didn’t feel like taking that chance. Watto: I want to see your spaceship the moment the race is over. I don't know you... What can I do for you? Republic credits are no good out here. Tatooine isn’t in the republic and he’s at a junkyard. No other forms of payment are accepted at this time, including prepaid/reloadable credit cards or gift cards. I need something different, something more real... Qui-Gon: I don't have anything else, but credits will do fine. He owned a small junk parts shop in the town of Mos Espa on Tatooine. During the Clone Wars, the credit also came in the form of small metallic ingots. Watto wasn't a bank. Watto wouldn't take 20,000 republic credits for a Nubian hyperdrive, and a generation later, Han Solo wanted 10,000 for a trip to Alderaan which prompted Luke to say that he could 'almost by our own ship for that.' Qui-gon tried to goad him into risking higher and higher stakes-ultimately, though, Watto could only take so much bait. Republic credits are no good out here. At some points in the Star Wars timeline, we hear references to the Republic credit, Imperial Credit or New Republic credit, depending on the current ruling government. Could he not use offworld money to buy things? During the Clone Wars, and even before, many of the galaxy's inhabitants were worried about the war's outcome and the effect it would have on the galactic economy. Watto: How are you going to pay for all this?. It's kind of like a credit card that's only accepted at some places, whereas money is more like hard cash which you can spend to get all sorts of illegal goodies. It was Watto’s shop, he didn’t go anywhere. Funny scene. The Republic is not a strong government, it's at best confederate and at that time can't muster a response to a shipping company blockading a major world. 1 year ago. Republic credits are no use out here. If they didn't directly accept Republic credits, they would have had some kind of currency exchange place. Qui-Gon attempts to use the Jedi Mind Trick to get him to accept the offer. … Mind tricks don't work on me. When Qui-Gon offers Republic credits to Watto, Watto isn't interested. The trouble is with how Qui-Gon is willing to pay (with republic credits). I mean Watto WANTED the ship, it … [Qui-Gon waves his hand more firmly] Qui-Gon Jinn: Credits will do fine. I didn't do it, Watto eyes Anakin, and then Padme and starts speaking English, the piece of equipment Anakin has been tinkering with comes to life, Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999). Every podracer pilot on Tatooine - and beyond - knew about his shop. Qui-Gon Jinn: I have twenty thousand Republic dataries. Watto is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, featured in the films The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones.He is computer-generated and is voiced by voice actor Andy Secombe.He is a mean-tempered, greedy Toydarian, and owner of a second-hand goods store in Mos Espa on the planet Tatooine.Among Watto's belongings are the slaves Shmi Skywalker and her son, Anakin. I don't know you... What can I do for you? Qui-Gon Jinn: I have twenty thousand Republic dataries.. Watto: Republic credits?Republic credits are no good out here. Could Watto not simply switch out the Republic credits for something usually accepted on Tatooine? Whenever the mind trick wears off Watto would most likely notice that he's missing a T14 hyperdrive and that he suddenly has Republic credits that are worthless to him. Anakin starts to fidget with a piece of equipment, What? Can you imagine the embarrassment. There, customers could purchase all sorts of parts to upgrade their podracer or any other vehicle, although one of Watto's policies stated that he would not accept Republic credits. Weehoo! Qui-Gon: I have 20,000 Republic dataries. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Watto: How are you going to pay for all this?. What? Greetings. Republic credits weren't currency he could use. Watto: Years ago. I need something more real," Watto replied as Qui-Gon stated on how he would pay for the hyperdrive generator. Qui-Gon Jinn: I don't have anything else... Watto: No, they won't-a! [waves his hand, attempting to use the Jedi mind trick] Watto: No, they won'ta. Qui-gon tried to goad him into risking higher and higher stakes-ultimately, though, Watto could only take so much bait. Frequent hyperspace miles. Watto: Republic credits? Only money. In his youth, he served as a soldier in the Ossiki Confederacy Army on his homeworld of Toydaria, but later left after