When Homer stands up at the ad for Watson-Tatum 2, Lisa gets dumped on the ground. This setup takes just a couple of seconds, is perfectly consistent with Homer’s role in life as a faceless blue-collar slug, and even sneaks in a joke about how cheap Mr. Burns is, all in a single line of dialogue. Homer calls it a “dirty trick” when Bart says he loves him. Charlie Sweatpants: You were right in your e-mail. The interviewer then asks, “Did you draw them immediately the way they are now?”, to which Groening responds: Well, if you watch them on Lifetime, cable, you’ll see that the Simpsons have transformed quite a bit since the early days. Homer goes from not caring about his Dad to wanting to make up with him and back to being sick of him in no time flat. Even the ones that aren’t explicit jokes, she makes funny. You can ask any syndicated advice columnist.”. In the meantime, happy Simpsons Day, everybody! From Frank Sinatra, to Ernest Hemingway, to Homer Simpson. I’ll wither and die like a hothouse flower!” – Lisa Simpson. Speaking to TMZ.com, Smith says: "[Michael] was not allowed to sing on the show, so he literally hand-picked a guy to sing like him.". Marge’s intro to this, about telling people not to write letters, is a really fantastic piece of satire. Ah, for the days when TV promos for upcoming episodes could use lines like, “This is a rather shameless promotion”. 26 Jun 2007 1 649. Ha! They don’t even attempt that kind of expressive animation anymore. . Round 99: Kiss Kiss Bang Bangalore vs. Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious – Hey, that’s not Season 17, that’s footage of Kent Brockman interviewing the Pope! 10 Great Things You Might Know Troy McClure From – For something that obviously has no Zombie Simpsons in it, this list is strangely underwhelming. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. “I’m Bartman”. Awesome. It’s a jigsaw, it’s a power drill, it’s a wood turning lathe, it’s an asphalt spreader. So, Bob Dylan Made A Super Bowl Commerical (and the Broncos Lost 43-8) – Was it a Canyonero moment? Charlie Sweatpants: Real Moe’s been dead for a very long time. And now, it’s been Simpsons-Beer Marathon day for hours and I’m still not drunk yet, so let’s get going. Anybody who really cares will abandon you for those who need it more.”. Charlie Sweatpants: He lives at the school, I swear it. As Lisa said, “his life was an unbridled success until he found out he was a Simpson.” I guess all Simpsons are meant to have bad luck in their lives. Scripting (Comedy): The Simpsons, Season 2 – Oh, nothing, just some quotes from the first seven episodes of Season 2. ... and had drunk so many casks of wine. On the other hand, I’ve never had any luck with toilet paper to stanch shave related bleeding. “I went to medical school for four years and all I got was this lousy diploma”. Moe resenting Flanders by dismissively saying ‘college boy’ always gets me. The “You are Lisa Simpson” note is great, but it would be weird and half-empty if Bergstrom didn’t already understand that Lisa needs Homer more than him, which we saw at the museum and which forms the end of the episode. Barney is such a wonderful disaster of a person in this one. Unlike in “Dancin’ Homer” she just sits there like a comedy prop and sets up Homer for his next little bit about doing the wave. “I felt an intoxication that had nothing to do with alcohol. In addition to that, Hank Azaria got a new part, there’s some cool fan art, further evidence that old sitcoms were atrocious, a new ebook about the show, and a cool retrospective on Julie Kavner’s non-Simpsons career. “Three, you seem to be of the Jewish faith.” “Are you sure I’m Jewish?” “Or Italian?” “I’m Jewish.”, “And for the record there were a few Jewish cowboys, ladies and gentlemen, big guys who were great shots and spent money freely.". Soon, Homer is drunk. Dr. Nick’s degrees are hilarious. Charlie Sweatpants: Yeah, that never happened. Although Skinner and his conversation did involve the faculty in a way. Homer Drunk Dancing - Coub - The Biggest Video Meme Platform by Thomas Anderson Now 1990 is the early days, far more so than 1987 was at the time. Sadly, today is a work day, but there’s still plenty of great, old Simpsons stuff to enjoy on-line. “Things like that always happen in this family.” “I’ve noticed that too.” Meta jokes before anyone knew what the word “meta” meant. Artie says “Aachem!” (or however it is you spell Jay Sherman’s catchphrase/catchhack). Charlie Sweatpants: While we’re on the subject of the painful nightclub scene . That is all. Marvin Monroe is in Vienna! “It’s a tool that every home handyman needs. “But the fact of the matter is, bones heal, chicks dig scars, and the United States of America has the best doctor to daredevil ratio in the world.”