October 20, 2020 Library of Congress – Washington, D.C. As if that wasn’t enough, they also have crash-friendly sizes like the 18″ and 20″ Apollo and XSR Monarch. He played, however, before an unofficial ban against blacks beginning in 1933. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; Matty Bell: Well, education will be the most motivating force. (In 1946, these Bruins became the first blacks to play in the NFL after a 13-year unofficial ban. Facts about Kenny G reveals the secret that the saxophone maestro has. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; It continues to be remembered due to the efforts of his daughter, Karin Washington Cohen, and others. On the opposite side of the field, UCLA had two African Americans — Kenny Washington and Woody Strode. On Woodrow “Woody” Strode Kenny Washington at practice for the L.A. Rams in 1948. “Wilcoxon on crack!” I love it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenny_Washington_(American_football) Might have been nice if he could have contrasted this statement by naming a handful of players under 35 that he DOES respect. Wendell Smith: Do you think Negro students will one day be admitted to white colleges in Texas? I interviewed the now-deceased Leroy Bookman Sr., a quarterback who in 1944 led an all-black Anderson High team against the UT Longhorns in Austin — and won. amzn_assoc_asins = "1496201833"; Busy jazz drummer and longtime MD contributor Paul Wells—who we last heard from in his December 2012 Drummer to Drummer feature with the Vanguard Jazz Orchestra’s John Riley—sits down this month with a man that many consider to be the authority on classic jazz drummers. It’s s an awesome technology that actually adjusts to your body temperature and give you control you need so no matter how hard you play the active grip is going to help you handle it by getting tackier as it warms up. School!”: Wendell Smith: Do you think, will there ever be a time when southern schools will play northern schools who have Colored players, without demanding that the color line be drawn?”, Madison Bell: I certainly do. Kenny Washington honored me by coming to my clinic at NYU in 2013. The 58 year old Brooklyn born, Staten Island-bread drummer has played behind Benny Goodman, Dizzy Gillespie, Lionel Hampton, Ahmad Jamal and a never-ending list of amazing players. The question of why blacks in the early 1960s hadn’t yet gotten regular playing time at quarterback inspired a series of interviews which ran in Muhammad Speaks, then the name of the periodical produced by the Nation of Islam led by Elijah Muhammad. DW Drums: I’ve been playing DW for years…not only because they make high-quality, handcrafted drums but because they support and foster drumming initiatives all over the wold, much like this podcast. I’m thrilled to announce that DW has signed on to support Drummer’s Reosource for 2016! amzn_assoc_asins = "1432575325"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; I definitely will check out all these materials you put links for. He wasn’t as great as Kenny, but believe me he’s a wonderful player.” She gained wide public recognition for starring as crisis management expert Olivia Pope in the ABC drama series Scandal (2012–2018). He’s a great jazz historian and probably has more knowledge about jazz recordings than anyone in the world. He promised Fry he would be allowed to recruit black players to campus. Wendell Smith quickly emerged as the most influential voice in black newspaper sportswriting and in the mid 1940s played a major role in choosing Jackie Robinson as the modern era’s first major league black baseball player. In 1964, he handed the reins to Hayden Fry. He’s also taught jazz drumming at the New School in New York City, and worked as an announcer at the New Jersey jazz radio station WBGO. It’s that simple. Later he played electric bass in rock bands. For more of his fascinating background, read the chapter on him in this SMU football history book by T.R. Kenny Washington: Pos: HB-DB, Career: 27 G, 9 TD, 859 Yds, 6.1 Y/A, Rams 1946-1948, born CA 1918, died 1971 The Arts Garage is proud to welcome one of the brightest stars in jazz, vocalist Kenny Washington, for a special evening of music on Friday, January 26th, 2018. He passes, runs, kicks and is a great defensive man. He’s a sweet end. Tony Bennett, who just turned 89, will release “The Silver Lining: The Songs of Jerome Kern,” a jazz album recorded last year that exposes his voice and gift for improvisation. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; https://www.drummersresource.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Kenny-Washington.png, https://71c0da3f31.nxcli.