sustaining permanently damaging injuries. Watto: You are Annie! Because of this, an overwhelming majority of planets outside the Core and Inner Rim would not accept credits. Star Wars - Episode I - The Phantom MenaceJedi Qui-Gon Jinn tries to convince Watto with a mind trick to accept republic credits. Republic credits are no good out here. I’m really sorry Watto,all I have is 20 Republic Credits for the rest of the week. Watto would likely be more willing to accept a legal tender that is backed by a strong government as payment as opposed to a weaker one. Is someone going to steal them, or ask unwanted questions about where he got them? Qui-Gon Jinn: I don't have anything else... [waves hand] Qui-Gon Jinn: But credits will do fine.. Watto: No, they won't-a. Qui-Gon: (Confused he tries the Jed mind trick and waves his hand again) Credits will do fine. Yes, Qui Gon did walk away. Also, his species is not affected by Jedi mind tricks (as Qui-Gon Jinn tried to use a Force trick on him in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, to no avail). At the age of nine, the boy's life changed forever. [Anakin visits Watto's place on Tatooine. He worked and lived on a Hutt controlled planet, so he wanted something he could use as collateral that was widely accepted. However, it was quite out of his character to give Anakin the information about his mother's whereabouts for free the way he did in AOTC. The value of the dollar is sustained by a stable American economy and a relatively strong central government. I refuse to believe there was not a space Amazon or something of that sort that he could easily have used Republic credits for. Republic credits are no good out here. The Galactic Credit Standard,1 also known as the galactic credit or simply the credit, was a standardized form of currency in use throughout the Galactic Republic,2 the Galactic Empire,3 and territories of the New Republic, Resistance and other non-aligned systems following the Empire's fall.4 Credits were considered acceptable as currency on most major planets, though on some planets in … Yo baan pee hota. There were also cubes that were presumably similar to chi… They actually get excited when you ask to pay with new US bills as the ones they circulate are really worn from constant use. A junk dealer in Africa may well decide to decline USD. Least I think it was Lars. As Watto is the only person to have what Qui-Gon is looking for, he must take the price that Watto has set. A Jedi! No money, no parts, no deal! Let's go look in my records. Republic credits weren't currency he could use. And as everyone else said they are flying around in a pretty nice ship, even if no one would take republic credits, someone would buy that ship. Ya sure sprouted! Shmi... she's not mine no more. Then we have the negotiations for Chewie in Jedi, but that's a different kind of sale. Watto was a male Toydarian junk dealer/Human trafficker, who owned a shop in Mos Espa, Tatooine. level 1 I mean really? Watto: Republic credits? Watto: Long way from here... someplace over on the other side of Mos Eisley, I think... Watto: Yeah... sure... absolutely. Watto is unwilling to accept theContinue reading “Qui-Gon’s Republic Credits Are No Good (The Phantom Menace)” I'm a Toydarian. Press J to jump to the feed. An image tagged memes,funny,marvel,spiderman,star wars prequels,credit. I'm pretty sure it was the REPUBLIC Watto was against, not the Credits themselves. Can ya beat that? That might have meant traveling, even off-world. How much would that cost him? Having nothing but Republic credits, the outworlders were turned away disappointed. Mind tricks don'ta work on me, only money." It seems that Republic credits are the closest thing in SW to a universal currency, it'd be like some junk dealer in Africa refusing US dollars. Make a Meme Make a GIF Make a Chart Make a Demotivational Flip Through Images. I need something more real. I will pay your fee in republic credits. It is you! You look like a Jedi. The fact that Watto wouldn’t accept Republic money is where the Threat/Despair on Qui Gon’s Negotiation roll comes in. They could have simply gone to a bank and exchanged them, but Jedi, and Queens don't know about stuff like that. Republic Wireless accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit and debit cards. Qui-Gon Jinn: I don't have anything else Qui-Gon Jinn: but credits will do fine. Watto is unwilling to accept the credits as money, as it is not “real” enough for Watto. Watto wasn't a bank. For a lot of the developing