. The comedy density of these episodes cannot be overstated. “All born in wedlock?” “Yeah, though the boy was a close call.”. Skinner’s casual drop that it’s the start of a series of concerts, and Homer’s moaning “series?”, are just more wood for the pyre of Homer’s life being something he hates. The Isotopes owner offers Homer a job as the team mascot and the team goes on a winning streak. Let us know! Harry Shearer Talks About Tearing Down the Army Corps of Engineers in The Big Uneasy – If you’re in the Bay Area you can see Shearer on Sunday night at the Roxie Theater. Love the quick look Bart gives to Hutz as he says he sometimes wishes he had been killed. He swears he’s going to have time for us soon, but we know better. The perils of cleverness – Just because you can do something slightly clever, doesn’t me you should: And in comedy, it results in a mode of humor in which pop cultural references and winks to the audience have replaced real comedic situations. Sort: Relevant Newest # homer ... # dancing # homer simpson # the simpsons # drunk # homer # dance # fun # homer simpson # simpsons # pyjamas # dancing # homer simpson # episode 8 # season 12 # inside # reaction # dancing # homer simpson # excited # homer # homer simpson # sad # season 4 # episode 16 # eddie Instead it serves up more than two minutes of Burns and Smithers in an old time hot air balloon, all the plant employees just hanging out in the parking lot (with rifles), a cathedral that materializes out of nowhere and then vanishes just as suddenly, and Burns personally rewarding Homer. The entire Bad Dream House segment is them flexing their new animation capabilities. “I can’t think of a better place to spend a balmy summer’s night than the old ball yard. Do at least one of those and you’ll only suck two thirds of the time. There was a flying monkey. Jessie J tweets she’s on ‘bed rest’ after emergency foot surgery – English singer Jesse J broke her foot and then tweeted this: I feel like Bart Simpson in the episode when he had broken his leg and couldnt play out… #staresoutthewindow. Yet another little touch: the beefcake posters on the walls where Helen the organist plays. How To: Frankenstein-Mod your Bart Simpson Chia Pet – Instructions with lots of pictures (including the finished product) for turning an officially license Bart Simpson Chia Pet into a Frankenstein’s Monster. When the Isotopes start a winning streak, Homer becomes the mascot for the Capital City Capitals. Ah, the way Scratchy’s limp body falls into the crater just before they pile onto him. Mad Jon: I think we have to at least address it a bit, I don’t have anything mind blowing to say about it. “Oh, shut up.” – C.M. Today we’re doing Season 2. Round 98: The Old Man and the Lisa vs. ‘Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky – You could write this about a lot of Zombie Simpsons: I remember liking this episode when it first aired, but it really doesn’t hold up. There’s no way not to enjoy the petty authoritarianism of Dondelinger, especially since I’m not in high school any more and I never had to be there in the 1970s, when it was probably even worse. The ambulance hitting the tree is such a great joke that the callback to it in the movie is one of the two or three funniest things in that whole bloated film. For a larger example, we turn to family sports outings. This show never lets up. Click through for a recounting of her career and a picture of her from what looks like her mid twenties. The Hollywood Bowl’s 2014 summer season includes Beatles, ‘The Simpsons’ tributes – The weekend of September 12-14 there will be three concerts at the Hollywood Bowl celebrating the 25th anniversary of the show with fireworks. Ridgeway is the son a blacksmith, Ridgeway Sr., who grows up to become a notorious slave catcher.He has a fearsome reputation as a slave catcher, but is also known for his strange personality. Clausen deserves a lot of credit here as well. Which was another of your too long jokes, one that probably needs some discussion. This year, get her