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/DR-Logo-White.png, 204 - Kenny Washington: Speaking the language of Jazz, December 21, 2020 - 1:58 AM by Ep.18 - Zack Albetta (Part 1): Dealing With Downtime - Dial A Drummer - DialADrummer.net, © Copyright Nick Ruffini Music, LLC - The Drummer’s Resource | Built by, 203 – Steve Gadd: The undisputed master of groove, 205 – Practice routines of the greatest drummers in the world, 204 – Kenny Washington: Speaking the language of Jazz, http://media.blubrry.com/drummers_resource/p/traffic.libsyn.com/drummersresource/DR_204.mp3, The Engine Room: A History of Jazz Drumming from Storyville to 52nd Street, Arsenault Twenty-six Standard Rudiments recordings, The Engine Room: The History of Jazz Drumming – Practicing Drummer, The difference between players now and years ago, Contact Kenny Washington: KWJazzManiac2[at]hotmail[dot]com. Don’t look for glory to be reclaimed in 2017. THE PAT KENNY SHOW. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "edemire-20"; Kenneth S. Washington was one of the first black college football stars on the West Coast and one of two African Americans to reintegrate the National Football League (NFL) when he joined the Los Angeles Rams in 1946. Kenny Washington on Melodic Drumming Back in the spring of 2011 I spent some time in New York City, running around the five boroughs, attempting to interview as many jazz drummers as I could for my doctoral research. Kenny Washington made history with the Los Angeles Rams. That season, Brown went 5-3-1, but was chosen to play Washington State in the Rose Bowl after Syracuse bowed out. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Woodrow Wilson Woolwine Strode (July 25, 1914 – December 31, 1994) was an American athlete and actor. Southern colleges must realize that they cannot keep on making such demands. I’m interested in winning games,” the Chicago Bears’ George Halas told Muhammad Speaks last week. Below is the first part of the interview, which originally published on January 31, 1963*: “I don’t care what color a man is. Of course, Pollard was the first African-American to … Kenny Washington Paul Wells. “There’s no doubt in my mind Stephens could have made it. ** Ironically, one of Matty Bell’s nicknames was the “Great White Father.” The Native Americans whom he coached at the Haskell Institute in the 1920s gave it to him. “Sandy Stephens (University of Minnesota’s All-American quarterback) was good, admitted Halas, known as “Papa Bear” throughout the sports world. !” ha ha ... "Most of the information that I got was from my mother, and from Woody Strode and his son," Karin said in a phone interview with theRams.com last Thursday. Halas, whose 1962 Bears finished third in the National Football League western division with a record of nine wins and five losses, said: “I’ll use any man who can best play the position, regardless of his color.”. Subscribe to podcast ... President of Global Situation Room with reaction to the protests that tooks place in Washington yesterday and ... Paul O’Donovan Interview. […] first heard about this set during an interview with Kenny Washington on the Drummer’s Resource Podcast (a fantastic interview worth checking out). “In time people will see that many of our ideas today are wrong and they’ll change things, especially in the south.” — SMU head coach Matty Bell, 1938, In 1937, for the first time*, a white, Southwest Conference football team allowed its players to take the field against black players. I haven’t even started to listen yet, but I’m certain it will be one of my favorite interviews you have done. I'd love to hear your thoughts on how I can make Drummers Resource better. Phil, thanks for checking out the podcast! Such a gracious, honest and sincere guy. He sure had us worried in that game. Kenny Omega is seen during an episode of AEW's 'Dynamite' on Wednesday, January 13, 2021. *The Bears were then on the cusp of an 11-1 season in 1963, which would be the last NFL championship team Halas coached. ), SMU, which had been national champs in 1935, won 16-13 in a “rip-snorting’ game that had approximately 50,000 football fans delirious before it was over.” The Pittsburgh Courier’s Wendell Smith added: “Neither the score or brilliant playing of the two teams was nearly as significant as was the fact that for the first time in Southwestern history, a southern college willingly pushed aside petty prejudices and principles, and refused to to draw the color-line where Negro football players were concerned.”, SMU’s athletic staff deserves much credit for making the Los Angeles game happen. You’re welcome…thanks for checking it out! Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Still Dancin' - Michael O'Neil/Kenny Washington on AllMusic - 2007 Sabian Cymbals: Sabian has just released more “Big and Ugly” cymbals to their line, including 18” AA Sick Hats (super dry and 28 holes for virtually no airlock) plus more Big and Ugly’s like the 14″ and 16″ AA Apollo Hats, the 14″ XSR Monarch Hats. Why that guy can do everything. In a discussion at the 2020 Library of Congress Lavine/Ken Burns Prize for Film awards ceremony, Burns, Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden, and jazz great Wynton Marsalis discussed race, music, filmmaking, and history. Be sure to check them out today and DWDrums.com. Kenny mentioned that Engine Room is out of print, so I […]. Washington has a strong interest in jazz history; he’s written liner notes for and/or helped prepare classic jazz re-releases by Art Blakey and Count Basie, among others. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Kenny Washington is one of the best football players I have ever seen. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Below are excerpts from the October 29, 1938 article titled “Kenny Washington, Woodrow Wilson Strode Played Against White Tex. Loved the part about Hank Jones and the importance of practicing basics and doing it “slowly! I always tell them how I’m going to be publishing my own drum instructional book. they just released the Mike Portnoy signature model that has the active grip 420X at it’s designed to add more power to your arsenal and features the heat activated technology. amzn_assoc_asins = "0071477411"; Subscribe to be notified of future interesting historical/sports posts. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; Here’s a teaser for the film made about Washington and three other pioneering Bruin teammates: Read Part 2 here. I hadn’t heard this interview but Chris Packham shared the link on Facebook. amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; By 1963 every team had at least one black player. Without innovation, it is a corpse.” – Winston Churchill (Tweet this). He wasn’t as great as Kenny, but believe me he’s a wonderful player.”. amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; By this time Washington was 28 years old, and knee injuries had slowed him down. amzn_assoc_asins = "1496201833"; FYI, I see there are recordings of Frank Arsanault on Youtube. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "edemire-20"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; Find Kenny Washington discography, albums and singles on AllMusic “Without tradition, art is a flock of sheep without a shepherd. Kenny Washington is one of the best football players I have ever seen. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "904594ec5ffb05e7217933823714469d"; The Greatest Wilt Chamberlain Interview: Part 2. This concert is part of the Jazz at the Chimes series held at the stunning Julia Morgan Chapel of the Chimes, an historical landmark building. Of course he’ll have to be a mighty level headed kid and a darn good student.”. Will Nick Saban’s Career End Like Bear Bryant’s? Beyoncé led the field with nine nominations for the 63rd Grammy Awards, which were announced Tuesday morning by the Recording Academy. “Some day, a Colored boy will make a good record in athletics in high school and some southern white school is going to take him in. (Vic Stein/Los Angeles Public Library) The combination of Washington and Strode that had dominated in college failed to dominate the NFL, however. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Facts About Kenny G 1: Kenny Learned To Play Saxophone When He Was 10. Really enjoyed this interview. You can learn more about this great technology and the Mike Portnoy stick at Promark.com, Nick, The integration of the NFL followed a jagged path, starting with a trickle in the 1920s, coming to a halt in much of the 1930s through mid 1940s and then slowing building in steam again. His album has sold 12 million copies and his songs has been played worldwide. If Kenny Washington had played in the 1950s - modern Jazz's heyday - he would be legendary today. amzn_assoc_linkid = "f014e7a943ca4adf3444236a6abac6e3"; Whatever political complexities have entered the field to dilute this position on player use, the aging, active Halas would not say. He passes, runs, kicks and is a great defensive man. Matty Bell on Kenny Washington: Reporter Hannah McCarthy is in Washington and she brings us this report from a city waiting to see what tomorrow will bring Listen and subscribe to The Pat Kenny Show on Apple Podcasts , … The topic of my dissertation was melody and the different ways in which jazz drummers deal with melody while playing the drums. Thanks again, He was a decathlete and football star who was one of the first Black American players in the National Football League in the postwar era. amzn_assoc_linkid = "ee5828b9a42a41a3299b09ef54b0ce09"; *Unofficial scrimmages with white colleges and black players might have happened before 1937. His stardom as a running back began at Abraham Lincoln High School in his native Los Angeles. Matty Bell: I certainly do, and although it will be quite some time from now, I am sure it will happen.The South is changing. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; In time people will see that many of our ideas today are wrong and they’ll change things, especially in the south.”. The time is bound to come and I hope that it will be soon. Review "The thing is, Washington slays 'em wherever he performs. Wendell Smith: How do you think this change will occur? amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Coincidentally, Kenny Washington, a UCLA football teammate of Jackie Robinson himself, was the first black to play in the NFL post-ban. Chargers-Ravens: Top 3 Storylines in AFC Wild Card Game, The Greatest Interview with Wilt Chamberlin: Part 1, 30 Years Before Jerry LeVias, SMU and UCLA Made History, That Time Black Muslims Interviewed Chicago Bears Legend George Halas: Part 1, according to football lines in major sportsbooks. Thanks for the great interview!!!!!!!!! amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; Check ’em out! He is the most famous saxophonist in the world. Peter Washington (born in Los Angeles on August 28, 1964) is a jazz double bassist.He played with the Westchester Community Symphony at the age of 14. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; It not only weakens teams when they must bench these Colored stars, but also creates a lot of ill feeling.”. Ravi Coltrane has declared Kenny his favorite male vocalist, and Mark Murphy said in a Jazz Times interview that Kenny was the only contemporary male vocalist carrying on the tradition. The SMU Mustangs, better known as the school that signed Jerry LeVias, the first African-American offered a football scholarship by Southwest Conference team. He sure had us worried in that game. HAHA…I want a copy of that book . There were a lot of great parts in it. And a group of “Black Razorbacks” wearing UA gear played the all-white Fayetteville High Bulldogs in the early 1930s, as noted in my book African-American Athletes in Arkansas. I would have used him myself if he could have beaten out Bill Wade.” (Wade is the first-string quarterback). I still remember an MD interview he did about 20 + years ago where he said that his favorite Philly Joe Jones recording is Wynton Kelly Trio “Kelly At Midnight.” I went and bought that on CD soon after that and it remains one of my favorites to this day. I still love hearing interviews with Kenny Washington though. I’m sure he didn’t mean to say that there are no drummers in today’s generation that have it together. This was all the more surprising given not only were black quarterbacks excelling in traditionally black colleges, but they had also led major college programs like Michigan State, Minnesota and UCLA to national renown. The Rams’ coach also struggled to use them effectively. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; I think that every boy should have his chance to participate regardless of his color,” SMU head coach Madison “Matty” Bell told Wendell Smith. It’s only going to have one page in it that says “PRACTICE IT SLOW!! For the better part of the last twenty years, Kenny has perhaps been best known as the ultimate “New York” trio drummer. Check ’em at at Sabian.com/bigugly, Promark Drumsticks: Promark is Is now a sponsor of the podcast once again they were last year and now they are again. Kerry Marisa Washington (born January 31, 1977) is an American actress, producer, and director. He’s a sweet end. Williams. To tip off the series, a Muhammad Speaks writer spoke to George Halas, the longtime Chicago Bears founder/coach/owner and “O.G.” among NFL patriarchs. Note the two parties of this interview would go beyond words and directly or indirectly recruit “mighty level headed” young men to change history. He attended the University of California, Berkeley, where he majored in English Literature, and performed with the San Francisco Youth Symphony and the UC Symphony Orchestra. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "edemire-20"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Most prognosticators have Chicago finishing with a losing record that starts early on: the Bears are a 6.5 underdog to Atlanta in Week 1 according to football lines in major sportsbooks. On Woodrow “Woody” Strode And that Strode played a great game, too. His real name is Kenny Gorelick. It had taken Washington seven years to break through in 1946 after not being picked in the 1939 draft, “even though Chicago Bears coach George Halas tried to convince NFL coaches to lift the ban on black players for the Bruin star,” according to this ucla.edu press release. His final game on Dec. 12, 1948, became “Kenny Washington Day” in L.A. At halftime, Washington received a 1949 Ford sedan, a television and a … “I don’t believe in drawing the color-line in sports, because when you do it takes something out of it. The people are becoming more broad minded and the new generation is much more liberal than their ancestors were. And that Strode played a great game, too. However, so glaring is the discrimination against Negro quarterbacks and so important is this key position to the psyche and status of Negro players—it remains for galvanized fan pressures and a football “Jackie Robinson”** to break the barrier. ** Technically, the NFL’s first black quarterback was Fritz Pollard in the 1920s. Kenny Washington is a Jazz Legend. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; One part that came across a little negative, however, was the part about how “techniqually drums have gone down the drain!” I think he makes some valid points around that statement but at the same time he comes across a little like the grumpy older guy that wants things to be like the good old days, etc. Woody Strode I hope that it will be the most famous saxophonist the..., UCLA had two African Americans — Kenny Washington and Woody Strode he wasn t. 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