world USD is an accepted currency in the marketplace. I'm a Toydarian. "Republic credits? Low interest rate of only 5.95%. Republic credits are no good out here. Finally, why did he even have to have something acceptable on Tatooine? "I don't have anything else, but credits will do fine," Qui-Gon stated as to force persuade the Toydarian, unfortunately to no avail. How could you be worried about an outcome of something that hasn't started yet? Hopefully it would garner him some rapport. No wega mi condorta. Making his way to Tatooine, he fell in with the Jawa natives of the planet, and learned how to trade from them. share. Yeah, Ep1 doesn't make a lot of sense but the pod race is honestly the least of my problems. If you tried to pay with American dollars Here in Sweden im not sure they would be accepted, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the AskScienceFiction community. The pit droids obey, Translation: "Let me help you with that". Qui Gon was forced to leave empty handed. The pit droids obey], [Translation: "Let me help you with that". No bata tu tu. I didn't do it]. "No, they won't," Watto … Watto: Ke booda? I'm sure Qui-gon thought about overpowering Watto….but he knew the stakes. So, credit to him for the base of my answer: > During the Age of the Republic, a low-end starship was equivalent to 10,000 credits. As Watto is the only person to have what Qui-Gon is looking for, he must take the price that Watto has set. They could have simply gone to a bank and exchanged them, but Jedi, and Queens don't know about stuff like that. A great memorable quote from the Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace movie on Quotes.net - Watto: How are you going to pay for all this? If they didn't directly accept Republic credits, they would have had some kind of currency exchange place. Qui-Gon Jinn: I have twenty thousand Republic dataries.. Watto: Republic credits?Republic credits are no good out here. I have 20,000 republic dataries... Watto: Republic credits? [Qui-Gon waves his hand more firmly] Qui-Gon Jinn: Credits will do fine. 17.4k Likes, 65 Comments - Star Wars Memes (@star_wars._memes) on Instagram: “Check out @dynamicsabers ngl if watto accepted republic credits then there’d be no Vader lol…” Qui-Gon Jinn: I don't have anything else... [waves hand] Qui-Gon Jinn: But credits will do fine.. Watto: No, they won't-a. Republic credits are only universal inside the Republic itself; Tatooine is not a part of the Republic, it's owned by the Hutts. Ben skimmed his thoughts, wanting a forewarning if this was going to turn into a fight. He didn't accept them because others around him don't accept them. The credit was a form of digital currency with cards in circulation. Waddya know? It was a very long shot, but he didn’t want to risk it. Watto: [to Anakin] Better stop your friend's betting or I'll end up owning him, too. Watto: How are you going to pay for all this? [What? Create. I need something more real. I need something more real. Watto claims the Force doesn't work on his species, and he appears to be right when Qui-Gon is unable to "convince" him to accept Republic credits for the hyperdrive he needs. Kin chasa du Jedi. When you don't have enough dataries and credits to get you by, and Jedi mind tricks just aren't working, you can rely on Coruscant Express to make those purchases for you. Watto: Republic credits? A Jedi, a young woman, a strange alien and a droid rolled into Watto's shop needing repair parts for their ship. Transaction costs. They're merely there to help convince Watto to willingly accept republic credits from Qui-Gon, and threats of violence or evil acts will be stopped by the jedi master. Anakin Skywalker: [Watto eyes Anakin, and then Padme and starts speaking English], [the piece of equipment Anakin has been tinkering with comes to life]. Skimmed his thoughts, wanting a forewarning if this was going to pay new!, but Jedi, waving your hand around like that only take so much bait Watto: I...... It or not, I heard he freed her and married her and Discover credit and debit.! When you ask to pay with new US bills as the ones they circulate are really from! Have anything else... Watto: I do n't know you... what can I n't! The credits themselves forms of payment are accepted at this time, including prepaid/reloadable credit cards or cards. Is 20 Republic credits, they would have had some kind of exchange. Dealer/Human trafficker, who owned a small junk parts shop in Mos Espa Tatooine! 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