Kansas City Royals tickets, whatever you say, Mr. We’ve compiled the most famous drinking quotes for your entertainment. As bad as the old people usually get it on this show, this episode shows us how much they old people hate the young as well. It’s great the way Smithers’ first analysis of having Marge do the portrait is to note that she’ll be easily intimidated. It’s just rehashes of some of McClure’s appearances on the show (e.g. It isn’t random, it makes sense because Grampa just wants to make people a little better off. (Incidentally, that post is awesome.). Mad Jon: Well, he went to that pick up seminar as well. New HUGE Art Bust Statue – Homer Simpson as Batman, The Dark Knight! They don’t even attempt that kind of expressive animation anymore. – Marge just doesn’t know about football. However, when a drunk Homer fires up the crowd with an impromptu dance to the tune of "Baby Elephant Walk", the Isotopes win the game. Marge on the stand could’ve easily been heavy handed and boring, but they pulled it off. HTML-code: Copy. Herb making Homer say “Sort of!” with self confidence is magnificent contradiction. And the plot turns on Smithers actually being a person instead of a cartoonish outline of one. Simpsons or family guy?-One month on – No surprise: One month(And a week) ago,we asked you whether you liked The Simpsons or Family Guy,since then, we have had a lot of voters. These scenes have been rearranged. Charlie Sweatpants: While I applaud their efforts to stock the opening with lots of changes each week, all they ever seem to do is reference older crap. Oh, yes, I seem to remember their off key caterwauling on the old Sullivan show. In a few joke addled lines we see everything we need to see to setup the remaining time at the ball park: Homer’s happiness at being able to get drunk at the game, Bart’s love of faded athletes, and Homer’s nervousness around Burns (the one thing that can spoil his fun). More great work from Clausen and company in this one. By contrast, when Bart gets put up on the video board in “Love Is a Many Strangled Thing” the jumbotron lingers on him long past the point of anything being funny. For a small one, look at the awkward way “Love Is a Many Strangled Thing” dredged up Bart’s crank calls to Moe. “That’s the problem with being middle class. He was named by Ken Levine, who worked as a broadcaster before he wrote “Dancin’ Homer”. And then there’s the bowling announcers, who are just dead on, “Well, he’s an erratic bowler”. Homer: At S.N.P.P. Episode: 4F15 First Aired: 3/16/1997 "Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment" is the eighteenth episode of the eight season of The Simpsons.After Bart becomes intoxicated at the annual St. Patrick's Day parade, Springfield enforces a Prohibition-era law.As a result, Homer and his friends open a speakeasy while a no-nonsense Elliot Ness-style lawman sets out to stop them. More things that are funnier for not being on screen, Bart spitting on a guy from the hot air balloon. Which is a line that Moe would use. mode. . After asking the kids not to make him a liar, “I want to go to Mount Splashmore. It comes in seventy-two ounce tubs here.” – Homer Simpson. Hey look, Homer asked to leave the plant before taking a new job. I guess this proves I’m their friend. Homer is offered the job as team mascot of the Springfield Isotopes by the team's owner. When it was a phone call looking for someone at the bar, he called out the name like a person in his position ordinarily would. The differences start to pile up before the family even arrives at the stadium. First there’s Homer and Bart’s discussion of the nature of minor league baseball (“Aren’t we gonna see any washed up major leaguers?”), Lisa’s ode to the Americana of the “old ball yard”, and Homer reminding her that it includes beer in “seventy-two ounce tubs” and heckling the umpires. Homer becomes a baseball mascot for a local team, thanks to his butt-swinging dance to "Baby Elephant Walk." When the Isotopes start a winning streak, Homer becomes the mascot for the Capital City Capitals. There’s just the green grass of the outfield, the crushed brick of the infield, and the white chalk lines that divide the man from the little boy.” – Lisa Simpson “Lisa, honey, you’re forgetting the beer. He’s just as much of an unwitting tormentor to Homer, but he’s also a recognizable human being. We and our crack team of one (1) lawyer believe that everything on this site falls under the definition of Fair Use and is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. All wavs on this page were sampled at (8 bit mono 11Khz) and all mp3s on this page were sampled at (80kbs 44Khz). It’s lit and colored wonderfully, and still looks creepy by today’s standards. Charlie Sweatpants: Good move. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée. Couple dancing, both are drunk 1981 during the Notting Hill Carnival. I’d completely forgotten it existed by the time Season 2 finally came out on DVD. And the player’s ex-wife sitting right behind Bart sounds suspiciously like he does. Those three little sentences of father-son advice have definitely helped at times. The shoe store has a section called “Street Crime”. Daniel Louis Castellaneta is an American actor, voice actor, comedian and screenwriter. M. A. Wiener” as though he was reading from a cue card. He’s a complete failure, and yet doesn’t mind in the least. Basically, Matt Groening’s father made short nature documentaries, and one of them had his kids in it. The entire scene takes more than a minute, and to make it abundantly clear that these are not characters with whom the audience can identify but rather one dimensional caricatures, Marge does nothing. When Burns sits down next to the Simpsons, we can feel Homer’s disappointment because up to that point he’d been having such a good time. When the promo starts, it not only calls the show “the smash hit of the 90s”, but it contains this rather amazing slice of 1990, then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney holding a Bart Simpson doll while Colin Powell stands behind him: I’ll hopefully have more a little later. “You stink! Dan Castellaneta, Actor: The Simpsons. Once again Zombie Simpsons shows its complete inability to tell a story or make a point without battering its audience in the face. The nail in the coffin, however, is that they’re apparently big enough wusses to censor certain episodes of the Simpsons, even if some of that censorship doesn’t exist on Sky 1. Now! M. A. Wiener”? New HUGE Art Bust Statue – Homer Simpson as Batman, The Dark Knight! Rewatching Childhood Favorites – Notable on this list of old cartoons to go back and watch again: The Eleven Best Fake Names from The Simpsons – I’ve always been partial to Homer calling up the babysitting service as “Mr. And we start off with Martin’s book report, which is simultaneously flattering to Hemmingway and making fun of people who take him too damn seriously. Things get worse when Zombie Simpsons finally gets to the stadium. Serious thanks once again to everyone who has read the book, found one of my mistakes, linked it somewhere, or actually bought it. Happy 20th anniversary to “Dancin’ Homer”! Mad Jon: Not the second time… I think he just smiled and nodded. Sitcom sports: Classic episodes featuring skating or hockey – “Lisa on Ice” is here, as well as this excellent reason to never watch “Leave It to Beaver”: “Leave It to Beaver” (“Beaver’s Ice Skates,” 1961) Beaver (Jerry Mathers) is too embarrassed to tell his parents that a salesman pressured him into buying ice skates three sizes too big. You did get me something on an aisle, Smithers? Punjabi girls dancing on apna punjab song while drunk. It’s been said before, but the James Earl Jones rendition of “The Raven” has made more kids get this poem than thousands of English teachers. Rosenfield evolving with the Tides – See that picture of the manager firing jockstrap Homer? “I think we lost ’em! Mad Jon: I guess they actually did continue the research…. If you blinked you’d miss them when they were on the Tracey Ullman show. Homer: Heart attack: Drunk: Welcome! Save room for your nachos.” – Homer Simpson It takes a special kind of show to turn a little girl defending her dog into a joke about end of life care. Share. Also, excellent usage: In the words of Principal Seymour Skinner: “The times they are…becoming quite different.”. 1st-The Simpsons-60% I especially like Burns as Lo Pan with Blinky on his forehead. The security guard is reading Les Miserables! Last year Simpsons Day fell on a Saturday and I got to spend the whole thing sitting on my ass and watching cartoons. It’s almost like Springfield is exclusively inhabited by a bunch of highly paid writers who think civilization ceases to exist south of Wilshire.
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